Table of Contents
<A> H. Graber's Humanism; Yahshua Christ as Shepherd and Bishop of souls
<B> Extant physical descriptions of Paul of Tarsus are the work of early forgers, Graber quotes such forgers vicariously; Graber asserts that there are conflicts between Paul and the gospels, i.e. Romans 12 and Matthew 7, but offers nothing concrete
<C> Prophecy and the mark of inspiration, in Luke (21:5-24), in Paul (Rom. 16.20)
<C-2> Mention, or want of mention, of Paul by other NT writers; Peter's attestation of Paul; Frequency of Paul's name in his epistles and Acts compared to that of other apostles, and of Yahshua Christ; Paul is the only other apostle mentioned by Peter
<D> Paul's race and national identity; Paul a Pharisee, had a classical education; Judaean religious sects and politics; Classical writings: and Hebrew sources, cited by Paul
<E> Lying: and Paul, Romans 3:7 examined;Διάβολος (diabolos) defined; jews: undermine by infiltrating
<F> Paul's mission to the Nations of Israel, Acts 13:46 discussed; Light of the World, Shemesh defined, the gospel: a light to the Nations, Luke 2:32 discussed; Τὰ ἔθνη (ta ethnê, the nations), defined and discussed, contrasted to λαός (laos, people) , et alii, composition of synagogue attendance In Greek world;“Judaean” vs. “jew”, no blanket rejection of Judaeans by Paul; Paul did not “[magnify] himself…putting himself on the same level with Jesus Christ “, Gal. 4:14 defended and explained in light of Matt. 10:40
<G> “Judaean” vs. “jew” (Romans chapter 9, et alii), Graber's confusion; Gospel: preached to Judah first (Zech. 12:7, etc.); Paul's mission, contrasted to that of Yahshua Christ; jews: undermine by infiltrating, Gal. 2:4, Acts 20:29 and Jude 4
<H> Paul's mission to the Nations of Israel: Gen. 17:6, 35:11, Matt. 15:24 et alii, was not to “Gentiles”; Ἔθνος (ethnos, gentilis, nation), defined and discussed; Paul's gospel: that of Yahshua Christ, to Israel; Endurance of Paul's work compared to other apostles
<I> Genealogies, myths and fables: Paul's warnings against, i.e. 1 Tim. 1:4, Tit. 3:9, in classics, i.e. Hesiod's Theogony; Importance of history, archeology, language to Biblical studies; Paul and importance of race: 1 Tim. 1:2, Tit. 1:4; Paul's warnings against “strivings about the law” and anti-Talmudism
<J> Paul and the law: Graber attacks and contorts Paul's positions, Rom. 3:31; The Law: Yahshua Christ to fulfill the law and the prophets: explained at length from Old Testament prophecy concerning the law and lost Israel, “letter of” vs. “spirit of”, yoke of Levitical law, Matt. 11:30, and prophecy concerning lost Israel in fulfillment – Rom. 2:14-15 explained, children of Satan condemned by, ordinances, prescribed rituals are “works of the law”; Paul and the law: statements concerning works, justification, “doers of the law”, consistency with other apostles shown by comparisons of scripture, “letter of” vs. “spirit of”
<J-2> Paul's use of various versions of scripture in quotes of Old Testament, Graber criticizes Paul on Habakkuk 2:4; Masoretic Text, Septuagint, Aramaic Targums, paraphrase in New Testament quotes of Old Testament, Habakkuk 2:4 in particular
<K> Yahshua Christ: “distinguished as a son of Yahweh”, Rom. 1:4 translated and discussed, ὁρίζω (horizō), defined;
<L> Spirituality vs. carnality; Yahshua Christ: Yahweh in the flesh, i.e. Col. 2:9, knowing personally, or “in the flesh”, 2 Cor. 5:15-19; Body as a vessel for the spirit, a “temple”
