An Excerpt from William Finck's appearance at the Fellowship of God's Covenant People - Scatterers and Gatherers

This video is a 20-minute excerpt from William Finck's recent talk at the Fellowship of God's Covenant People in Union, Kentucky, given on October 30th, 2016. The presentation was entitled Scatterers and Gatherers, an elaboration on an article which was originally written in the Spring of 2013.


Of all the clowns we have seen come and go over the years, Budha Brucie is at the head of the clown class. This was an old conversation from the Teamspeak voice chat server. There might have been a few dozen people listening, but only a handful ever spoke. Bruce loved to hear himself talk, and talk ... and talk. The recording was made by a friend who sent it to me months later, as I did not know it was being recorded. Priceless...