Graber - Section R
<Section R> H. Graber states: “THE RECORD OF SECULAR AUTHORS : Now I shall document a few quotes from secular authors, concerning the professed apostle Paul.
“From ‘Paul the Man’ by Michael Grant, quote, ‘Far from claiming to have known Jesus personally, when he was alive, he (Paul) is asserting a knowledge about him (Jesus) superior in quality to anything that mere eye witnesses of his life on earth could ever claim for themselves, (such as Matthew, John, Peter, or James) for he had not been among their number, and was anxious to assert superiority over them. He does not therefore think of himself as a disciple of the historic Jesus, as indeed he had not been, but a man commissioned by Him after His death, and events, and a timeing [sic] which relegated the actual details of His teaching during His former earthly life to comparative unimportance in Paul’s eyes,’
“From ‘Paul the Man’ by Michael Grant, quote, ‘What is most surprising of all those familiar with modern ideas of Christianity, is to discover that Paul, although he recognized that Jesus had come to earth in human form, believed that He had never been the Messiah in His lifetime, but only became this when He was declared the Son of God. He was proclaimed the Son of God by a mighty act, in which He rose from the dead.’ (Ref. Rom. 1:4)
“From ‘Androcles and the Lion’ by George Bernard Shaw, quote, ‘Howbeit, Paul succeeded in stealing the image of Christ crucified for the figurehead of his salvationist vessel, with it’s [sic] Adam poseing [sic] as the natural man. It’s [sic] doctrine of original sin and it’s [sic] damnation avoidable only by faith in the sacrafice [sic] on the cross. In fact, no sooner had Jesus knocked over the dragon of superstition, then Paul boldly set it on it's [sic] legs again in the name of Jesus.’ (Ref. Acts 13:46-47, Gal. 4:14, Rom. 4:5)
“From ‘Paul the Man’ by Michael Grant, quote, ‘True, Paul denies that he is actually identifying the Torah with sinfulness, is the law identical with sin? Of course not! Never the less [sic] he goes much farther with his criticism of the law, apparantly [sic] than Jesus ever did, and by so doing, he denies the need, or importance of the only ethical code the Jews posessed [sic]. Indeed he is actually declaring, that this code does more harm than good. True that impression is contradicted, seemingly by careful moral direction which he offers in other passages. Yet his discription [sic] of the Jewish law remains on record. To justify this sensational rejection, he brings forth other points as well. One of them calculates to appeal directly to those versed in Jewish tradition, that Abraham who was the traditional founder of Israel and it’s [sic] monotheism, and was regarded as the righteous man. Managed perfectly well to win the good will of God, before the Mosaic law ever existed. So the law cannot be regarded as indispensible [sic] for the purpose, and it’s [sic] demotion is merely a return to the original covenant granted by God to Moses’ ancestor Abraham, but frustrated by subsequent generations.’ (Ref. Rom. 4:15-16, Rom. 4:1-5)
“From ‘Paul the Man’ by Michael Grant, quote, ‘The faith which Paul himself came to hold, and desired others to hold with him, was, faith in the crucifiction [sic] and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the consequences of those events for mankind. This was by far the most important part of his beliefs and preachings and teachings, and it means that they scarcly [sic] be compared at all with those of Jesus. For even if Jesus in His last days came to foresee His own violent death as in some way redemptive, this idea had not manifestly stood in the forefront of His ministry, which through His career had centered on the dawning and shortly to be consumated [sic] Kingdom of God. It was scarcly [sic] surprising then, that Paul showed so little interest in Jesus’ life. For what the two men preached was quite different, and the Christianity we have today is largely Paul’s creation.’ (Ref. Gal. 1:6-9, Rom. 2:16)
“From Dr. Joachim Prince, President of the American Jewish Congress, quote, ‘Saul of Tarsus is the real founder of the Christian Church, and the true archetect [sic] of christian [sic] theology.’ ‘Conciously [sic] or unconciously [sic] Paul worked to establish the church in Rome and not Jerusalem. Suffice it to say, there is much history to support the claim, that it was not Peter that established the Roman Catholic Church, but rather the PROFESSED APOSTLE PAUL’.” [Bold emphasis mine.]
