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Christian Identity Videos
A Commentary on Mark by Lion of Patmos Videos: Perturbing the Devils (Mark 1:21-28)
Courtesy of Lion of Patmos
In our previous presentation we read Mark’s succinct account of the forty days in the wilderness, using it as an opportunity to identify the Adversary who tried Christ. The evidence pointed towards them being an incredulous and scornful descendant of Cain, perhaps an individual or group from those racial vipers among the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to enquire of John the Baptist.
This interpretation is supported by the fact that the Adversary challenged Christ to prove that He was the Son of Yahweh at a very early point in His ministry, and the only reasonable explanation for their insight is that they were present some days or weeks earlier at the Jordan, when the declaration from heaven sounded out: “You are My beloved Son, in You I am satisfied!" Of course, being a viper, they would have naturally sought to challenge that testimony.
Read the essay here. Download the video here or view at the Media site.
A Commentary on Mark by Lion of Patmos Videos: Plastering the Bruises (Mark 1:29-39)
Courtesy of Lion of Patmos
In our previous presentation we spent much time discussing how throughout Scripture the origin of unclean spirits both embodied and disembodied is tied to the fallen angels, whose fornication is described in Genesis and the fragments of 1 Enoch. This must be true, because the other races are rejected based on their sperma and genos, and if God is the author of life, then the only way for them to have an origin apart from Him is to be a corruption of that which He created. Their corrupt parentage is most explicitly uncovered in the Gospel and Revelation of Christ, who came to reveal the things kept hidden from the foundation of Society, and also in the epistles of His apostles, most notably Jude and 2 Peter.
As Christ said concerning the racial thorns among the Pharisees, "Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted shall be uprooted!” And as Solomon said before Him, being inspired by His Spirit, bastard seedlings have “no hope, nor consolation in the day of decision. For grievous are the ends of an unrighteous race.” [ Wisdom 3:18-19 (…)]
Their ends are grievous, but there is hope in the end of the children of Israel, and for the rest of Adam with them. A comfort to the children of Israel and a perturbation to His enemies: that was the principal theme of our previous presentation on Mark, and it is the testimony of the writings in their entire balance.
Now as we continue with the gospel, we will see Christ bringing even more encouragement to the denizens of the village of comfort with many marvels, miracles which show that He was sent by the Father, for as He said, “the works which the Father gave to Me in order that I shall complete them, those same works which I should do testify concerning Me, that the Father sent Me!”
[ John 5:36 (…), also John 10:25, et al]
Read the essay here. Download the video here or view at the Media site.
A Commentary on Mark by Lion of Patmos, Part 2: Preparing the People (Mark 1:1-11)
Courtesy of Lion of Patmos
The gospel of Mark focuses primarily on the deeds and accomplishments of Yahshua Christ's ministry, and that is why we don't see any infancy account (Matthew and Luke) or prologue (John) in its opening chapter. It begins with a very brief but effective overview of John the Baptist and the water immersion of Christ, before quickly following with Yahshua's ministry.
How John the Baptist prepared the people for Christ is the main theme of this episode of our commentary. The account may be short here in Mark, but it's a great opportunity to discuss many things which are often overlooked, and we'll be drawing from all four gospels as we examine the greater picture. It is important to know just how John the Baptist prepared the way for Yahshua, and it's an important lesson for us as we seek to follow in his footsteps, urging our brethren to repent and turn their hearts to the fathers.
A Commentary on Mark by Lion of Patmos, Part 3: Proclaiming the Message (Mark 1:12-20)
Courtesy of Lion of Patmos
In our previous presentation on the gospel of Mark, we explored how the primary purpose of John the Baptist was to prepare the people for the coming of the Christ, and this was accomplished in manifold ways.
Perhaps the most evident was through John proclaiming an immersion of repentance, urging the people to follow the law of Yahweh, rather than the pretentious traditions of the elders upheld by the Pharisees. Those who were willing to listen came from across Judaea and even Jerusalem, leaving the hypocritical assembly halls to acknowledge their errors by the rivers. It was through their repentance that the rugged, stubborn mountain of Zion was transformed into a smooth, obedient plain, as prophesied in the writings such as those of Isaiah and Zechariah....
Origin of the Jews, Part 1
Created by some of our friends at Christogenea. Download the video here. Is our server slow? This video is mirrored at William Finck's Bitchute channel. Archivists: the resolution is better at Christogenea, where it is 1920x1080. Reposting is encouraged! Mentioning Christogenea is appreciated!
Origin of the Jews, Part 2 - Christ on the Jews and their Lies
Part 2 of a series being created by some of our friends at Christogenea. Download the video here. Is our server slow? This video will also be mirrored at William Finck's Bitchute channel. Archivists: the resolution is better at Christogenea, where it is 1920x1080. Reposting is encouraged! Mentioning Christogenea is appreciated!
The Abrahamic Covenant - E. Raymond Capt
This material has been removed from Christogenea due to copyright claims by Artisan Publishers.
Once time permits, we hope to replace Capt's good work with a version of our own.
Artisan Publishers refused to understand that they would be better off letting us use the video, and link to their page, so we have removed it as they requested.
The Migrations of the 12 Tribes of Israel to Europe
Courtesy of our friend Relics of Truth
See the Historical Essays and podcasts here at Christogenea for more information.
The Revelation is Only about the Europeans
Courtesy of See also the Commentary on the Revelation here at Christogenea!
What are Christians Saved from When They Believe?
Courtesy of Lion of Patmos This video was the first portion of the Christogenea podcast on Friday, March 7th, 2025.
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