<M> Paul's gospel: that of Yahshua Christ, use of pronouns when making references to, Graber's accusations reveal his own hypocrisy
<N> Here Graber repeats an argument found also in section <F>, where I have explained Paul's statement in Gal. 4:14: “… ye … received me … even as Christ Jesus”, in light of Matt. 10:40
<O> Paul's gospel: that of Yahshua Christ, the cursing of non-believers, Gal. 1:6-9, 2 Pet. 2:14-15 et alii; Peter's attestation of Paul
<P> Paul's “Road to Damascus” event: only mentioned in Acts in the N.T.; Paul's acceptance by Peter and James; Peter’s attestation of Paul
<Q> Out-of-body experiences, visions and revelations, the “world of mystery” according to Graber, 2 Cor. 12:1-8, Rev. 4:1 discussed; Heaven: “paradise”, the “third” and “seventh” heavens, other “mysteries”, 2 Cor. 12:1-8, 1 Enoch discussed
<R> Graber cites from a list of Paul-bashers, betraying the jewish and communist sources of anti-Paulinism, namely Michael Grant, Joachim Prince and George Bernard Shaw; Use of jewish terms by an author betrays a jewish influence of the author's perspective on Biblical topics; Fabian Socialism and One World Government; The “dragon of superstition” and the actual dragon race
<S> Roman Catholic Church: no valid connection to any New Testament figure, Paul, Luke, Timothy, Gamaliel, Aquila, Priscilla, Clement, etc. were not “catholic”, history of, Justinian and Constantine; Celtic Church: connected to original Christian assemblies at Rome
<S-2> Graber misquotes Eusebius 6:19 and lies about the subject of the passage in question, Paul is not the subject of Eusebius 6:19!; Eusebius, quoting Porphyry at 6:19, exposes Porphyry as a liar and reveals that Porphyry was slandering Origen
<T> Paul: “all things to all men”, meaning that he was able to speak to people on their own terms, 1 Cor. 9:20-22 discussed, ability to “save” men, in context with James 5:19-20; Yahshua Christ: Author of salvation
<U> Mark: spurious endings to gospel not part of Pauline conspiracy; John: interpolations in writings, ignored by Graber; Paul's mission to the Nations of Israel; Graber repeats various arguments from past sections, illustrated and referenced here
<V> Paul's gospel: of the Kingdom, found with Luke; Missing Pauline epistles; Paul and the law; Paul's message the same as Israel Identity; The law: yoke of the Levitical law, Acts 15:10, enforcement of, for Christians, 1 Cor. 5:9-13, Rev. 22:15
- Paul's position on the role of women in society, gleaned for his epistles
- jewish control over ideas debated in a liberal-feminist society is naturally anti-Christian, and so anti-Paulist
- Paul's relationship with various women consistent with both the Bible and ancient Greek, Roman, and Hebrew society (Euripides, Strabo, Diodorus Siculus, Proverbs, Isaiah all cited)
- Proper attitude for Christians to have towards Edomite-jews
- Judaism is a corruption of Hebraism; Christianity is true Hebraism, epistle of Ignatius cited
- The Bible and the veracity of ancient manuscripts: copyists' errors, corruptions and interpolations; ancient papyri and verification
- The inspiration of Scripture in its original form
- Greek and Hebrew the original languages of Scripture; New Testament written entirely in Greek; Use of Greek in ancient Judaea
- New Testament quotes of Old Testament from Greek Septuagint version.
