Antichrist News

A Christogenea commentary On the Gospel of John has recently been completed. Many passages simply do not say what the modern churches think they mean! Don't miss this important and ground-breaking work proving that Christian Identity is indeed fully supported by Scripture.

A Commentary on Genesis has recently been completed. Here we hope to have explained the very first book of the Christian Bible from a perspective which reconciles both the Old and New Testaments with archaeology and ancient history, through eyes which have been opened by the Gospel of Christ.

A Commentary on the Epistles of Paul has been completed at This lengthy and in-depth series reveals the true Paul as an apostle of God, a prophet in his own right, and the first teacher of what we call Christian Identity.

Don't miss our recently-completed series of commentaries on the Minor Prophets of the Bible, which has also been used as a vehicle to prove the historicity of the Bible as well as the Provenance of God.

Visit Clifton Emahiser's Watchman's Teaching Ministries at for his many foundational Christian Identity studies.

Christogenea Books: Christian Truths in Black and White!
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The Effrontery of Judaism, Part 3: After Sweden, Jews Now Openly Seek to Destroy Norway

The "Norwegian Center against Racism" is just another front for Jewish treachery against White Europe. They set up these "non-governmental" agencies and then their Jewish cronies in the media give them respectability which they do not deserve, which in turn enables them to pilfer government funding.

Like the demon who calls herself Barbra Lerner Spectre, and her demonic sister Anetta Kahane, Ervin Kohn is just one more Jew who has set himself up as an authority on race, insisting that Whites are evil and need to be overrun with non-Whites in order to atone for that evil.

When will Whites learn once and for all that these Jews are nothing but satanic devils seeking to destroy every last vestige of White and Christian society?

Video below: Ervin Kohn and some brain-dead apparently white shiksa

Meet the Real Morris Dees: the Filthy Jew

Meet the real Morris Dees, from an appeal in his own divorce case in Alabama. While jetting around the world and living quite lavishly off of the income of the so-called "Southern Poverty Law Center", Morris Dees is evidently a pervert, a liar, a cheat, a wife-abuser, and a paedophile child-abuser, all according ro his own divorce proceedings.

The Beelzebub Belt - Satan Rules the South

Since relocating to Southwestern Virginia this past fall, we have not had much time to get out and around much over the winter months. Today, February 11th, was one of the first opportunities which we had to do so, and therefore we took a ride west along State Route 58 towards Kentucky.

To our consternation, in southern Lee County, Virginia, we spotted three homes along our route which were flying Israeli flags, one having the strange audacity to be flying such a flag right under the beloved Stars & Bars! (Pictures of two of these homes accompany this article.) Never did we see such a thing in the many years that we lived in New York and New Jersey.

Jewish Supremacists Leave US Taxpayers On Hook For Pensions

B'nai B'rith is a racist organization for Jews, and a Masonic secret society. Now it has U.S. taxpayers on the hook for their pensions. Imagine the media uproar if an organization defending White European interests were able to do such a thing! How does a nation let this happen? Does this include ADL pensions also, since the ADL is a part of B'nai B'rith? Or do they have a separate corporate structure? Perhaps it may be investigated.

(We can imagine that there are six million former employees collecting B'nai B'rith pensions!)

Bolshevism After 95 Years

This October marks the 95th year since the West witnessed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which precipitated one of the most horrendously murderous eras in the history of the world. If one day we could sit in heaven and watch God's Official Version of the History of Man as recorded by His omnipotent omniscience, perhaps in exquisitely vivid holographs, then we would learn that Bolshevism has really been with us for perhaps 9,500 years, if not longer. We would also learn that Bolshevism is still with us, and that the radical Bolshevism witnessed in the last days of old Russia can break out again at any time, wherever its carriers happen to reside.

Indeed, Bolshevism has carriers, people infected with its tendencies who spread it from region to region and epoch to epoch. These carriers have called themselves by diverse names over the centuries, and are therefore difficult to trace. In the Hebrew Bible, they first appear as Kenites. The careful student of the Bible and the Classics can then trace them down through Biblical and ancient history to where they are today, and now they are known for the most part as Jews.

The ADL IS Hate, Part 7 - Origins and Tactics of this Jewish Supremacist Organization

The Anti-Defamation Leaugue of B'nai B'rith is the public relations agency for a Jewish Masonic Secret Society that under the cover of a Jewish-controlled media clandestinely imposes Jewish Supremacism on the rest of the civilized world. The ADL is therefore a HATE GROUP, the most prominent and well-financed HATE GROUP in history, while pretending to be exactly the opposite.

From Out of the Shadows: the new European Jewish Parliament and Jewish Supremacism

There is a wealth of articles trumpeting the inauguration of the new European Jewish Parliament in news sources which are produced for Jews, such as the European Jewish Press, Arutz Sheva,, Chabad, the European Jewish Union website, and many other outlets, however little is known of this new parliament outside of Jewish circles. While it has been planned for quite some time, and the Jewish outlet Ynetnews reported on its formation as early as August of 2011, there is nothing about it in any major media produced for the general European public. Of course, it is already vaunted on the pages of the world's largest pro-Jewish propaganda outlet, Wikipedia, but only on a page concerning the European Jewish Union (EJU). The article states that “The EJU hopes to establish a European Jewish Parliament, comprising 120 members modeled on the Israeli Knesset This group would then represent the concerns of the Jewish community to the European Union.” Of course, there has been a European Jewish Congress for several decades, which has long been careful to downplay itself as a civic association while at the same time exerting an influence over European governments which far exceeds the proportions of the Jewish population. However this new Jewish Parliament is no civic association. Its meeting place is the very same as that of the regular European Union Parliament in Brussels, and its members are calling themselves “MEJPs”, or Members of the European Jewish Parliament. This is not merely a civic association.

Lambs to the Slaughter

Download the audio file here.

This month in The Saxon Messenger we are reprinting Chaucer's The Prioress' Tale, which is a story about young Hugh of Lincoln, who lived and died in the 13th century. Nowadays, when The Canterbury Tales are reprinted, the story is often omitted from publication. It is about a young boy killed by the Jews in what is commonly called a Jewish ritual murder. Similar circumstances surrounded the deaths of many other young boys and girls of medieval and modern Europe. It should be no wonder, with the prevalence of Jews in society now, that many children each year are still disappearing.

The ADL IS Hate, Part Six - B'nai B'rith Petitions Government Funds for the Terrorist ARA

The terrorist ARA (Anti-Racist Action) trashes the homes of private citizens, and gets away with it, right under the noses of Canadian police.They often gloat about their crimes on their website, and they are never prosecuted. They are really a militant wing of the ADL and their purposes is to thwart any and all political oppostion to Jewish world supremacy. Here, a jewess petitions a government agency for funding for the ARA. B'nai B'rith, a jewish Masonic secret society, is a racist organization disguised as a public service, which deceives the public into surrendering to Jewish world supremacy by eliminating the public voice of all pro-White ethnocentric groups. The world's ultilmate hypocrites, the ADL makes sure that the ARA gets funding to perpetrate the violent acts which it cannot do on its own. The members of the ARA are - as Ramz Paul so succinctly put it recently, radicals for the [reigning jewish] establishment.

No Good Fruit From Among the Jews – Forever!

Yesterday evening we did our weekly Saturday internet radio program with Michael Delaney, the producer of the movie 911 Missing Links (click here for the program). The hand of the Jews in the treachery which got the United States and Great Britain and the other Western nations into the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot be plausibly denied. The same forces are ultimately behind the recent events in Libya, and of course there are rumors of other Middle Eastern wars yet to be fought on behalf of World Jewry. Yet even all of this is part of a far larger picture: for Satan has been using the Islamic peoples against Christendom for 1,400 years and has not ceased, even if the circumstances have greatly changed over the centuries.
