The Epistle to Philemon
© 2005 William R. Finck Jr.
1 Paul prisoner of Yahshua Christ, and Timotheos the brother, to Philemon the beloved and our colleague, 2 and to Apphia the sister, and to Archippos our fellow soldier, and to the assembly at your house, 3 favor to you and peace from Yahweh our Father and Prince Yahshua Christ.
4 I give thanks to my God, always making mention of you in my prayers, 5 hearing of your love and faith which you have for Prince Yahshua and for all the saints, 6 how the partnership of your faith becomes effective in knowledge of all goodness of that which is with us in Christ. 7 For I have had much joy and encouragement by your love, seeing that the hearts of the saints are refreshed by you, brother.
8 On which account having great liberty among the Anointed to enjoin to you that which is fitting, 9 through love still more I exhort, being such as Paul the elder but now also a prisoner of Christ Yahshua, 10 I exhort you concerning my child, whom I have begotten in these bonds, Onasimos 11 whom at one time was useless to you but now is useful to you and to me. 12 Whom I have sent back to you, he that is my own affections, 13 whom I have wished to detain for myself in order that in behalf of you he may minister for me in the bonds of the good message. 14 But without your accord I desire to do nothing, in order that your good would not be as if by force, but voluntarily. 15 Perhaps for this reason he was separated for a time, that you would hold onto him forever, 16 no longer as a bondman but more than a bondman, a beloved brother - especially to me - but by how much more to you, both in the flesh, and with the Prince? 17 Therefore if you have me for a partner, receive him as me. 18 And if he has wronged you or owes anything, this may be accounted to me. 19 I Paul have written in my own hand, I will make atonement, in order that I do not say to you that you also owe yourself to me. 20 Yes, brother, I could profit from you by authority; you among the Anointed must refresh my heart.
21 Being confident in your obedience I have written to you, knowing that you would do even more than the things I say. 22 Now at once also prepare for me a lodging. For I hope that through your prayers I am released as a favor to you.
23 Greeting you are Epaphras my fellow prisoner in Christ Yahshua, 24 Markos, Aristarchos, Demas and Loukas my colleagues. 25 The favor of our Prince Yahshua Christ is with your spirits.
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