From Out of the Shadows: the new European Jewish Parliament and Jewish Supremacism

There is a wealth of articles trumpeting the inauguration of the new European Jewish Parliament in news sources which are produced for Jews, such as the European Jewish Press, Arutz Sheva,, Chabad, the European Jewish Union website, and many other outlets, however little is known of this new parliament outside of Jewish circles. While it has been planned for quite some time, and the Jewish outlet Ynetnews reported on its formation as early as August of 2011, there is nothing about it in any major media produced for the general European public. Of course, it is already vaunted on the pages of the world's largest pro-Jewish propaganda outlet, Wikipedia, but only on a page concerning the European Jewish Union (EJU). The article states that “The EJU hopes to establish a European Jewish Parliament, comprising 120 members modeled on the Israeli Knesset This group would then represent the concerns of the Jewish community to the European Union.” Of course, there has been a European Jewish Congress for several decades, which has long been careful to downplay itself as a civic association while at the same time exerting an influence over European governments which far exceeds the proportions of the Jewish population. However this new Jewish Parliament is no civic association. Its meeting place is the very same as that of the regular European Union Parliament in Brussels, and its members are calling themselves “MEJPs”, or Members of the European Jewish Parliament. This is not merely a civic association.

Lambs to the Slaughter

Download the audio file here.

This month in The Saxon Messenger we are reprinting Chaucer's The Prioress' Tale, which is a story about young Hugh of Lincoln, who lived and died in the 13th century. Nowadays, when The Canterbury Tales are reprinted, the story is often omitted from publication. It is about a young boy killed by the Jews in what is commonly called a Jewish ritual murder. Similar circumstances surrounded the deaths of many other young boys and girls of medieval and modern Europe. It should be no wonder, with the prevalence of Jews in society now, that many children each year are still disappearing.

The ADL IS Hate, Part Six - B'nai B'rith Petitions Government Funds for the Terrorist ARA

The terrorist ARA (Anti-Racist Action) trashes the homes of private citizens, and gets away with it, right under the noses of Canadian police.They often gloat about their crimes on their website, and they are never prosecuted. They are really a militant wing of the ADL and their purposes is to thwart any and all political oppostion to Jewish world supremacy. Here, a jewess petitions a government agency for funding for the ARA. B'nai B'rith, a jewish Masonic secret society, is a racist organization disguised as a public service, which deceives the public into surrendering to Jewish world supremacy by eliminating the public voice of all pro-White ethnocentric groups. The world's ultilmate hypocrites, the ADL makes sure that the ARA gets funding to perpetrate the violent acts which it cannot do on its own. The members of the ARA are - as Ramz Paul so succinctly put it recently, radicals for the [reigning jewish] establishment.

No Good Fruit From Among the Jews – Forever!

Yesterday evening we did our weekly Saturday internet radio program with Michael Delaney, the producer of the movie 911 Missing Links (click here for the program). The hand of the Jews in the treachery which got the United States and Great Britain and the other Western nations into the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot be plausibly denied. The same forces are ultimately behind the recent events in Libya, and of course there are rumors of other Middle Eastern wars yet to be fought on behalf of World Jewry. Yet even all of this is part of a far larger picture: for Satan has been using the Islamic peoples against Christendom for 1,400 years and has not ceased, even if the circumstances have greatly changed over the centuries.

The Devil in History

For in a world which would be composed of mongrels and negroids all ideals of human beauty and nobility and all hopes of an idealized future for our humanity would be lost forever. 

On this planet of ours human culture and civilization are indissolubly bound up with the presence of the Aryan. If he should be exterminated or subjugated, then the dark shroud of a new barbarian era would enfold the earth.-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, p. 216 

This is one very good caricature of the truth behind all modern history. The jewish triumphs over Christendom hide behind the propaganda portraying all European revolutions, including the English, French and Bolsehvik. Whether posing as capitalists or as commissars, the result is always the same: talmudic judaism, the belief that all the world's property should belong to the jew - just as the talmud plainly states.

When Christians learn to accept the words of Christ, and reject Judaism as Christ did, only then can the White nations of Europe begin to be healed. Thank you, Røde!

Judaism With the Mask Off, Part 3

Okay, so they found some jews who managed to disagree, and they found one former politician to grouse about it, but where is the outcry? Where are the slanderous cries of "racist" and "nazi"? Where are the demonstrations? The courts in Palestine actually passed down a decision favoring racial distinctions, and there is no uproar! Imagine the media outcry if a U.S. court were to make a similar decision here in America. Let's face the facts: jews are indeed the world's foremost hypocrites - just as Yahshua Christ told them so many times in Matthew chapter 23. But when will Christians wake up?

The Effrontery of Judaism, Part 2: Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe

An interview with a radical leftist Jew in Germany has caused a wave of anger among conservative European websites. Anetta Kahane is a Jew born in Germany and the sister of film director Peter Kahane. She was employed as a “foreign agent” for the municipality of East Berlin tasked with spreading Communist ideology to Latin America. She received numerous awards from the Communist regime for her efforts. Today she is involved with several radical Marxist groups.

The return to GODS law for the White European Caucasian Race means no more wars killing each other, no more miscegenation, no more usury, no more multi-racialism, no more abortions, no more poison food & water. (MARKIII) Praise Yahweh.

Courtesy of MarkIII from the Christogenea Forum, Thanks, Mark!

Judaism With the Mask Off, Part 2

LeninadeFirst they release a movie celebrating the jew Leon Trotsky, one of history's greatest mass murderers. Now they make a beverage celebrating the jew Vladimir Lenin, Trotsky's business partner who earns an equal share in his billing - as history's greatest mass murderer. And Christians - no doubt - are swallowing this swill?

   As Yahshua Christ said, when the fig tree (the cursed fig tree of the bad-fig Canaanite Jew) is in full bloom, know that your redemption is nigh! This may be the year of the jew, but soon it will be time to gather the tares!



Judaism With the Mask Off

The devils are completely out of the closet, and nobody seems to care - or even notice. The greatest crimes in history have been perpetrated by jews, and now the jews are openly celebrating the perpetrators.

In the first video below, entitled Harvest of Despair, we see the real story about the Bolshevik starvation of the Christian peoples of the Ukraine - both before and after Stalin (who was actually a jew himself). And it has been documented (see for example Jews in Russia and in the USSR and the Russia No. 1 Report at the Christogenea Mein Kampf Project) that nearly all of the Bolsheviks were indeed jews, a fact which the jewish-controlled media in the West has long worked hard to suppress.

Where is Chicken-Twirling in the Torah?

The word jewish does not really accurately describe a race or a religion. It is in fact a hereditary congenital disease, which every one of them has! This video alone should be enough to prove that these are the people of Satan, and not the people of God.

Revelation 2:9: "... and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Revelation 3:9: "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Those jews who stand against Christ are not Judah. They are collectively "satan". There can be no rational disputation of this incontrovertible fact. If Christians would only read their bibles, they would realize that nothing could ever possibly be "judaeo-Christian", for the word is an oxymoron and Judaism and Christianity are diametrically opposed! Yet Christians have embraced the jews, and Western Civilization continues to crumble as a direct result of that embrace. See the essay here at Christogenea, Should Christians Embrace the Jews? The answer, of course, is a resounding "NO"!