Al Sharpton spews Racist Drivel, and Still has a Job

"White folks was in the caves while we was building empires ... We taught philosophy and astrology [sic] and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." - "Rev." Al Sharpton, 1994, Wall Street Journal

What they evidently did not know very well, was grammar. Yet if negros ever really had any developments which could be classified as higher learning, where the hell have they been hiding them for these past few centuries? Culture, learning, and intelligence simply cannot be stolen.

All the News That's Fake to Print

This may also be "fake" news, but it is no more fake than what is on television.

Ever since the founding of the Federal Reserve System in the United States, it can be perceived that in essence, the major banks own the government and the nation, since they have total control of the money supply and the economy. These banks also control most international corporations, and those include media corporations. So how could Americans believe that media could function apart from the interests of the banks?

And while the media does indeed obey the will of the international corporations, the government is just another corporation, concealed behind the pretense of an official capacity. But political news is a little different, and the media complies with government in a different manner.

However Americans should have never imagined that the corporations the bankers own, the media which the bankers own, and the government which the bankers control, would not in one way or another be leveraged in the interests of the bankers themselves. That alone is incredibly naive.

Anderson Cooper interviewing the slut-shamed 13-year-old

So a gray-haired sexual deviant and a 13-year-old radical feminist get to set the moral standards for the nation? This is what the world has come to. This little girl is so upset about age-old double-standards among teenagers that she feels she must begin producing Youtube videos advocating for the rights of whores. And the jewish-controlled mainstream media grovels at her feet. Rather than advocate immorality for all, the little feminist should go home and plan for the sexually transmitted diseases and broken homes of her future. And her libimbo* mother is so proud of her.

* Liberal Bimbo

CNN Caught in Blatant Lie - What Else Do They Lie About?

Here CNN is caught in a blatant lie, which they purposely broadcast. The network used creative editing to filter out the words of a rabid negress.The original rant given by Sherelle Smith urged negros not to bring violence to their own neighborhood, but rather to bring their violence to the suburbs. Sherelle Smith is the sister of the thug who was recently killed by a negro cop after pointing a gun at him. The incident was caught on tape, and there is no doubt the shooting was legally justifiable. CNN clipped out a few seconds of the video and tossed the rest, in order to portray the criminal as a peacemaker. How can CNN ever be trusted? What else do they so readily lie about? How many American lives are affected every day by CNN lies?

appears to have apologized. Their 'apology' means nothing because it did not admit the nature of their dishonest act. The original act was not merely an omission, but a deceitful lie and purposeful mischaracterization of what was said, for the purpose of distorting news in the advancement of the network's own political agenda. Their 'apology' is sort of like robbing and killing someone, and apologizing for misplacing their wallet.

The only acceptable apology CNN could make in an instance such as this, is to fire everyone involved, and now - after two weeks - to fire their bosses for not firing them in the first place.

Fox News and Monsanto

Does the Media EVER Tell the Truth?

Or do they only tell you what they want you to believe?

These former Fox News reporters deserve medals. All of the others are sellouts! Monsanto would poison the entire world in the name of profits. How aren't they all in Federal prisons? Because the government is in their pockets too!

So-called "Judge" Andrew Napolitano - How to get fired in under five minutes

All of the points Napolitano raises here are absolutely valid, and this is a surprisingly candid look at what is really going on in American politics today. No wonder he was fired. Only one thing is missing: the fact that the internationalist bankers - who are for the most part jews related to, financed by, or working for the jewish financial families of the City of London - are the real power behind it all. When corporations were allowed to participate in politics in this country, it was all downhill from there. 99% of the 1% are jews, and that is not by chance.

So-called "Judge" Andrew Napolitano fired from Fox News for (nearly) telling truth about Jews and Israeli treachery.

The jews are responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. See Prothink's for all the evidence necessary to arrive at that conclusion.

The jews instigated the recent American destruction of Libya and Iraq, and the takedown of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The jews are trying to instigate American wars in Syria and Iran.

How long shall Americans be whores for the anti-Christ jews? Until America is destroyed, and the jews elevate China to take its place: something they've been in the process fo doing for forty years now! 

The Demise of Free Speech on the Internet

I was sitting in an apartment overlooking Panama City Beach, and watching tropical storm Debby roll in to ruin the first weekend I had ever spent on the Gulf Coast. So it was then that I got an email which has set off a much larger storm, a storm which few people in the wider world even seem to care about. I had a message from Mike Delaney of telling me that his internet service provider,, had given him a ten-day notice of termination. There were undisclosed complaints from unnamed parties concerning the violation of unspecified provisions of the Terms of Service agreement which posts in the small-print links on the bottom of its website. professed to agree with the undisclosed complaints, and therefore Prothink had to go. Volunteering to help Mike move all of his websites, the work would have kept me off the beach even without Debby's appearance.

This is What Mind Control Looks Like

When the entire mainstream media is singing the same tune, when dozens, if not hundreds, of local television stations are repeating the same lines as if they are reading from the same script, you know that behind the scenes somewhere far away is one person who is doing all of their thinking for them. This is mind control, where everyone is a brainless drone simply repeating someone else's ideas.

This Pete Hoekstra Ad is NOT Racist

Michigan Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra is catching hell for this supposedly "racist" campaign ad, with which the bleeding heart bolsheviks are having a ball. But this ad is NOT a racist ad. Rather, it only tells the truth: that the Chinese are indeed financing the over-spending of the runaway US Federal government. Every dime the Government spends above actual collected tax revenues, is a dime borrowed from China.

Of course, we are aware of the way that the global banking system works: that none of the money exists in the first place, and it is all borrowed into existence. However that is immaterial in respect to this argument: the Chinese sure as hell will one day want to collect on the dollars being piled up against the American taxpayers. The liberal bolsheviks are only clouding the real issue with false charges of "racism". We hope Pete stands by his ad.

After Pete lost the race, the Huffington Post said the ad "may have ruined any chance he had"