Barack Obama is a Muslim

Barack Obama is indeed a Muslim. During the election process he denied it, and the media ran cover for him, so (at least) forty million White men and women voted for him. Suckered again, now America is descending into Marxism at a rate that would have made Lenin and Trotsky marvel.

But Politics IS About Race

Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, having found that politics is a lot more profitable than crack-dealing and stolen EBT cards, reveals something that we have always known, which is the fact that politics is all about race. But if this beast can understand that simple truth, why don't White Americans understand this? Most Whites do not accept it when White men say it, so will they accept it when Negroes admit it, and Latinos agree? Empathy and altruism have destroyed White America, and that will destroy America itself.

Notice that last name, Abrams, is a Jewish surname.

Joe Biden Admits that the Great Replacement Conspiracy is Both Real and Purposeful

This is from a C-Span taping of something which they had titled "Combating Terrorism", but where Biden is speaking at least briefly about immigration.

So it should be no secret as to why the southern border has purposely been left wide open.

Joe Biden and his Jews

Certainly it seems as if every American presidential administration is more and more kosher. How could mainstream Christians not realize that the Antichrist is already here?

 1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy's Secret Society Speech

This Secret Society speech is often challenged by online trolls, but it is certainly authentic. It is posted at the official website of the JOHN F. KENNEDY PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM. (Click here for screenshot.) However this video we have here contains only excerpts from that speech, and we have read it while listening to validate for ourselves that all of the excerpts are factual.

However while all of the excerpts are factual, they were not made in the context which the presentation here suggests. Kennedy spoke of the repugnance of secret societies while arguing before the Press the need for greater government secrecy. The enemy he spoke of was Communism, and not Freemasonry or International Jewry. For all of his brilliance, JFK was a cog in the wheels of the machine, and he did not transcend the machine in order to truly understand it. If he had, he probably would not have been appealing to the Press for any assistance at all.

Listen to the full speech here: The President and the Press - John F. Kennedy at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City on April 27, 1961

There are some false quotations in circulation claiming to be excerpts from this speech, and they are not. However that should not discredit the content of the remarks which are found in the speech and which actually did belong to Kennedy.

Excerpts from a speech given by President John F. Kennedy at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City on April 27, 1961. The full text can be found at posted at the official website of the JOHN F. KENNEDY PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM.

Not So New Brighton

New Brighton, Minnesota Mayor Val Johnson is seen here literally shaking and on the verge of tears because another woman in her council meeting denies that she has experienced so-called "white privilege".

Of course, anyone who accepts this concept of "white privilege" is a victim of Marxist brainwashing. Since Val Johnson was reelected on November 8th to another four-year term, we would suggest that the 45% of residents who did not vote for her should move, and quickly!

Seeing Through "Science" - Bill Gates Conspires Against the World

I have had this video and a few sentences posted at the Saxon Messenger website for nearly 5 years. I would have posted it more prominently if I only knew what was coming here in the opening months of 2020.

At a 2010 TED Conference Bill Gates spoke about the imminent dangers of Global Warming, using all of the fake science scare tactics which usually accompany that subject, and presented as fact "the need for 'miracles' to avoid planetary catastrophe". So he made the proposition that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere had to be reduced, and to do that four factors had to be reduced, the number of people, the services used by each person, the amount of energy consumed by each service, and the amount of carbon emissions per unit of energy.

After explaining that, he said  "So let's look at each one of these and see how we can get this down to zero. Probably at least one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero." Then, continuing, "First we've got population. Now the world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent...."

So here Bill Gates is exposed. While his words may sound good to the causal listener, to him vaccines can be used to lower the world population. To him, healthcare can really be a means of euthanasia. To him, reproductive health services can be a means to lower reproduction. So to him, "reproductive health services" are really abortion clinics. To Bill Gates, healthcare is a way to control the masses and exterminate people whenever the population grows larger than he likes, while keeping the people themselves ignorant of his nefarious intentions. To Bill Gates, healthcare is a way for him to play God.

Bill Gates is therefore involved in a criminal conspiracy against all mankind.... (Click here to read more!)


The Flooding of America: Who Chooses Who

While Miss Corcoran is not aware of the true underlying causes of the flooding of America and Europe with savage "third-world" scum, she is evidently well informed of the political mechanisms by which the government of the formerly White American nation has colluded in such treachery.

However she promotes a website called "secure freedom - dot - org" which has "kosher conservative" written all over it, so she will probably never understand the true cause of the woes of the White nations. The Jewish problem is much older and larger than the muslim problem, but Christians are fooled by Jews into becoming "anti-jihadists", while in fact Jews are also behind that problem!

The original Youtube posting of the video is here:

Miss Corcoran's website is Refugee Resettlement Watch

The Bible prophesied this predicament many centuries ago. See our article The Immigration Problem and Biblical Prophecy

That the Jews themselves often admit being behind the flooding of White nations with aliens, see these short articles here at Christogenea:

The Effrontery of Judaism, Part 1: the Treachery of Barbara Lerner Spectre, The Effrontery of Judaism, Part 2: Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe, and The Effrontery of Judaism, Part 3: After Sweden, Jews Now Openly Seek to Destroy Norway

The President and the Press - John F. Kennedy at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City on April 27, 1961

"The President and the Press", a speech given by President John F. Kennedy to the American Newspaper Publisher's Association at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City on April 27, 1961. The full text can be found at posted at the official website of the JOHN F. KENNEDY PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM.

This is the full speech from which the Internet-famous so-called "Secret Societies speech" was taken. That video actually took segments of the original speech out of context to make it appear as though Kennedy was talking about secret societies throughout the entire speech, when in fact he was promoting the need for greater government secrecy in order to fight the secret acitivities of Communism. So it is only accurate to the extent that the goals of Communism have been advanced in the West through the activities of secret societies. But there is no evidence in this speech that Kennedy would have identified them with Jews, Jesuits, or Freemasons.

Who Could Believe That Islands Tip Over?

This video is a few years old, but we need a reminder now and then. This is a congressman? Do you still think they can be our peers in a productive society? This really is an accurate example of just how stupid niggers are. And they are sitting in Washington helping to decide your fate! Is that what you really want, White man, and woman?