- Non-canonical books: Enoch, Gospel of Thomas, et alii
- Nag Hammadi scrolls, Gnostic documents, forgeries
- Nicaea and choosing of books for canon
- King James authorized version and apocrypha
- Douglas' lack of expertise in subject he's writing about
- Douglas and universalism; Christianity is exclusivist
- Why Yahshua Christ spoke in parables: Christianity is exclusivist
- The “lost” sheep and the nations of Christian Europe
- Anti-Paulinism, or “Paul-bashing”, is a jewish conception
- Anti-Christian aims of the anti-Paulists
- Gnostics, the New Testament, Gnostic forgeries
- Nietzsche, Christianity, and Nationalism
<1> Douglas quotes from jewish magicians, beginning a trend
<2> Authority of government, Rom. 13 (see also section <8>)
<3> Yahshua: the given name of Christ, form and legitimacy of name; Immanuel: a title, defined and explained; Familiar and proper names in the New Testament; Yahshua Christ: founder of Christianity, testimony of Josephus; Old Testament prophecy and Christianity for “lost” Israel; Paul's mission to the Nations of Israel; Paul loved by ancient Keltic Church
<4> Douglas follows the jews, maintains jewish positions on the Bible; Gospel, or biography?; Coming of Christ in prophecy
<5>Quantitative authorship of the New Testament: estimates for each writer
<6> Douglas accuses Paul of “paganizing” the teachings of Christ, but offers nothing specific; Yahshua Christ, apostles: N.T. authorship, contributions by; Qualifications of a prophet, Isaiah 41:21-29: met by Paul (i.e. Rom. 16:20), Luke (21:20-24)
<7> Paul's education uniquely qualified him for his mission; Paul's mission to the Nations of Israel: first teacher of Israel Identity, proofs in epistles discussed at length, with examples from Rom. 1 & 2 Cor, et alii; Gal. 3:15-16 explained; Eph. 3:1-9 translated and explained; Nietzsche's failures
<8> Paul’s epistles consistent with the gospels; Apparent contradictions caused by poor translations; epistles consistent with Old Testament; Authority of government: Romans 13:1-8 translated and explained; Prophecy and reasons explaining why the children of Israel should be subject to temporal governments, and duration of same as foretold in the Old Testament and in the Revelation (see also section <41>); Yahshua Christ: and Roman authority; to return in a Second Advent, as foretold by Paul and the gospel writers (see also section <38>)
<9> Douglas cites three critics of Paul: John Spong, Thomas Hardy and Thomas Jefferson; Spong, John: and the Episcopal Church; and homosexuality; ἀρσενοκοίτης (arsenokoitês, sodomy or homosexuality) defined; Paul on homosexuality; and Joachim Prince; and Newark, N.J.; and “…what sort of man could Spong be?”; Jefferson, Thomas: Bible scholarship of; The Jefferson Bible and its worthlessness in understanding Christianity; Hardy, Thomas: a novelist; Intellectualism in the “Information Age”
<10> Paul: Names of, Saul and Paul; with Sergius Paulus, Roman proconsul, on Cypress (Acts 13); Roman names: family and gens names
<11> Judaean religious sects, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes: descriptions of, by Josephus; and Judaean politics; beginnings of the sect of the Pharisees; Essenes and race; Pharisee, defined; proselytism in Judaea; the sects as political parties
<12> Roman-era geographical districts: Syria, Phoenicia and Palestine; Paul's Roman citizenship; Tarsus: Paul’s citizenship in; founding of: by Assyrians; later by Argives; Strabo's description of, as a center of learning; Cilicia: settled by Phoenicians; Turkish conquest of Mesopotamia, Anatolia in 11th century; Armenia: once White, overrun by aliens; and the Sacae, Sacasene; the two Iberias; Paul's family and the sect of the Pharisees, his race and lineage (see also section <40>)
<13> Edomite-jew conspiracy against Christ: Douglas invents a role for Paul; Douglas invents two separate characters from one Judas Iscariot; Paul not a Roman soldier; Douglas' false notions of some “missing” scrolls of the teachings of Christ; Douglas' use of strange names for Yahshua Christ; Scholarly sources and appropriate citations
<14> Pharisees: their influence over the economy and politics of Judaea; counterpart sect of the Sadducees; and Sadducees, Republicans and Democrats, analogies to modern American politics; Paul not a Roman soldier; his early actions against Christianity; Edomite-jew conspiracy against Christ: Douglas expands his invented role for Paul; The Temple guards in Jerusalem: private army of the high priests
<15> Paul's “Road to Damascus” event; Yahshua Christ's post-resurrection appearances to the disciples, 1 Cor. 15:3-6 discussed
<16> Paul's “Road to Damascus” event: Acts 9:7 and 22:9 complimentary once properly translated; The “sect of the Nazarenes”, Acts 24:5, the jewish name for Christianity
<17> Paul: names of; not a Roman soldier; Edomite-jew conspiracy against Christ: Douglas expands his invented role for Paul; the so-called scrolls of the teachings of Christ; Paul's acceptance among apostles, at Antioch; Scholarly citing of sources in writing on the Bible or in history; Christian assemblies founded by Paul, as listed by Douglas
<18> Paul and the law; Christianity embraces the law, rejects legalism, rejects the “works of the law” – the rituals prescribed by ordinances; Yahshua Christ: to fulfill the law and the prophets; prophecy concerning the law and “lost” Israel (revisiting arguments presented in section <J>); Anti-Paulists followers of the Pharisees – proven; Christian assemblies founded by Paul were recognized and authenticated by both Peter and by Yahshua Christ in the Revelation, namely those at Ephesus and Laodicea (see also sections <17> and <35>); Council of Nicaea not attended by Pharisees or jews; Persecution of Christians until time of Constantine; Romish church and Justinian
<19> Persecutions of Paul and Barnabas by jews throughout the Greek world; Edomite-jews behind all persecutions of Christians, Tertullian cited
<20> Attestations of truth, or denials of lying, in Scripture; Paul's poor eyesight
<21> Paul: not a Khazar; not a zionist; not a homosexual; Khazars, a short history; Zionism defined; and Rom. 16:20, 2 Thes. 2; Homosexuality discussed; “latent” defined
<22> Ἐγκρατεία (egkrateia, self-control), defined and discussed: Rom. 7:18 and 1 Cor. 9:27: covetousness, consumerism, sexual lust, hormones, the ego, etc. (see also section <26>)
<23> Douglas quotes John Spong, suggesting that Paul was a homosexual; Modern liberalism: and the undermining of western civilization; some of the tactics of; Διάβολος (diabolos, “devil” or “[false] accuser”) defined; Thomas Jefferson used as an example, defended against charge of fornication; Paul: the liberals' problems with Paul of Tarsus; his stand against homosexuality and all sexual deviancy; jews and sexual deviants allies against Paul and Christianity; Homosexuality: Rom. 1:26-32, 1 Cor. 6:9-10, 1 Tim. 1:9-11 all translated; ἀρσενοκοίτης (arsenokoitês, sodomy or homosexuality) defined; Paul on marriage: Heb. 13:4, 1 Tim. 3:1-13; Spong, John: a liberal, dishonestly attempts to undermine Paul; with C. Douglas, his false testimony and the penalty of death under the law for false witnesses; Paul's “thorn in the flesh” was his poor eyesight; Spong, John: a lover of homosexuals and aliens; Clifton Emahiser's summary listing of Spong's literature
- An overview of the life of John Spong, Episcopal bishop of Newark, N.J., his life, works, philosophy and politics. Spong, a virulent critic of Paul, is exposed as an embracer of homosexuals, jews, minorities, Darwinism, Humanism, Marxism, and as an enemy of Yahweh God!
<24> Paul's position on the role of women in society (see also the article PAUL WAS NOT A MISOGYNIST!); Status of women in early Germany
<25> Douglas' hypocrisy with the “jewish problem”; Christian Israel: all of the children of Yahweh are one in Christ, Gal. 3:28 explained and defended; the Body of Christ, 1 Cor. 12
<26> Self-control: need for against temptation (see also section <22>); Adamic Man: the law and carnality vs. spirituality, Rom. 7:14-15 explained and defended; the two natures of Adamic Man; controlling moral authority of spirit in Adamic race, which the other races lack
<27> Paul: “all things to all men”. 1 Cor. 9:20-22 discussed; Douglas quotes from jewish magicians
<28> Douglas follows the jews, as his positions on Scripture demonstrate; The “communion” ritual and Paul's examples; Bread and wine and the Body and Blood of Christ
<29> πάσχα (Pascha, Passover), and Easter; The Romish church: and adoption of pagan festivals; and consumption of pork, or swine; Pork, or swine: Greek consideration of, as unclean; never recommended to be eaten by Paul
<30> Passover and Easter; Douglas follows the jews, Christ “lost…forever”
<31> Peter's attestation of Paul; Warnings concerning false prophets; Douglas cites 2 Pet. 2:1, yet ignores 2 Pet. 3:15-16; Douglas follows the jews, and a list of other misfits
<32> Edomite-jew conspiracy against Christ: Douglas continues to expand his invented role for Paul; Paul merely a youth at the stoning of Stephen, not a leader; νεανίας (neanias, youth) defined and explained; Yahshua Christ: designated no successor; requires no successors; Peter: position as an apostle: πέτρος and πέτρα (petros and petra, stone and rock) defined and explained; the most stubborn of the disciples
