Graber - Introduction


In the autumn of 2003, a dear friend of mine sent me a copy of the December 1985, vol. II, #12, Kingdom Courier by one H. Graber, 5393 Carleton Rd., Mariposa, CA 95338. This document is a reflection of most of the trash being printed nowadays – and even in Israel Identity circles – to discredit Paul of Tarsus. My friend is, unfortunately, deceived by people such as H. Graber, Scott Nelson, and others, into rejecting the excellent and legitimate writings of Paul, for none other than a want of understanding. In November of 2003 I wrote a lengthy response to Graber’s document, and both are reproduced below in their entirety, except that my response, originally in the form of a personal letter, has been edited somewhat for general consumption and for the format here. In my letter dated 19th Nov. 03, I stated:

Dear Friend, Greetings! Today I am writing you to respond to some of the statements in the December, 1985 Kingdom Courier you sent me, the article being entitled “The Gospel Of Jesus Christ! Versus The Doctrine Of The Apostle Paul!” And I must say, if the so-called ‘Dr.’ H. Graber truly wanted to “seek the truth and insure [his] eternal destiny” as he so boldly states, I’m sure he has found a destiny other than he hoped to attain: for his work is weighed in the balance, and found wanting. This letter will demonstrate that Mr. Graber is a liar, and a fraud. I am not going to address every aspect of Graber’s eight page document, though I will discuss many of his statements, and certainly more of it than would be sufficient to support my claims concerning his character and scholarship. So that you may more easily follow my answers to Graber’s statements, I will include a marked copy of his document with my letter, and the marks will correspond to those which will precede my several responses, i.e. <A>, <B> etc.

[So that the reader will not become confused, all of Graber’s remarks will be in italics, and the article being addressed has been divided into marked sections presenting first Graber’s statements followed by my responses, which are from necessity slightly different than my original responses to my friend]: