Bertrand Comparet Project

About the Comparet Project at

We at Christogenea have always had a deep admiration for Bertrand Comparet. We learned more about Christian Identity from him than from any other of its early expositors, and the keen interest his papers sparked in us were a large factor in the motivation behind our own studies. However we cannot idolize the man - or any other man - and therefore we must also recognize his errors once they become apparent. While we have a deep respect for the work of Mr. Comparet, we must also express our disagreement with him in some areas.

Comparet maintained that there were two creations of man by God as described in Genesis 1:26-28 and then in Genesis 2:7. He used the arrangement of these Scriptures in order to rationalize the existence of the various races of men here on the earth. We strongly disagree. For the Hebrew terms used in these passages certainly describe the creation of one race only, the Adamic race, known to us today as the White or Caucasian. For more information please see the Christogenea Overview at our main website. 

Comparet was also a pre-millenialist, imagining that Revelation Chapter 20 describes a future reign of Christ to be upset by His enemies after a thousand years. We also strongly disagree with this, and our opinions are expressed in a program on Revelation Chapter 20 with William Finck and Clifton Emahiser found at This belief led Comparet into obvious conflict with himself in his otherwise excellent commentary on the Revelation, to be found here and which is also on Clifton Emahiser's website, in Part 14 of that series.

Yet aside from our differences, and there are several smaller ones besides those which are described here, we feel that Bertrand Comparet's work certainly is worth preserving and sharing, so here it is. If our readers are aware of any of Comparet's work which is not archived here, but available, please let us know and we will do our best to add it to this collection.


Praise Yahweh! 

William Finck

Christogenea Books

Christogenea Books: Christian Truths in Black and White!

See for details and ordering information for our books as well as ways to purchase our CDs, magazines and other materials. Several years before I could start a website, I had told Clifton that when I did, it would be named However, some time later, the term Christogenea came to me, as well as the synonym Christogenos, and when I got home in December of 2008, not quite a month later I started Clifton liked the name Christogenea, but one day he joked with me about this name. So here it is. Only a few articles are posted here, some of them mere copies from Christogenea. But I always hope to be able to expand it one day... - Throwing Stones at the Devil

Lithobolos is where we post a lot of items that may deserve to be brought to the attention of our kindred, but which are either too disgusting or just not scholarly enough to be posted here at Christogenea. However it is also a place where we simply get to poke fun at the enemies of our God, and sometimes also at ourselves.


Race and Crime in Iowa

Iowa Cornfields

Ronald J. Gardner's Race and Crime in Iowa

Christogenea hosts a website for the writings of Ronald J. Gardner, which shall also include some related items of interest. This site is under construction, and will contain studies on race and crime, as well as Gardner's annotated edition of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

UPDATE: Ron, where did you go? 

Wednesdays Bible Studies

Christogenea holds a Wednesday Bible Study every Wednesday evening at 8:00 PM, US Eastern time, on our Teamspeak voice-chat server. There a circle of our friends gathers to read and discuss Scripture, but also to engage in fellowship, for several hours each week. The Scripture discussions are recorded and archives are available at the Christogenea Media website

Interested in participating or listening in live? Teamspeak software is free to computer users, and available for a very small fee at Android and Apple app stores. See for download links and connection information