William Finck on Jerm Warfare: The Importance of Genesis

Below is the video version of the interview presented in the podcast above: 

Download the video.

The following remarks describing the interview in this podcast are from Jerm Warfare. Check out his podcast

William's discussion with me this time is about the importance of Genesis to both Christians and Jews, as it relates to a fundamental understanding of historical identity.

Basically, Genesis isn’t linked to Judaism, but Christian and Jewish Zionism has captured it, pushing a false doctrine through a Jewish-only lens.

Moreover, William argues that Genesis isn’t a scientific or historical account of everything but a mix of reality and allegory, best read through a New Testament lens. For example, Adam and Eve weren’t the first humans but the first of the biblical epoch’s ‘Adamic’ race; what happened elsewhere in the world doesn’t matter to the Bible’s story....

This presentation was prefaced by a short video from Lion of Patmos: What are Christians Saved from When They Believe?

February 2025 Open Forum Discussion

The cost of other races, especially negros, on Society. Worship of the healthcare system in general population. Jewish reliance on healthcare, especially due to the large number of genetic diseases Jews carry. The repulsiveness of organ and blood donations. Jews strive through science to find eternal life. The papacy and the beast of Revelation associated as early as the 14th century Reformers. The Kabbalah in medieval academia. Why did the Church pursue bringing other races into Christianity. Crypto-Jews in Society – do they know they’re Jews? Crypto-Jews infiltrating White groups in order to subvert and divide and weaken them by planting doubt in the hearts of the unsuspecting. Our own recent example was “Ed Whiff”, who turned out to be a morbidly obese huckster.  James Wickstrom, Dan Gayman, the start of William Finck’s relationship with Clifton Emahiser, and more.… Danny Updegraff on William Gale. Jews and Sodomites who lead the alt-Right and other “hard right” or “right wing” dissident groups. Eurasia, Turks, and Mongols, any possibility of a diffusion of Asian influences in medieval Europe. And much more…

If you cannot overlook some adult language, you need not listen. There is no list of good and bad words in Scripture, and you may even condemn the language of Scripture itself.  So while I may not condone it, I cannot condemn anyone for it, and if we do we may find ourselves to be even greater hypocrites when we stand before our Judge. If you think these Open Forums could be better, well, we can all be better. Join the next one and see if you can't make it better. 

James Wickstrom & Pastor Bob, Wickstrom admits having meetings with Federal Agents

Pages from Yori Kahl's book, Writ of Habeus Corpus, reproduced an affadavit from an FBI agent who had attested that Wickstrom was a federal informant. I have a copy of the book on our shelves, but it is still available at Amazon.com and elsewhere. 

William Finck on Jerm Warfare: What if Christianity is not meant for the whole world?

William Finck on Jerm Warfare, January 11th, 2025

Download the video.

This interview of William Finck by Jerm of Jerm Warfare was pre-recorded and published on January 11th, 2025 at jermwarfare.com Hopefully I will have the pleasure of speaking with Jerm again in the near future, as we really only scratched the surface here. 

The audio and video versions of the podcast presented here are roughly the same. 


Topical Discussions with Bertrand Comparet, January, 2025

Topical Discussions with Bertrand Comparet, January, 2025

Here I am going to present and critique a pair of rather short Bertrand Comparet sermons, the first titled The Kingdom of Heaven or in Heaven, and the second, The Miracle of the Origin of Our Race. I am taking this break from our Isaiah commentary mostly because I have still been sick from the cold which has encumbered me from last Thursday. Even with that, on Tuesday morning I recorded a session with a gentleman in South Africa who has a website and podcast titled Jerm Warfare, which is actually a play on his given name. Yesterday I was hoping that he would be able to publish that in time for me to play it this evening, but he has not yet had the chance to do so. Therefore I will post that at Christogenea when it is available, and I will not leave it for next Friday night, by which time I hope to return to Isaiah. Yahweh willing, I should be making more appearances on that program in the near future, to further discuss our Christian Identity profession. 

