Douglas - Section 38, 39, 40, 41
<Section #38> Clay Douglas states: “Since Paul envisioned Jesus’ return in his own lifetime it is likely that Paul also conceived of a ‘timeless’ savior (The Interpreter’s Bible; Volume 11: Page 265) who would deliver those who believed in him (in other words, you only had to ‘believe’; no matter that you were the Texas Chain Saw Murderer. All ‘believers’ go to Heaven. According to Paul, Stalin’s there too! More on this a bit later...) Unfortunately, Jesus is reflected in Revelation stating just the opposite.
“‘Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense, to repay every one for what he has done.’ (Revelation 22:12; RSV)”
In reply to section <#38>: Again Douglas is misrepresenting Paul’s teaching, as we have seen in the quotes of Paul’s letters in the previous section. Paul’s statement at Romans 2:5-9 is certainly not in conflict with Yahshua’s at Rev. 22:12! Douglas takes a couple of Paul’s statements, which for want of understanding he disagrees with, and because they are taken out of context and the rest of Paul’s writings are ignored, he makes accusations which have no merit whatsoever.
Regardless of what The Interpreter’s Bible says, Paul envisioned the return of Christ at any possible time, as all Christians in all generations should well have done. Of course, scoffers such as Douglas would not understand the necessity to do so. Read the words of Christ as recorded at Mark 13:32-37, where 13:35 says in part “Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh ...”, or the version at Matthew 24:36-44 which ends: “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” So also at Luke 12:40: “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.” So also at Luke 21:29-36! Whether Paul thought that the coming of Christ would be in 70 A.D. (i.e. Rom 16:20) or in 7000 A.D. is absolutely immaterial. What he taught was in line with the words of Yahshua Christ: that His coming may be at any time, and so therefore we should be prepared as if the time was imminent. Clayton Douglas whines that there is “little real information in the New Testament about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ” (see section <#13>, p. 52), yet it is obvious that he doesn’t comprehend, or hasn’t read, the Scripture that he does have! Clayton Douglas can fall into only one of three categories: deceiver, because he understands all he has read, but dislikes it; deceived, because someone else, some jew scoffer, actually wrote these articles for him; or idiot, for writing so much about something he knows so little about (maybe two or all three)! Paul of Tarsus was certainly teaching all things according to the will of Yahshua Christ, which time and again we have seen from the law, the prophets, and the gospel.
<Section #39> Clay Douglas states: “The question begs to be asked, ‘Why would Yahweh (God [sic)] and Esu Immanuel choose Saul the Pharisee to interpret Esu’s Teachings?’ Saul had cruelly executed thousands of early Christians. He loved torturing women and children alike, truly in a ruthless Bolshevik fashion. God’s Ten Commandments include ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder’ (the original Commandment used the term ‘Murder’, not ‘Kill’). Murder is NOT forgivable. God DOES NOT FORGIVE MURDER. IT IS SAID. Paul the Pharisee murdered and then murdered some more. Innocents. Thousands of them. He LOVED killing. But, we are to believe that Esu went directly to him and inspired Paul to ‘interpret’ Esu’s life and his teachings. Poppycock. Scriptures state clearly that God does not change. And, the Scriptures also teach us that ‘The Truth will set us free’.”
In reply to section <#39>: Prior to his conversion, Paul was a zealous defender of the faith that he was raised in, not actually having known or heard Christ in person, and so not knowing any better himself. Paul was rounding up ‘heretics’ and bringing them to Jerusalem, where many of these people were imprisoned and executed after a vote was cast against them, for which see Acts 22:4-5 and 26:9-10. The phrase “I gave my voice against” at Acts 26:10 is from the Greek verb καταφέρω (2702) which is literally to bring down (L&S), and the noun ψῆφος (5586) which is a pebble, and the phrase describes how voting was conducted in an assembly, as the Greek custom also was, and is better translated here “I had cast a vote.” Paul’s actions, right or wrong, were in accordance with the leaders of his nation at the time, and conducted within the due process of law which that nation was operating under. We today see many otherwise decent men in our government, a wayward government which has perpetrated many evil deeds over the past 160 years, who have zealously taken up the cause to execute the government’s desires. And so we have seen the War of Northern Aggression, and the destruction of half a million Saxons, then the War to end all Wars, the jew propaganda which brought us World War I, and then World War II, which combined destroyed tens of millions of people, Saxon against Saxon. Were all of these men murderers? Or were only a few certain instigators responsible?
