Exterminate White Men? Part Three

Yet another Negro comes forward and beckons the destruction of White people. Posing as a "professor", the Negro who is known in the English language by the rather White-sounding name of "James Harrison", and who is currently employed as a history professor at Portland Community College in Portland, Oregon, is claiming that peace in the U.S. is impossible so long as whiteness still exists. This is no trivial matter, as PCC is called "Oregon's largest college" by the popular OregonLive news site.

Ironically, in his presentation Harrison used a song written by a White man. In fact, it is wholly evident that everything in his environment was created or invented by White men. It is hard for us to imagine where this negro would be if it were not for White men. The negro is a hypocrite. He can only repent if he goes back to the savannah (the one in Africa, not the one in Georgia), exchanges his business suit for traditional tribal apparel, and gives the speech in one of the tongues of his non-white ancestors. Neither should he read it from a piece of paper, which along with the ink pen was invented and manufactured by White men.

But aside from James Harrison's obvious hypocrisy, Negro so-called "educators" are increasingly becoming emboldened to speak in such a manner as they are artificially elevated in greater numbers to positions of authority through government-enforced equality and opportunity programs. In the 1960's and 70's rhetoric such as Harrison's was more or less confined to "extremist" circles such as the so-called "Nation of Islam" and characters like Khalid Abdul Mohammed.  In 2005, another Negro "professor" who calls himself "Kamau Kambon" (but who was apparently named "Leroy Jefferson" when he was born) said during a discussion on the hurricane Katrina in an interview recorded on C-Span that "The problem on the planet is white people ... We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet, to solve this problem."

Of course, these Negros have been further emboldened by Jews such as Tim Wise and Noel Ignatiev. These are just two Jewish "academics" out of many who routinely advocate that White culture and the White race itself be forcibly and completely destroyed. Jews are not White, but they are able to pose as Whites in order to advance their long-running war of destruction against White and especially Christian culture and society.

When we get enough of these Negro and Jewish frauds out in the eye of the public, perhaps sufficient Whites may seriously ponder the necessity for their own survival, to rid the world of Negroes and Jews. Only then can we realize the heaven that, under the burden of his own Marxist indoctrination, John Lennon could never imagine. 

Anti-white Racism has Reached Critical Mass in America

Noel Ignatiev is a Jew, and the things which he professes are shared by Jews everywhere. For instance, the Jewess Susan Sontag is frequently quoted as having said "The white race is the cancer of human history." Do not wonder why Jews have been so persistent for so long in agitating mass immigration, integration, and race-mixing of non-Whites into White nations. The truth is that the Jew is the cancer which is destroying the White race: they pose as Whites whenever it is convenient, and whenever Whites accept Jews it results in the destruction of White society.

The video below is from the GrassyKnollTrolls' Youtube page.

The Nigger Is Not Joking: Jamie Foxx Expresses Black Desires

Jamie Foxx is not joking when he proclaims Obama his "Lord and Savior", as he did shortly after the recent general elections. Neither is he joking when he gloats over killing all White people - whether or not he is talking about a movie. Rather, he is expressing the same desires which we have heard from thousands of urban black "youths" over the past 40 years.

The frequency of violent Black-on-White crime is already a hundred times greater than White-on-Black crime, and has been for many decades in both America and Europe. You just wouldn't know it listening to the mainstream media, which suppresses reports of Black-on-White crime, and even when crimes must be reported for one reason or another, then the race of the perpetrator is often left unrevealed.

Whitey Burning, Part 2

“This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.” So spewed the attackers of Melissa Coon’s 13-year-old son, as they doused him with gasoline and set him alight.

Police, they say, are “investigating” whether this is a hate crime.

When Whites are caught up in acts of violence and the victims are negroes, the media screams about it for months. So-called "hate crimes" laws are passed. The media attempts to make all Whites feel guilty. But the facts prove without a doubt that approximately (if not over) 90% of all violent inter-racial crimes have negro perpetrators and White victims. And the media usually ignores this fact, and also ignores many of these crimes....

Barack Obama is a Racist (well, we knew that already)

Wanting blacks to vote for him, just because he is black. What if that were some White candidate? Remember the cries of racism directed at the Tea Party people, not because they were White, but just because they were (sort of) ? Obama's plea is blatant racism. Where is the hypocritical mass media now?

Nearly One in Ten White Americans Now Choose Beastiality (Bestiality) Over Marriage

This report is based primarily on two data sources: the Pew Research Center's analysis of demographic data about new marriages in 2008 from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) and the Pew Research Center's analysis of its own data from a nationwide telephone survey conducted from October 28 through November 30, 2009 among a nationally representative sample of 2,884 adults. For more information about data sources and methodology, see the Appendix III.

Remnants of White North Africa

Of course, most Berbers today are what we would consider to be arabs - darker people of mixed race. However the existence of such Whites in the native Berber populations, along with the testimony of the Classical Greek and Roman writers that the Berbers were indeed White, and often blonde, shows that the original Berbers - before the more recent open mixing of the populations - were indeed a White people.