As with nearly all of our Bertrand Comparet sermons, this one was transcribed by Jeanne Snyder and later digitized for internet publication by Clifton Emahiser, where he included many of his own notes. Something I do not usually mention is that copies of Jeanne’s transcription had been sold for many years by Kingdom Identity Ministries in Harrison Arkansas, and Clifton had also obtained copies and resold them to prisoners and to others on his mailing list who wanted one. I long ago gave away my own copy to a prisoner, but I have one of Clifton’s copies here. Perhaps I will take a photograph and post it along with this presentation. Because we are working with Clifton’s digitized copies here, we will also include his notes.


Book of Comparet Sermons by Jeanne Snyder

European Fellowship Forum, December 2024

The scope of the purpose of Christ for Israel and also in regard to the wider Adamic race. Some discussion of Mongols, Turks and Arabs and the destruction of Byzantine Europe. The myth of Mansa Musa as a negro. Historical revisionism in pop culture seeks to portray historical figures as negros to facilitate the elevation of negros in society today. Politics in America, the failure of Conservatives to understand the men they vote to lead them. Jews in rural American society. Jewish gaslighting of Christians for 1,800 years, value of the authority of the so-called Church Fathers, Plato and the Church Fathers. Jews as leaders of White nationalist or right-wing dissident groups. Feminism is older than we think, as it can be found even among 16th British Puritans.

Trump backing off on campaign promises, no mass deportations of illegal immigrants. The Magdeburg Christmas Market incident and German sentiments in its aftermath. The role of Yahweh God in the lives and trials of men. European phenotypes and some of the folly of Nordicists among White nationalists. True love in the eyes of God, and the happiness which it brings to those who follow it. The invisible costs of black crime and how Whites always pay for it. The safest States are the Whitest States. The acceptance of fornicators and other sinners even within one’s own family, and the divisions which sin causes among Christians and their families. Dealing with “normies”, those Whites who remain blind in the face of modern trials an current events, is a subject throughout the discussion.

And more! Thanks to all who participated.

December 2024 Open Forum Discussion

The new Christogenea website - Christian Identity as a theological and historical worldview, and the importance of being able to defend it - Directions for future Bible commentaries - Commentaries, what should be said vs what can be said - Politics, voting, engagement in the political system - The Trump phenomenon, even among Identity Christians - Trump and immigration policy - Pagans, Norse or Greeks, all of their gods are rapists and perverts - Missing Biblical literature available to Solomon and Paul - Genesis 10 Nations and the importance of showing they were all White – Back to immigration, towns overrun with illegal immigrants - Indians in the tech industry and other banter about Indian and Mexican inabilities – Mainstream attitudes towards Adolf Hitler – Christian Identity is the promised Elijah ministry and that is where Identity Christians should focus their efforts - God comes before family; putting man before God is idolatry - Differences in the circumstances of boomer and gen-xers when they were young, as compared to those of millennials and zoomers, who have it much harder and are often naturally disaffected from society - “White” as a descriptor for Europeans and why it was not necessary to use such a term for most of history - Most people would rather live in lies than leave their comfort zone and face the Truth – A lot of discussion relating to Identity Christians dealing with the challenges of everyday life, and more, of course… including Big G and the end of those who bring bastards into their families.