In reply to section <R>: From the fourth paragraph of page 5 to the third of page 6 of Graber’s original Kingdom Courier publication, Graber supplies what he calls “The Record of Secular Authors” concerning Paul of Tarsus (as if his narrow selection met so wide an objective), choosing quotes from Michael Grant, George Bernard Shaw, and Joachim Prince.
From Michael Grant, Graber offers a statement concerning Romans 1:4, much like that which Graber offered as his own on page 4, paragraph 2 of his publication (which I addressed previously at <K> of this reply). Grant refers to the Books of Moses as the “Torah” and to the Levitical Law as the “Jewish law”, makes the same mistake as judaized-churchianity by regarding Paul as having rejected the law, and draws false conclusions from his ill-guided perspectives. It is clear to me that Michael Grant is writing from a mainstream “jewish” perspective, even if he is not a jew himself (though I do not discount that possibility). To this I might ask, “Can a devil open the eyes of the blind?”
Speaking of which, Joachim Prince (who Graber quotes at page 6, paragraph 3 of his Kingdom Courier) certainly is a devil! Why is Graber quoting jews concerning Christianity? Can Graber be a Christian, while honoring the opinions of Satan? This alone exposes Graber as a fraud, respecting the lies of the anti-christ! For there is NO TRUTH in them (John 8:44, 1 John 4:3)! Yet here Graber offers still more deceit.
In the last paragraph on page 5 of my copy of his document, Graber quotes George Bernard Shaw concerning Paul. I will address Shaw’s statement below. First, note that in the fourth paragraph of page 7 of his (original) document (found here at <Section T> below) Graber accuses Paul of being a socialist and a humanist, and of seeding a “One World Government.” Now I have already exposed Graber’s own humanism on page 1 of this hand written reply, [see <A> above], however let us check out Mr. Shaw, from the American Heritage College Dictionary: “Shaw, George Bernard ... Irish born British playwright and critic who was a founder of the Fabian Society ...” and that society?: “Fabian ... 2. Of, relating to, or being a member of the Fabian Society, which was committed to gradual means of spreading socialist principles ...” Oh the deceit! Graber, accusing Paul of being an evil, short, swarthy, jew, quotes such people as he attacks Paul. Graber, accusing Paul of being a socialist, at the same time quotes socialists! Graber, accusing Paul of being a humanist, is himself exposed as holding humanist beliefs! No wonder Paul said in Romans: “On which account you are inexcusable, O man, all who judge, since by your judging another you are condemning yourself: indeed you practice the things which are judged.” So I must ask again, who is a liar, but H. (Huckster?, Hymie?) Graber?
Now as for the content of Shaw’s quoted remark, (to which Graber adds a reference, citing three of Paul’s verses which have nothing to do with that content,) Shaw claims that Yahshua “Knocked over the dragon of superstition.” Superstition! Now we who are bearers of the Truth know that Yahshua Christ exposed a walking, talking, genetic dragon, Satan, the children of the accuser (John 8:44, Matt. 13:37-43. Luke 11:39-52 et al.), and Paul followed Yahshua Christ’s example, for which see Acts 13:8-10, 19:13, 20:28-30, Romans 9:1-13, 16:20, 2 Cor. 6:14-18, 2 Thes. 2:3-12 and 1 Tim 6:3-4 (my own translations of Paul are much clearer than the A.V. – especially at Rom. 9 and 2 Thes 2). Paul of Tarsus was clearly an ambassador of Yahshua Christ, Yahweh Himself! Who is H. Graber an ambassador of? The Socialist, Shaw? The jew, Joachim Prince? The just as good, if-not-a-jew, Michael Grant? These are the men that Graber follows, and has a high regard for!!!