<33> Douglas' confusion concerning gospel; claims made about supposed warnings concerning churches; Yahshua Christ: His messages to the seven “churches” found in Revelation chapters 2 and 3
<34> Apostles: appointment of by Yahshua Christ; attempt by, to replace Judas Iscariot, Yahshua's selection of Paul instead
<35> Paul's “Road to Damascus” event; Paul's acceptance among apostles, at Antioch; Christian assemblies founded by Paul were recognized and authenticated by both Peter and by Yahshua Christ in the Revelation, namely those at Ephesus and Laodicea (see also sections <17> and <18>)
<36> Paul's model for Christian community, and ancient society; election of leaders in and management of a Christian assembly; Baptism ritual, origins of
<37A> Douglas' false notions of some “missing” scrolls of the teachings of Christ
<37B> Douglas follows the jews, hypocritically accuses Paul of being a humanist; Paul and the law: Paul's idea of faith included both lawfulness and the performance of good works, Eph. 2:8-10 translated and discussed; upheld obedience to the law, Rom. 1:5, 3:31; perception of faith and works contrasted to that of James; his admonishments for the need for good works: Acts 26:20, 1 Tim. 2:9-10, 5:25, 6:17-18, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Tit. 3:8, Rom. 2:5-9 and 1 Cor. 3:11-15 all translated and discussed in support of his position; rituals, the :works of the law” explained; Israel, sin and forgiveness, salvation; Χάρις (charis, favor) defined and explained in the context of the promises to Abraham and Rom. 11:26; favor granted to Israel exclusively
<38> Yahshua Christ: Paul's perception of His Second Advent; and gospel testimony of; and Rev. 22:12, Rom. 2:5-9 (see also section <8>)
<39> Paul's early actions against Christianity: voting at executions, Acts 22:4-5 and 26:9-10; The deeds of lawful government, and the guilt of individual men who obey the government; Douglas follows the jews, accuses Paul of Bolshevism
<40> Douglas enlists quotes from Jackie Patru, who in turn quotes the jew Marcus Eli Ravage in opposition to Paul: again, Douglas follows the jews!; jews: and race; are devils (John 8:31-47); Paul's race and lineage (see also section <12>)
<41> Authority of government: Romans 13:1-8 translated and explained; Prophecy and reasons explaining why the children of Israel should be subject to temporal governments, and duration of same as foretold in the Old Testament and in the Revelation (see also section <8>)
<42> Nietzsche, Friedriche: Douglas cites in opposition to Paul; is discredited as a historian, as a classicist, and as a valid critic of Christianity; Rome: immorality and decadence in; and Christianity; in the prophecies of Daniel; Hades, Hell, Niflheim, Tartaros, Sheol; Heaven, Olympus, Valhalla: in the Bible and European mythology
<43> Douglas accuses Paul of being the “Liar”, et alii, of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and invents much other information concerning the scrolls;Qumran sect: name is a proper identification for the keepers of the Dead Sea Scrolls, since they were probably not written by Essenes; Contents and categorization of the Dead Sea Scrolls; Josephus' description of the Essenes; Communal societies in the ancient world, an example from Diodorus Siculus: the Qumran sect not truly communal; Pliny's supposed “Essene city”, and the contradictory testimony of Josephus; Qumran sect: the War Scroll and apocalyptic beliefs of; not Christian, apparently ignorant of Christianity; are not Pharisees or Sadducees; Voluminosity of the Dead Sea Scrolls, most people will never read them; Methods of publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls; The Liar of the Dead Sea Scrolls: identification of, from the scrolls themselves; proof that it could not possibly have been Paul of Tarsus; The “Teacher of Righteousness” of the Dead Sea Scrolls: does not refer to Yahshua Christ, or to any other historical figure, as citations from the scrolls prove; Dead Sea Scrolls: access to restricted by the jews; history of the maintenance of; early publications of
<44> Israel, sin, cleansing of sin by Yahweh God, examples from prophecy; Douglas follows the jews: denies primary tenets of Christianity
<45> “Cause and effect” and Matt. 6:19-21, Gal. 6:7-8
<46> Israel, the crucifixion of Christ, redemption of imprisoned souls from the false accusations of Satan; Israel's marriage relationship with Yahweh: divorce, redemption and remarriage, relationship of Old and New Covenants
<47> “Man” defined as Adamic White Man: Rom. 5:14-21, 8:28-39; The law: and obedience, James 2:10