European Fellowship Forum, September 2024

Among the topics discussed:

· The recent AfD successes in German national elections · Arab-Islamic crime in Germany · The CIA, Mossad, the potential for war in Iran · The death of cursive writing, and the slide rule. · Replacement theology · Dearth of Greek manuscripts of Scripture in Medieval Europe · Education then and now, how children have been educated throughout the centuries · Hurricanes and other inclement weather · Demographics in Germany · Historical climate change and a much warmer Scandinavian past. See: Melting Ice and a High Altitude Dig Reveal Viking Secrets in Norway and The Big Melt

· Negro crime in America · Oppression of “Holocaust” truth seekers in Germany · School shootings and Jewish kids on psychotropic drugs · Abortion and Sodomy in the modern Israeli State · Phoenicians, and the Antikythera mechanism · Britain, the Glastonbury accounts, and related tales promoted by British Israel · We thought to discuss the rejection of mass immigration by the people of Ireland, but the opportunity was missed See: Ireland is Full

· Ohio Gov. DeWine’s deep connections to Haiti inform response to Springfield controversy (no wonder Ohio is being loaded with Haitians!) · “Doctor” Chuck Baldwin, who calls himself “America’s Patriot Pastor”, and his love for niggers · Jews openly colonize every White area they can get into · Islam and the so-called “White Sharia” movement · Divisions and dividers in Christian Identity, and more!

September 2024 Open Forum Discussion

As usual, these Open Forums have a slow start. One friend asked about Texe Marrs, to whom I have not spent any time reading or listening in 15 years. Texe is an apparently Christian “conspiracy theorist” who, in my opinion, continually misses the mark, and always will miss the mark. So he is really just another rabbit hole, or perhaps, rabbi hole. I offer this opinion here because I did not spend much time on the subject in the Forum.

Finding comfort and encouragement in Scripture. The comfort in prayer. The correlation between thought and prayer.

Kirk Weaver’s beginnings as an Identity Christian, starting in the 1980’s. I had noted that there were two other long-time Identity Christians present, our good friend Bruce Bohn, who founded the Christian Identity group on Gab, and Debbie Downey, a good friend and the widow of pastor Mark Downey. Unfortunately, Bruce had troubles with his microphone, but we hope to speak to him at an Open Forum soon.

The significance of Christian Identity as the prophesied Elijah ministry of the last days. The origin of the label “Christian Identity”. I should have mentioned the fact that Christian Identity is not a denomination. Rather, it is a worldview grounded in Scripture and proper view of history which is fully supported by archaeology. Some of the divisions and differences within Christian Identity.

“Big G”, an Identity Christian from Philadelphia, and his experiences at work and at home.

A brief discussion of American pioneer Davy Crockett, who was also a U.S. Congressman from the State of Tennessee for several terms in the 1820’s and 30’s. At one point in that career, Crockett gave an excellent speech to his fellow Congressman titled “The Public's Money Is Not Yours to Give”, which I had discussed at length in a 2017 presentation titled The Protocols of Satan, Part 29: Constitutional Vanity. This led to a brief discussion of soldiering for the empire, and the evils of taking money from the citizenry in order to fight foreign wars on behalf of international merchants.

Towards the end of this Forum Erick raised the subject of the Parable of the Ten Virgins found in Matthew chapter 25. Here we did not discuss every aspect of the parable, but I made a reference to a recent Wednesday Bible Study which may be found at our Media site: Christogenea Bible Study - August 7/24 - Matthew 24:29 - 51, Matthew 25

Of course many other topics were discussed beyond or in relation to these.

The Watchman, a Critical Review of a Sermon by Bertrand Comparet

Notice: The original recording had some gaps, and several hundred words missing, especially from 11:28 to 13:16. These gaps were in the original recording as it had been recorded, and there is no explanation since there were no evident spaces in the recording itself. The recording software must have been freezing intermittently for this to have occurred.  So I have made a new recording, posted on Sunday afteroon at about 5:45 PM, and that now appears here for download, as well as in the player above. Doing that, I have also amended some of the notes below. - William Finck

The Watchman, a Critical Review of a Sermon by Bertrand Comparet

There are two general attitudes which are prevalent among Identity Christians towards politics and the economic, social, demographical and political circumstances in the United States today, and also in others of the nations which were formerly known as Christendom. The first attitude is conservatism. Those who have this attitude hope that somehow the nation can prevent a disastrous meltdown, that politicians can fix things, that they can stop the slide to oblivion, or at least, slow it down. But this is not what the Scripture warns, as the apostle Peter had professed, in 2 Peter chapter 3, “7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” That is the only fitting judgment for Sodom.

