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Expel the Parasite! represents one man's awakening to truth.
Jewish Genetic Diseases
Understanding the inherent Jewish traits which are reflected by all of their various genetic diseases leads one to understand that Jews are not a special people chosen by God for their good. Rather, Jews are a corruption of the creation of God, and they have forever been cursed and reserved for destruction, which is what the Bible really teaches about the Edomites and Canaanites. Today's Jews are actually the descendants of the Edomites (descendants of Esau), Canaaanites (descendants of Canaan), Kenites (descendants of Cain) and Rephaim (descendants of Genesis 6 "giants"). For a basic understanding, start with Luke 11:51, John 8:44, Romans 9:13 & 22, and Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.
For further information see The Anti-Christ for Dummies and A Concise Explanation of the Creation of the Jewish People here at Christogenea.
Radio Albion
Click here to listen to Radio Albion.
Radio Albion, formerly Radio Aryan, is Sven Longshanks' radio network, offering a variety of White and Christian Nationalist recordings and programs.
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