<48> Paul and the law: obedience, faith and works, revisited; Paul's testimony of value of the words of Christ, 1 Tim. 6:3-6; Failure of modern organized religion in respect to the Biblical law; Douglas follows the jews: Anti-Paulinism another in an age-old series of attempts to destroy Christianity; Threat of Paul-bashing to the vulnerable in Israel Identity; remarks by Jeanne Snyder concerning Paul-bashing
<49A> Paul and the law: the Levitical law and the New Covenant; attitude of Christians towards the law, Rom. 3:31; the 10 Commandments; legalism of the Pharisees and Acts 15:10
<49B> Israel, sin and forgiveness, Rom. 3, Heb. 6:4-6, et alii (see also section <37B>)
<49C> Βλασφημία (blasphêmia, blasphemy), defined; Paul and the law: its fulfillment in Christ
<50> The crucifixion of Yahshua Christ: in prophecy: Luke 24:13-35 and Acts 17:11; Israel: differentiated from the Edomite-jews; Douglas follows the jews: does not understand Scripture; Reasons for presentations such as these articles of Graber's and Douglas' and the supplied rebuttals; Empirical truths in Israel Identity
<51> Edomite-jews: behind all disorder recorded in the New Testament; behind all persecutions of Christians; propensity for rioting; Douglas follows the jews, and defends their wrongdoing
<52> Douglas' hypocrisy concerning dialogue, effort required to respond to his articles
<53A> Paul's early actions against Christianity: Douglas embellishes the historical account
<53B> Edomite-jew conspiracy against Christ: Douglas continues to expand an invented role for Paul
<54> Paul's “Road to Damascus” event: the 3 years which followed; Paul: did not “deceive” assemblies, did not profit monetarily from gospel: 2 Cor. 12:16 translated and explained; followed Christ, and encouraged his followers to do the same, 1 Cor. 11:1; Both Paul and John addressed their followers as their “children”
<55A> Israel, sin and atonement under the Old Covenant; the crucifixion of Christ as atonement under the New Covenant: Gal. 2:20 explained (see also section < 55C>)
<55B> Edomite-jew conspiracy against Christ: Douglas continues to expand an invented role for Paul; Sadducees the leading persecutors of Christians, joined by the Pharisees
<55C> Israel and separatism: 2 Cor. 6:16 explained; Body as a vessel for the Spirit: Gal. 2:20 further explained (see also section <55A>); Paul's relationship with the other apostles; “Saint” defined
<56A> Paul's relationship with James: no contention between them
<56B> Paul's relationship with James: Douglas abuses statements in James' epistle in order to contrive some supposed debate between James and Paul; Douglas' false patriotism, illiteracy
<57> Paul: did not “steal from churches”; did not profit monetarily from gospel, but at times supported by certain assemblies, 2 Cor. 11:7-9 translated and explained
<58> Paul and the law: faith, works and judgement, self-control and 1 Cor. 9:27 discussed, Tit. 3:8 and James 2:20 shown to concur; the Judgement Seat of Christ, 2 Cor. 5:10
<59> Paul and the law: faith, works and salvation, revisited; Douglas likened to Chaim Weizmann at Nuremberg trials; Paul's early actions against Christianity: his remorse and many apologies for his deeds fully profiled; deeds not equivalent to murder when performed under lawful government auspices; Chronology: of Paul’s arrest in Jerusalem; of some of his epistles
<60> Dead Sea Scrolls: Habakkuk 2:5 and the prophecy's interpretation as found in the Pesher, discussed at length; Habakkuk 2:5-8 explained; relationship of the name Saul to the root of the Hebrew word sheol, which is sha'al
<61A> Paul not a Roman soldier; Paul’s early actions against Christianity
<61B> Paul and the stoning of Stephen
<62> Paul in Damascus, Acts 9:22, συγχύνω (sugchuno, to confound) defined; Douglas distinguishes between Judaeans and jews, for the first time in these articles
<63> Paul: initial trepidation of apostles to accept; acceptance of, Acts 9:22-31; at Antioch, Acts 14; and at Jerusalem, Acts 15
<64> Damascus: name never used to describe Qumran, as Douglas claims; city mentioned in Genesis, Genesis Apocryphon; not Qumran, but a city in Syria, mentioned at Acts 26:11, 20, 2 Cor. 11:32; Damascus Document: copies found in Cairo, Egypt, and also among the Dead Sea Scrolls
<65> Douglas: preoccupied with magicians and revolutionaries; accuses Paul's message of being “Romanized”, contrary to ancient records; Paul's execution; Yahshua Christ: had no “anti-Roman” teachings; Pontius Pilate found no guilt in
<66> Paul's relationship with James: Douglas continues to contrive some supposed debate between James and Paul, without citations; James: apparently a Judaizer, Acts 20:21-24 discussed; The “one stick” prophecy of Ezek. 37:15-28 explained