Often, people who fashion themselves as conservatives take such a position because they are selfish, or self-preserving; because they want to hold onto and enjoy the things which they have, and retire comfortably to a life of leisure. Identity Christians with these attitudes may not admit it, but it is fully apparent in their social media profiles and their ongoing participation in the political process. They know what the Word of God says in the prophets and the Revelation, they know the world is worthy of His wrath and judgment, but they just don’t want it to happen in their own lifetimes so they put their faith in men, rather than in God.

Christian Identity Apologetics with White

The Against Heresies Handbook discussed here is found at: A Handbook Against Heresies for Identity Christians.

Modern Christian apologetics often leans towards fideism. Fideism, a word which seems to have been coined by Roman Catholic apologists, may be loosely defined as faith without reason. But lines such as “Jesus changed my life so Christianity must be true” are simply a form of self-validation, circular reasoning, and they are not a true defense of the faith. A lot of false religions change people’s lives, perhaps even all of them, so that is not a measure of the truth of the faith. A faith without reason allows anyone to think what they want about Jesus, and still call themselves Christians. So fideism seems to be an excuse for Catholics to teach all of their heresies, such as transubstantiation, universalism, and other heresies which are not found in Scripture. But we would contend that Christian Identity is a faith with reason, which leads to a greater assurance, and having that assurance, there is a greater obedience to the faith.

But here our focus is not on the broader matters of Christian apologetics. Rather, I would see Christian Identity apologetics as a defense of our faith within Christianity, internal to Christian belief. It is something which must be presented to people of our own kind, White men and women of European heritage, who are already Christian or who are considering Christianity. We do not need to defend Christ Himself. But we may better defend Christ once we establish the fact that the Christian Identity view of Christianity is the only true form of the Christian faith.

European Fellowship Forum, June 2024

Why Hitler and National Socialist Germany lost the war, the political situation in modern Germany, National Socialism, Marxist Socialism, Bolshevism and Communism, the situation in Ukraine, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the growth of Christian Identity, and more ... (not necessarily in that order.)

Thank you to the many of our European and American friends who participated!

A Conversation with Jerel Mosley

A Conversation with Jerel Mosley - Jerel has been an active Christian Patriot, White Nationalist, Identity Christian since the very early 1960's. We have known Jerel since the early months of 2009, or perhaps a little sooner. It was Jerel who was responsible for our having made available the Russia. No. 1 (1919) Report, the 1919 U.S. Gov't. Memorandum on the Bolshevist Movement in Russia, and other important documents crucial to our understanding of Jewish treachery and the history of the last 200 years. 

May 2024 Open Forum Discussion

  • Keith, formerly of Truth Militia, the trial of his wife’s colon cancer diagnosis, and how she has overcome it.
  • Evils of modern industrial farming methods.
  • The immoral state of modern Germany.
  • The folly of worldly leaders and solutions to modern woes.
  • Decadence in the US military.
  • Hollywood influence over public consciousness is never called into question.
  • The Jewish mass murderers and school shooters.
  • Timothy McVeigh, Project Megiddo Report
  • Putting away sinners, race-mixers & Sodomites of one’s own family or children.
  • The evils of vaccines, the Covid vaccines and cancer.
  • Criticizing Comparet for his interpretation of ἄτομος in 1 Corinthians 15:52.
  • Fellowship and denominational churches.
  • Miscellaneous banter.

February 2024 Open Forum Discussion

The audio file embedded below has better sound levels. It is missing a few seconds at the start, but it is of somewhat better quality. It is ten minutes longer, because whitespace was not removed. It may be downloaded by clicking HERE. For my part, I had a lot of tech challenges this evening, evidently from a Firefox browser update, and a bad cellphone connection.