Paul was no murderer, and Clayton Douglas’ account of the actions described are absolute fiction. The jews create this same type of slander in reference to our German brethren during World War II, in their tales of the so-called ‘Holocaust.’ Clayton Douglas is their disciple. Now notice that Douglas accuses Paul as a “Bolshevik”, who were mostly jews, and in the next section he enlists the help of a true Bolshevik against Paul!
<Section #40> Clay Douglas states: “The Following Article Was Originally Published In The January, 1928 issue of ‘THE CENTURY MAGAZINE’ A REAL CASE AGAINST THE JEWS MARCUS ELI RAVAGE (excerpted)
“‘But I tell you, you are self-deceivers. You lack either the self-knowledge or the mettle to face the facts squarely and own up to the truth. You resent the Jew not because, as some of you seem to think, we crucified Jesus but because we gave him birth. Your real quarrel with us is not that we have rejected Christianity but that we have imposed it upon you!
“‘Your loose, contradictory charges against us are not a patch on the blackness of our proved historic offense. You accuse us of stirring up revolution in Moscow. Suppose we admit the charge. What of it? Compared with what Paul the Jew of Tarsus accomplished in Rome, the Russian unheaval [sic upheaval] is a mere street brawl ...’
“Excerpted, Jewish Persecution series, The Great Hoax, Jackie Patru, Sweet Liberty.)”
In reply to section <#40>: Here Douglas goes again, the supposed Christian American patriot quoting the words of yet another jew-devil in order to build his case against Paul. Douglas really doesn’t care about the teachings of Yahshua Christ. If he did, then he would obey them! When Christ told the jews that they were descended from the devil, and couldn’t possibly tell nor believe the truth (John 8:31-47), He wasn’t kidding, nor was He speaking vainly. Jews like Ravage would have us to believe the lie that both Yahshua Christ and the apostle Paul were jews! Rather, Christ was of the tribe of Judah and Paul of the tribe of Benjamin, and both in physical appearance like Anglo-Saxons. The jews are not Israelites, but are rather from the tribes of the Edomites and Canaanites descended from both Cain and the mixed (“Arab”) races. Since the jew Ravage’s initial premises are wrong, everything which follows is categorically false. The real hoax is that the jews are allowed to get away with their claims, mostly because of people such as Jackie Patru and Clayton Douglas who quote and perpetuate their lies, rather than confront them!
<Section #41> Clay Douglas states: “They would have us believe that the evil that is so prevalent in the world is the way it is because God has willed it to be so. It is God’s plan for ‘the end times’. This teaching has produced a ‘flock’ of religious people who have not only adopted this as the gospel, but have passed on to an unsuspecting world the atmosphere of complete ineptness, complacency, and downright laziness. We are lead [sic] to believe that not only is there nothing that we can do about this world situation, but there is nothing that should be done, because, after all, it’s Bible prophecy. Is there any chance that all this complacency could be exactly what the enemies of Christ have masterminded for ages?”
In reply to section <#41>: Those same prophets who had foretold the coming of Christ, even dating His coming to the year, over 500 years beforehand (see Daniel 9:24-27), also foretold the nature, identity and duration of the kingdoms of this world (i.e. Daniel chapters 2 and 7). These things were verified again by Yahshua Christ Himself in His Revelation to John (i.e. chapter 13). This was discussed earlier in this response, in section <#8> beginning on p. 44. The children of Israel were to be punished for 2520 years, the beast empires were to endure for 2520 years, and the Babylonian order was to endure for 2520 years, all three of these periods beginning at different times in the 8th to 6th centuries B.C., which is demonstrable through a study of Revelation and Daniel. Since Yahshua Christ fully verified these things not only in the Revelation, but at events such as those recorded in Luke 4:5-6 (Matt. 4:8-9) and Luke 20:24-25; (Matt. 22:17-21; Mark 12:14-17), then by his gainsaying Clayton Douglas makes himself one of the “enemies of Christ” that he so vainly whines about.