<67> Douglas accuses Paul of being the “Liar”, et alii, of the Dead Sea Scrolls (see also section <43>); Qumran sect: not Nazirites, Dead Sea Scrolls and Num. 6 compared; Apostles and disciples of Christ not Nazirites; The “sect of the Nazarenes”, Acts 24:5, the jewish name for Christianity; Paul and the law, revisited
<68> The “Liar” of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Douglas invents various and more superfluous names for this figure; Qumran Sect: not Christian, proven from scrolls
<69> Douglas' use of the term “goyim”; Douglas follows the jews, in the terms which he uses
<70A> Paul and the law: Douglas completely mis-portrays Paul's epistles: frequency in which Paul quotes the Old Testament; Paul's epistles: do not wholly represent the gospel which he preached; missing epistles; quotes of Old Testament found in; Paul's gospel: not found in his epistles; of the kingdom; found with Luke
<70B> Paul: did not profit monetarily from gospel; humility and fallibility; infallibility of Old Testament, gospel of Yahshua Christ; admitted fallibility of his own advice; proved himself through works (Acts 14, 19, 28)
<71> Douglas follows the jews, denying the sacrifice of Christ; Yahshua Christ: mission of Yahweh God as Christ in prophecy; the term “Immanuel” defined; crucifixion of Christ, and reasons for it, in prophecy; as sacrificial lamb, in gospel; body and blood of, in gospel
<72> Paul and the law: revisited again; Douglas follows the jews and miscreants, and is thereby confused concerning Christianity
<73> Warnings of false apostles: by Paul; in the Revelation in support of Paul; by Peter, Peter's warnings compared to those of Paul; Douglas follows the jews, becomes a Judaizer
<74> Paul: did not profit monetarily from gospel: 2 Cor. 8:16-21 translated and explained; Paul and the doctrine of predestination, Gal. 1:15 and other examples from Scripture
<75> Paul and the law: the dietary laws and clean, unclean meats, Romans 14 and 1 Cor. 10 explained; pork, or swine, not classified as “food”, also shunned by many Greeks and pagan Greek temples as being “unclean”, Strabo cited
<76> Paul and relationship with James: Douglas continues to expand the contrived debate
<77A> Douglas attributes Matt. 7:1-6 to Paul, rejecting the pericope as a “Paulinism”, later using this same gospel and chapter to support arguments against Paul (for which see section <84>)
<77B> Paul and the law, revisited again: Douglas continually recycles the same arguments throughout his articles
<77C> Douglas quotes from Matt. 5:17-20 in support of his absurd argument concerning Paul and anti-nomianism; Douglas follows the jews, betrayed by his use of Hebrew terms
<78> Paul and relationship with James: Douglas continues to expand the contrived debate, quoting Stephen's words found at Acts 7:51-56, and asserting that the words belong to James, and are in reference to Paul!; Douglas follows the jews, seeks to corrupt Christianity
<79A> Paul and relationship with James: Douglas continues to expand the contrived debate, misquotes The Recognitions of Clement; wrongly accuses Paul in the death of James, refuted from historical sources and the chronology of Paul's ministry
<79B> The deaths of James the lesser and James the greater: Douglas wrongly blames the Pharisees, is refuted by both history and Scripture
<80> Paul did not profit monetarily from gospel, necessarily revisited again because Douglas constantly repeats himself
<81A> Paul on Malta: the Maltese honor him as a god, compared to the similar incident with Paul and Barnabas at Lystra (Acts 14:11-12); Herod Agrippa I, his fate when esteemed as a god by the people, attested in Acts and by Josephus; Malta: economic position and history of the island, Diodorus Siculus cited
<81B> Douglas misquotes Scripture to support his perverted view of the use of the term “gods”; The children of Yahweh as gods: John 10:34, Deut. 14:1, and the 82nd Psalm discussed; Paul on Malta: the serpent in the bundle of sticks
<82> Paul's mission to the nations of Israel: Eph. 2:14 explained; Paul and the law: τέλος (telos, fulfillment) defined; Rom. 10:4 explained
<83> Paul and the law: on obedience, Rom. 6:16 & 19 translated, explained and com- pared to Matt. 6:24; ἀνομία (anomia, lawlessness) defined
<84> Paul and the law: the Edomite-jew as the “man of lawlessness”, 2 Thes. 2:3-4 & 3:2 translated and explained; Douglas follows the jews, and covers for their wrongdoing; Douglas quotes Matt. 7:21-23 as the words of Christ, but had previously claimed that Matt. 7:1-6 were the words of Paul (see section <77A>)!
