Christianity is not evil, Islam is Evil! Where is the outrage?
The largest mosque in Europe recently opened in the Netherlands. As more and more Muslims are granted entry into Europe - or simply enter whether or not they are permitted, the Muslims will get more and more brazen. Pictured here is a billboard advertisement put out by Muslims in Britain attacking not only Christmas, but Christianity itself. Yet when some Jew prints a cartoon depicting Mohammed in a newspaper, the Muslims go berserk and start slaughtering Christians in the streets, while the Jewish-controlled media finds a way to put even the blame for that upon Christians. WHY do Christians let them get away with such behavior? Do Christians - or even White Europeans who don't care about religion - not care at all about their own race or society? Or the futures of their own sons and daughters, nieces and nephews?
The religion of Islam has always been one of conquest and forced conversion and submission. As recently as the 1680's, the Muslim Turks had Vienna under siege. It still is a religion of conquest. The Jewish media has lied to Europeans, proclaiming that Islam is a "religion of peace". Why do the Jews make that proclamation in reference to Europe and America, but they do not make that proclamation in reference to Syria, Iraq, or Palestine? Islam is hardly a religion of peace. It has never rested until it is either forced to rest through military defeat, or until it has prevailed through violence. Just observe what has happened in Somalia, Southeast Asia, India and Pakistan, or anywhere else there are peoples of other religions neighboring Islamic tribes and countries, and not only Christians but Hindus, Buddhists and others. With Islam, there is no choice and no "democracy". If you do not stand up and defend Western Culture - and demand that your political leaders defend Western culture - then in 20 years you will all be slaves to the mullahs.
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