Among the topics discussed:

  • The failures of secular White Nationalism and the shills in its “leadership”. The failure of politics.
  • Lands of Israel in Kingdom of Yahweh, where will the Kingdom of God be located?
  • Organization of the coming Kingdom of God in light of the Judges period.
  • Scope and purpose of the prophecy of Isaiah
  • Old Testament is a Christian book. No Jew can possibly understand the Old Testament. Christians are wrong to look to Jews for Biblical understanding.
  • Biblical minimalism is Jewish and that, along with the Talmud, help to prove beyond doubt that Jews are not the people of the Old Testament.
  • Society conditioned to believe that Jews are experts in all fields. All of the “experts” cited in media reports seem to be Jews.
  • The barriers to Christian fellowship and the challenges they bring.
  • The high trust and low trust societies and game theory as seen in real life.
  • The state of many White Nationalist groups as front groups and honeypots for government agencies or Jewish NGOs.
  • Chances of society or military succeeding with majority non-White memberships.
  • Jews, fallen angels, their first sin, and the bastardization of creation.
  • Hawaii, Texas, Florida and the erosion of the American empire.
  • What to do with people programmed by the world, who see everything through jewish eyes.
  • Isaiah chapter 47 and parallels with Revelation chapter 18.
  • The significance of understanding the prophets, the New Testament and the Revelation in harmony.
  • Pharmaceuticals, Covid and newspaper eschatology
  • The fear porn circling around recent cellphone outage attributed to “solar flares”, food plant fires, train derailments.
  • Odd weather patterns throughout the past winter.
  • A porn star kills herself at 36: the plight of women in the judaized society.
  • Another failure of secular White Nationalism: Donald Trump is just another dupe and he is not a savior.
  • The true meanings of the words mister, master, and lord.

And more!

European Fellowship Forum, December 2023

Among the topics discussed:

  • The immigrant flood into Britain and elsewhere and the prophetic implications. Bolshevik use of Latvian and Chinese mercenaries to launch their revolution.
  • Whether to go to war for ones government if one is conscripted.
  • The plight of Christians dependent upon worldly employment and forced to do things which they would not normally do.
  • Non-Adamic “people” and the relationship to sin.
  • Concentration of wealth in corporations.
  • The differences between instruction and study, reading and research.
  • Stress, worry, and learning instead to trust in God.
  • Obesity, diet, and sin.
  • Tuna and scales, is tuna unclean? Are mushrooms unclean?
  • The word Gott in Germany is consistently understood to be a reference to the God of the Bible, except among a small minority of neo-pagans.
  • Brief discussion of National Socialism and Christianity.
  • Online sources for Classical literature, i.e. Perseus Digital Library, Project Gutenberg. Project Gutenberg is banned in Germany on account of copyright laws.
  • Challenges of publishing books for truth-tellers or dissidents.
  • Verifying Christian Identity truths.
  • Nutrition and sickness, choosing the medical industry when one is sick, or trusting in God.
  • Number of mosques in Germany, degree of integration of White nations with other races.
  • Blatantly open crimes such as shoplifting, or looting, are unknowingly subsidized by Whites who do business with the same corporations and their insurance companies. This is a back door to Communism.
  • Willingness of most Whites to accept and integrate with other races, jewish humanist brainwashing of White Society.
  • Scofield Bible and jewish claims that they are all twelve tribes of Israel.
  • Solar generators are not as efficient as advertised. Many more panels and batteries are need than what is typically advertised.
  • Why Hitler declared war on America, Roosevelt’s undeclared war on Germany from 1938, America’s current proxy war with Russia.
  • Chinese and Russian presence in America, train derailments and food processing plant burnings are very possibly acts of sabotage, muslims in America.
  • Changing demographics in the American South, a new Yankee invasion.
  • Elohim City, Church of Israel in Missouri (Dan Gayman), antipathy towards and differences with Christogenea.
  • Mocking the holocaust myth.
  • Negro riots in the mid-1960’s.