<85> Paul and the law: faith and works, revisited again; “Judeo-Christianity” an oxymoron
<86> Douglas repeats many of his slanders against Paul, all already addressed here; Douglas further abuses the Dead Sea Scrolls in another attempt to slander Paul
Douglas follows the jews, while at the same time he imagines himself to be defending Christianity
- The organized Roman Catholic church cannot be credited to (or blamed on) Paul of Tarsus, it developed much later, from the time of Justinian
- Roman (or often here, Romish) church and the second beast of the Revelation; the two beasts of the Revelation and the punishment of Israel
- Roman church bureaucracy modeled on ancient Roman Empire both politically and religiously
- Ἐκκλησία (ekklesia, assembly, often “church” in Bible translations), defined and explained
- Activities of early Christian assemblies, in contrast to Roman church rituals
- Yahshua Christ the only head over Christian assemblies: needs no successor or substitute; no popery or vicarship licensed by Scripture
- The children of Israel are the anointed and the ἐκκλησία: Col. 1:24 translate and explained
- Simon Peter: πέτρος (petros, stone) defined and explained; Peter's commission not above that of the other apostles, Matt. 16:19, 18:18
- Romish church claim to succession of popes from Peter and Paul is invalid; Romish temple built on a graveyard; invalid assertion of authority over assemblies of the oikoumenê
- Assemblies at Rome not addressed in the Revelation
- Ἀπόστολος (apostolos, ambassador), defined and explained; no successors to the office named or needed
- Συνεργός (sunergos, fellow-worker), defined and explained; Paul had colleagues, not subordinates
- Lack of a formal church hierarchy in New Testament
- Paul's epistles read by and equally accessible to all
- Paul left no successor, i.e. Acts 20:17-28; individual ἐπίσκοποι (episkopoi, over-seers) left with the charge of each assembly
- Paul refused to rule over assemblies, i.e. 2 Cor. 1:24; each individual assembly autonomous
- Ἐπίσκοπος (episkopos, overseer), defined and explained along with related verbs
- Πρεσβύτερος (presbuteros, elder), related words, defined and explained
- Διάκονος (diakonos, minister or servant), and related words defined and explained
- Χειροτονέω (cheirotoneō, to vote for or elect), defined and explained; officers of a Christian assembly elected by the people, not ordained by some outside authority
- Structure of a Christian assembly outlined by Paul's epistles and in Acts also verified by language and statements found with James and Peter
- Ἐπίσκοπος, overseer, and πρεσβύτερος, elder, esteemed to be one and the same office; functions of the office
- Διάκονος, minister, functions of, and limitations for women
- Ultimate authority for assembly is Scripture; only authority over assembly is Scripture
- Function of assembly in judgement of criminal and legal matters; rejection of secular authority in dispute settlement; 1 Cor. 5:12-13 translated and explained; 1 Cor. 6:1-11 translated and explained
- Secular authorities unrighteous, must be rejected, but also obeyed
- Authority of Scripture over assembly
- Compensation of officers serving the assembly
- Officers serving assembly must be married, other required qualifications, 1 Tim. 3:1-13 translated
- No prescription for Roman church officials in Paul’s epistles
- Romish church organization and sacramentalism are vestiges of Babylonian paganism, desired to retain control over people
- Proper structure of a Christian assembly and historical experience with bygone models
- Tax exemption and government control over “churches”; mystery Babylon vs. true Christianity