100 Proofs the Israelites were White - Full Documentary

This improved 14-hour edition of 100 Proofs the Israelites were White is based on the series of seventy-seven podcasts of the same title presented here by Truthvids and William Finck from August, 2020 to April, 2022.   See Truthvids.net for the text of his presentations, and for more of his fine work!

A Cartoon Symbolizing the Attack of the Jews on the White Nations

We have had this video posted at our Lithobolos.net project for over five years. But never has its message been clearer or more appropriate than it is today. Laugh if you will, but this short video certainly is an accurate and well-presented depiction of the Jewish treachery against all White nations which has been unfolding over the last two hundred years. However we have faith that in the end, the results of such Jewish treachery will turn out quite differently.

A Commentary on Mark by Lion of Patmos Videos: Perturbing the Devils (Mark 1:21-28)

Courtesy of Lion of Patmos

In our previous presentation we read Mark’s succinct account of the forty days in the wilderness, using it as an opportunity to identify the Adversary who tried Christ. The evidence pointed towards them being an incredulous and scornful descendant of Cain, perhaps an individual or group from those racial vipers among the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to enquire of John the Baptist.

This interpretation is supported by the fact that the Adversary challenged Christ to prove that He was the Son of Yahweh at a very early point in His ministry, and the only reasonable explanation for their insight is that they were present some days or weeks earlier at the Jordan, when the declaration from heaven sounded out: “You are My beloved Son, in You I am satisfied!" Of course, being a viper, they would have naturally sought to challenge that testimony.


Read the essay here. Download the video here or view at the Media site.

A Commentary on Mark by Lion of Patmos Videos: Plastering the Bruises (Mark 1:29-39)

Courtesy of Lion of Patmos

In our previous presentation we spent much time discussing how throughout Scripture the origin of unclean spirits both embodied and disembodied is tied to the fallen angels, whose fornication is described in Genesis and the fragments of 1 Enoch. This must be true, because the other races are rejected based on their sperma and genos, and if God is the author of life, then the only way for them to have an origin apart from Him is to be a corruption of that which He created. Their corrupt parentage is most explicitly uncovered in the Gospel and Revelation of Christ, who came to reveal the things kept hidden from the foundation of Society, and also in the epistles of His apostles, most notably Jude and 2 Peter.

As Christ said concerning the racial thorns among the Pharisees, "Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted shall be uprooted!” And as Solomon said before Him, being inspired by His Spirit, bastard seedlings have “no hope, nor consolation in the day of decision. For grievous are the ends of an unrighteous race.” [ Wisdom 3:18-19 (…)]

Their ends are grievous, but there is hope in the end of the children of Israel, and for the rest of Adam with them. A comfort to the children of Israel and a perturbation to His enemies: that was the principal theme of our previous presentation on Mark, and it is the testimony of the writings in their entire balance.

Now as we continue with the gospel, we will see Christ bringing even more encouragement to the denizens of the village of comfort with many marvels, miracles which show that He was sent by the Father, for as He said, “the works which the Father gave to Me in order that I shall complete them, those same works which I should do testify concerning Me, that the Father sent Me!”
[ John 5:36 (…), also John 10:25, et al] 

Read the essay here. Download the video here or view at the Media site.

A Commentary on Mark by Lion of Patmos, Part 2: Preparing the People (Mark 1:1-11)

Courtesy of Lion of Patmos

The gospel of Mark focuses primarily on the deeds and accomplishments of Yahshua Christ's ministry, and that is why we don't see any infancy account (Matthew and Luke) or prologue (John) in its opening chapter. It begins with a very brief but effective overview of John the Baptist and the water immersion of Christ, before quickly following with Yahshua's ministry.

How John the Baptist prepared the people for Christ is the main theme of this episode of our commentary. The account may be short here in Mark, but it's a great opportunity to discuss many things which are often overlooked, and we'll be drawing from all four gospels as we examine the greater picture. It is important to know just how John the Baptist prepared the way for Yahshua, and it's an important lesson for us as we seek to follow in his footsteps, urging our brethren to repent and turn their hearts to the fathers.

Read the full essay here.

A Commentary on Mark by Lion of Patmos, Part 3: Proclaiming the Message (Mark 1:12-20)

Courtesy of Lion of Patmos

In our previous presentation on the gospel of Mark, we explored how the primary purpose of John the Baptist was to prepare the people for the coming of the Christ, and this was accomplished in manifold ways.

Perhaps the most evident was through John proclaiming an immersion of repentance, urging the people to follow the law of Yahweh, rather than the pretentious traditions of the elders upheld by the Pharisees. Those who were willing to listen came from across Judaea and even Jerusalem, leaving the hypocritical assembly halls to acknowledge their errors by the rivers. It was through their repentance that the rugged, stubborn mountain of Zion was transformed into a smooth, obedient plain, as prophesied in the writings such as those of Isaiah and Zechariah....

A Day at the Riots

We do not need to offer too much commentary here. As usual, the treatment of criminals has caused a local chimpocalypse in several American cities, this time Tulsa and Charlotte. In Charlotte, a black cop kills a black gunman, and that gives apefricans across town a license to loot Walmarts, burn down the town, oh, and beat innocent White people. But when are Whites ever going to awaken to the imminent negro threat to society? In Tulsa, a female cop shoots another negro, and while that shooting may not be considered justified, the statistics show that White suffer similar shootings all the time. But that does not matter to the negro, who for any reason will kill and destroy, hating the very concept of the rule of law.

An Excerpt from William Finck's appearance at the Fellowship of God's Covenant People - Scatterers and Gatherers

This video is a 20-minute excerpt from William Finck's recent talk at the Fellowship of God's Covenant People in Union, Kentucky, given on October 30th, 2016. The presentation was entitled Scatterers and Gatherers, an elaboration on an article which was originally written in the Spring of 2013.

Athletes and other young, healthy people dying or suffering collapses and heart attacks after being VACCINATED.

Young athletes of all races are suddenly dropping dead on the fields of play, or having heart attacks or other serious problems. Both their doctors and the media usually refuse to point to the one common denominator, which is the fact that they have received Covid vaccines. This same thing is happening to many people in all walks of life, but when it happens to an athlete in a public exhibition it cannot be suppressed or ignored by the media. However they still do not want you to know, so they feed you with propaganda and distractions.

This is NOT "normal", vaccinations are not "normal" at all, and wearing masks all day for fear of a flu is not "normal". All those who do such things, or who submit to such things, are indeed worshipping the Beast. Now Austria, and soon also Germany, will make vaccinations compulsory.

And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? - Revelation 13:4

Barack Obama is a Muslim

Barack Obama is indeed a Muslim. During the election process he denied it, and the media ran cover for him, so (at least) forty million White men and women voted for him. Suckered again, now America is descending into Marxism at a rate that would have made Lenin and Trotsky marvel.

Birth of a Nation

A hundred years ago, D.W.Griffith portrayed race relations in America in a very practical, authentic manner, in Birth of a Nation (1915).  And the jews and the liberal establishment gave him hell for it.  Today they still do, but the movie was true then, and it is true now.  Have 100 years of multiculturalism and diversity been good for America?  Yes, it has been that long.  The jew "Israel Zangwill" wrote the play "The Melting Pot", the propaganda that made the term famous, in 1910, and it has been all downhill from there.



The Birth of a Nation: The Most Controversial Motion Picture in American History, by Michael Collins Piper, from The Barnes Review, July, 1997

Black "Civil Rights Attorney" Ben Crump Wants to Change the Definition of Crime

Crump only wants to change the definition of crime so that negroes will no longer be described as criminals. So perhaps he would legalize looting, rape, robbery, and even murder to attain that objective. They frame it as "black culture", but in reality, they cannot help themselves to be criminals, and Whites should judge them by the content of their character. Crump and his pals should be charged with conspiracy and thrown in jail forever. (Because lynching is no longer politically correct!)

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Exclaims "We are Trained Marxists"

The Empire cannot be reformed. Babylon cannot be repaired.

Of course, trained Marxists acting as subversives would have no actual care for partisan American politics, so neither would they enter the democratic political process or endorse political candidates.

Yet in a special disclaimer issued by the U.S. Office of Special Counsel titled Black Lives Matter and the Hatch Act, in what can only be described as either absolute stupidity or purposeful ignorance, it has been decided that since "Black Lives Matter" is not a "partisan political" group, therefore their slogans and symbols are allowed in the workplaces of federal employees, reasoning that it does not violate the Hatch Act.

The empire is destroying itself, and we eagerly await the day.

Booty Boogie Blockparty

Perhaps this video should have been titled "Tweenie Twerkfest", but that name is far too "cute" for these disgusting brute beasts.

The Negro child is sexualized by its own family and neighbors from early childhood. This is Negro "culture" in its natural state.

So, do you think you may invite one of these "children" to your own child's birthday party one day soon? But perhaps they already sit at the same school cafeteria table each afternoon.

White children everywhere are now being desensitized and introduced to this animalistic behavior. Welcome to equality that never existed, diversity that can never be sustained, and a future that is destined for destruction.

We can't wait to see it all come unglued. These lives do NOT matter if we wish to maintain a civil society.


Of all the clowns we have seen come and go over the years, Budha Brucie is at the head of the clown class. This was an old conversation from the Teamspeak voice chat server. There might have been a few dozen people listening, but only a handful ever spoke. Bruce loved to hear himself talk, and talk ... and talk. The recording was made by a friend who sent it to me months later, as I did not know it was being recorded. Priceless...  

But Politics IS About Race

Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, having found that politics is a lot more profitable than crack-dealing and stolen EBT cards, reveals something that we have always known, which is the fact that politics is all about race. But if this beast can understand that simple truth, why don't White Americans understand this? Most Whites do not accept it when White men say it, so will they accept it when Negroes admit it, and Latinos agree? Empathy and altruism have destroyed White America, and that will destroy America itself.

Notice that last name, Abrams, is a Jewish surname.

Celebrating Real Black History (African Culture: See How They Run)

Warning: This video is graphic. It contains scenes of brutal sexual violence. This authentically represents the behavior of African negros wherever they exist outside of the rule of the White man's law.

In spite of the Hollywood propaganda, the ancient Greeks and Romans hardly knew the African negro, except perhaps as a passing spectacle in the desert or by the surviving population of mixed races in certain places in Egypt. One literary example which demonstrates the truth of this assertion is found in the Library of History, Book 3, by the ancient Greek historian Diodorus Siculus, whose work was published around 36 BC.

After describing the cultured people of Ethiopia, who were originally not black and who had many things in common with the rest of the civilized world, Diodorus says in Book 3 chapter 8:

"1 But there are also a great many other tribes of the Ethiopians, some of them dwelling in the land lying on both banks of the Nile and on the islands in the river, others inhabiting the neighbouring country of Arabia, and still others residing in the interior of Libya. 2 The majority of them, and especially those who dwell along the river, are black in colour and have flat noses and woolly hair. As for their spirit they are entirely savage and display the nature of a wild beast, not so much, however, in their temper as in their ways of living; for they are squalid all over their bodies, they keep their nails very long like the wild beasts, and are as far removed as possible from human kindness to one another; 3 and speaking as they do with a shrill voice and cultivating none of the practices of civilized life as these are found among the rest of mankind, they present a striking contrast when considered in the light of our own customs." (Library of History, 3.8.1)

What Diodorus described sounds exactly like what is seen in this video, or today in the streets of Atlanta, New Orleans, Memphis, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit and most other American cities on a regular basis.