English is from Hebrew - About this Study

The Christian Israel Identity message had found me in the autumn of 1997, as I had just been transferred to the Federal Corrections Institution at Elkton, Ohio (where I would remain until October of 2008). I had been given some booklets written by Wesley Swift, Bertrand Comparet and E. Raymond Capt, and after reading of the possibility that the Germanic and related peoples had descended from the Israelites of the Old Testament, I immediately read the entire Bible. By the time that I was finished it was early January of 1998, and I had only three books to my name: that Bible, an American Heritage College Dictionary, and a borrowed Strong's Concordance. Wanting to prove the veracity of these Israel Identity claims to myself, and knowing that it would be at least several weeks before the classical history books that I had petitioned from both family and friends would begin to arrive, I did the only thing that I could do with what I had. I began to examine the Hebrew words in the lexicon of Strong's Concordance for clues to the rumors that I had read, that the English language had its most ancient origins in Hebrew. After about a week of study, this list resulted, and I was convinced that the rumors were true.

Although I have since learned to read Koine Greek, and have developed a much better vocabulary over the past 10 years than I had then, I have not yet endeavored to update this list, however I do find it necessary to post it as it is. Language is a life-long study, and if I waited until I thought that it was complete, it would never be posted. So here it is, in much the same condition that I left it in 1998, and I still have every page of those original notes. Over the coming years, Yahweh God be willing, I will update this list, and especially in consideration of the Greek connections with Hebrew - for I am certain that they are many. There are also many other things which I know to consider now which I was not aware of in 1998. For example, because the ancients read sometimes right-to-left, sometimes left-to-right, and sometimes even boustrephodon (both ways back and forth down the page, so to speak), many words had syllables reversed over time. An obvious example of this is the sure identification of the Greek Athena with the Anath of Syria & Phoenicia. Therefore I can hope that many more words may be added to this list over the next few years.

-William Finck

15th April, 2009

These pages will be enhanced and improved over time. Please check back again soon.

Update, February 2-4th, 2022:

I have finally now taken the time to reformat all five pages of the list, and also to make some additions and corrections. There are some new entries. I wold love to have the opportunity to walk through the entire Concordance once again. Hopefully one day not too far in the future.