And more…

The White Friday Open Forum, November, 2023

Just before 5:00 PM US Eastern time on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 I replaced the original .mp3 file as it seemed to be skipping ahead, or for at least one listener, interminably looping at around 29:05 minutes. I apologize for any inconvenience. - wmfinck

Among the topics discussed:

  • The recent protests in Ireland, and the relative lack of protests in France under similar circumstances.
  • Genesis chapter 6 – fallen angels, their descendants, or both?
  • Marks on your forehead and arms: Phylacteries and the true meaning of the law in Deuteronomy 6:8 and 11:18.
  • Did Isaiah 27:1 have a dual fulfillment?
  • Differences between races in cognitive and inventive abilities, craniology, or phrenology, and brain development.
  • The perceived seat of a man's emotions in Greek philosophy and Hebrew Scriptures.
  • Empathy, emotions, altruism, intelligence capabilities among the races.
  • Evolution vs. Adaptation. Adaptation and genetic expression.
  • Racial intelligence, IQ, and the capacity for learning, intelligence and motivation, the uselessness of rote memory i.e. the advantage of knowledge vs. memorizing trivia.
  • Abilities of the Nephilim, origins of technology
  • Scripture should not contradict itself; an analogy comparing Scriptural interpretation to computer programming which was made here at Christogenea long ago. The point being that when a verse is interpreted, it cannot contradict any other verse in the Bible, or the interpretation will upset the whole program.
  • Reading Scripture with an intent to conform. The corruption of Christian doctrine in the early church. Preterism, Futurism, and the Catholic Church.
  • Newspaper eschatology: Current events and fear porn
  • The words adult and adulterate are from different Latin words, and not related directly, at least.
  • Our modern apostasy, of which the apostles warned. Paganism is Judaism.
  • The Torah, the Talmud, and Baby Rape, along with other damnable precepts of Judaism.
  • Dustin Nemos is trolling and grifting Identity Christians as he promotes and defends his own race-mixing.
  • Ezekiel 37:25 in light of 2 Samuel 7:10, and also the promises that Israel would inherit the world.
  • Understanding prophecy with hindsight, but not having the ability to use it to predict the future.
  • Revelation 20, Satan’s having been released from the pit and the emancipation of the Jews.
  • Food laws, fat, kidneys and other organs: Is the eating of organs prohibited in the Law?
  • Seven-year land Sabbath: Should farmers, and even individuals, still follow the land sabbath? Jubilees.
  • The laws of dowry and the rape of virgins leading to marriage, Deuteronomy chapter 22. Jacob and Laban.
  • Freemasonry and Albert Pike, the supposed letter to Mazzini. The Knight's Templars.

September 2023 Open Forum Discussion

Among the subjects discussed this evening:

