The Christogenea Commentary on the Book of Amos is now available on CD

William Finck's Christogenea Internet Radio Commentary on the Prophecy of Amos, broadcast over 10 programs in early 2013 is now available on CD with all of the podcasts and notes. See for more information.

This Commentary on the Prophecy of Amos was employed as a vehicle with which to present many ancient inscriptions and other materials proving the historicity of the Biblical narrative. Some of the texts are included on this CD. This is an excellent witnessing tool for exhibiting not only the historicity of Scripture from archaeology, but also the exclusivity of the covenants of God with true Israel.

The retail cost of this CD is under $5, and additional copies are $4 each, plus shipping. We hope to make many more of our podcasts available in this format in the near future.

Praise Yahweh!

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