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Athletes and other young, healthy people dying or suffering collapses and heart attacks after being VACCINATED.
Young athletes of all races are suddenly dropping dead on the fields of play, or having heart attacks or other serious problems. Both their doctors and the media usually refuse to point to the one common denominator, which is the fact that they have received Covid vaccines. This same thing is happening to many people in all walks of life, but when it happens to an athlete in a public exhibition it cannot be suppressed or ignored by the media. However they still do not want you to know, so they feed you with propaganda and distractions.
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This is NOT "normal", vaccinations are not "normal" at all, and wearing masks all day for fear of a flu is not "normal". All those who do such things, or who submit to such things, are indeed worshipping the Beast. Now Austria, and soon also Germany, will make vaccinations compulsory.
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? - Revelation 13:4
Doctors Discover That There Are Only Two Genders!
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
A physician representing the American College of Pediatricians states that there are only two genders in humans, male and female, and that gender is a fact of biology which cannot be changed or reassigned. Face reality: Impermutable facts are NOT hate. End the Government-approved Perversion!
For those who doubt the use of the term gender as a synonym for sex, please see the 1828 Webster dictionary:
Philthadephia Follow-up, Part 1
Is this the prevailing attitude of young Negroes in Philadelphia? We could imagine as much, since the many so-called "flash mob" attacks on Whites which have recently taken place there have clear racial overtones - no matter how much the police and other authorities deny it.
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