  • Interpreting the “kings of the east” reference in Revelation chapter 16. Asiatic billionaires and some aspects of their influence over Western governance.
  • Will there be Marriage after the Resurrection? The difficulties of speculating about life in the Kingdom of Heaven. The words of Christ concerning marriage after the Resurrection.
  • What to do on the Sabbath? The “rest” of Joshua.
  • Why is natural selection only applied to animals, and governments seek to prevent it among humans? The lack of consciousness among the other so-called races, and the impossibility of converting them.
  • How did angels get wings?
  • The Trojan horse of "smart cities". Twitter, Elon Musk and the ADL. VPNs and Jewish attempts to control the internet.
  • Medieval fairy tales and the wisdom of knowing that evil is genetic, in old tales about Witches, ogres, and trolls which taught children about good and evil people. Stories of trolls or leprechauns and gold are warnings of Jews (quip: leprechaun = “leper cohen”). Japanese tengu creatures relating to same phenomenon.
  • Class warfare promoted by Jews.
  • Deuteronomy 6:8 and wearing the law on one’s hand and between one’s eyes.
  • The death of Herod and the nature of his illness.
  • Secular White Nationalism, White Sharia, Islam and anti-racism. Muslims and usury.
  • Rachel, indirectly cursed by Jacob, was punished and died young because she stole the household gods of her father Laban, and therefore also wanted to steal his estate from her brothers.
  • The contrasting personalities of Esau and Jacob, hairy vs. smooth.
  • Spirits and unclean spirits vs. phantasma, or apparitions. “Soul sleep”.
  • Yahweh God, the hardening of pharaoh’s heart, the the free will of man.
  • Politics, parties, compromise and betrayal. Reasons for leaving the League of the South. The lesson of Gideon.
  • Benjamin Franklin on race, Blonde vs. Brunette in Europe. Tawny or brunet brethren vs. Arabs, and the Gospel dividing the wheat and tares.
  • Catholics, and most mainstream Christians do not read the Bible. The pattern of our critics having not read the Bible. 

European Fellowship Forum, August 2023

At the beginning of the program I thought this Euro Forum was a couple of weeks late, but it really has been overdue since June. I apologize to our European friends for my forgetfulness!

This Sunday afternoon we were joined by some of our friends in Europe, Britain, Australia and elsewhere for topical discussions and fellowship. Among the subjects discussed:

A recent appearance by Joe from the Christogenea Forum on a podcast called the "Godcast", where he defended our Christian Identity profession  . Since they are tied into the jew Mike Enoch's TRS network, and since they are highly critical of our profession, we would rather refer to them as The Dogcast, which is much more appropriate. 

Some of the political circumstances in Germany, As well as some of the cultural conditions among Europeans in Germany and Britain. Are Europeans as depraved as they appear to be in social media? Of course, many Americans are no less depraved. Here we contrasted some of the more civil cultural habits remembered from our youth.

Of course there was more...

Listen to Joe on the July 1st episode of the Dogcast here. They claim this is the "raw" recording but we have reports that it was edited.

I had connection issues during the course of the program. The recording here was made on the server. For my local recording, see the link below or click here.

June 2023 Open Forum Discussion

Among the topics discussed:

Joe on the Dogcast, our name for the so-called “Godcast”, who was going later in the evening to defend our Christian Identity profession against Lutheran and Orthodox heretics. Profession of belief, works of man required in Judeo Christian salvation, the Church Fathers and early Gnosticism and neo-platonism; scope of the New Covenant; scope of the words world and man, Martin Luther and “all the world”, by which he meant all of Europe; Heman and Ethan of 1 Kings 4:31 and the 88th and 89th Psalms were not necessarily immediate sons of Mahol, and lived in David's time; salvation, works and rewards.

The old saying "Ignorance is bliss" must have been coined by inverting Ecclesiastes 1:18: "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow."

Churches teach self-righteousness, accept sinners, lead men to atheism or agnosticism; names as premonitions, i.e. Laban, Judith; the conception of the Messiah in first century Judaea: Christ as a warrior Messiah or suffering Messiah; the apocryphal Psalms and the Dead Sea Srolls; living in Babylon: the corrupt modern society, the fall of Babylon discussion and speculation; Gehenna, Hades and the Lake of Fire; Finding Christian Identity and the obligations and responsibility of knowledge; the Jewish gaslighting of words like "homophobe".

The four Greek words with various shades of meaning are all “love” in the English bibles; Zechariah chapter 14 and those who do not “keep the feast”; sobriety and temperance, is it okay to drink wine or beer? ; charity and how to do it; White nationalist failures; morality and war; is Psalm 151 canonical?

The importance of the next generation; burial or cremation? Is cremation acceptable?; the spirit and the body as a vessel; the apostle John in his later life, John’s witness of the passion of Christ; raising children in truth; the fate of children miscarried or born; and more…