Guess What Whitey: Negros Hate You: Part 4 - They Even Believe That You Are the Devil
This is the negro circus clown that the jewish media promotes every chance it gets.
This is the negro circus clown that the jewish media promotes every chance it gets.
There are three Greek words which appear in the New Testament and which are commonly translated as world in English. They are αἰών (aeon), κόσμος (cosmos), and οἰκουμένη (oikoumene, oy-koo-men-ay). It has become very important to the doctrines of mainstream so-called "Christian" churches that whenever these words appear and are translated as world, that they are understood to mean the entire planet and everything or everyone on it. However that was certainly not the case to the ancient Greeks, and it is the meaning of these words to Greek readers in the first century which should govern how Christians understand them, for the modern conception of the word is surely alien to any ideas which the Greeks themselves had when the New Testament was written. Here each of those three words shall be discussed.
Yes the ADL's favorite slander is "Anti-Semite", and here a jewess admits that it is all "a trick". She even goes so far as to admit that cries of the "holocaust" are also a scam. Of course, we have known all of this for years, however most White Christians are so caught up in the worship of the image of the beast (worshiping the jews and the negroes and other misfits they constantly watch in their media) that they may never wake up to this scam!
Examining the claim made by many modern sects, that the Authorized King James Version of the Bible (the A.V.) is in itself the “inspired word of God”, we must ourselves ask this: Is God the author of error? Did Yahweh reveal His Word directly to man in the English language in the year 1611? If it can be shown that the King James Version of the New Testament contains at least some errors, then it should be reasoned that this version – no matter how venerated – was also translated by fallible men. Certainly the language of the New Testament – Koine Greek – is still quite well known to us, there having been a tremendous body of written literature which used it, in addition to what we see in the New Testament. We have much more classical Greek literature available to us than even classical Latin. Here we shall see just how well it was known by the translators of this venerated edition of those writings which we commonly call the Bible. The first part of this examination shall commence with a walk through some of the translations found in the epistles of the apostle Paul.
Now if this were a White group rallying - something that would be loudly protested in the first place - and the speaker said these things about Negroes, there would be a huge media outcry and a demand for the heads of the speakers for their "hate speech". But when negroes say these things, the hypocritical media never even raises an eyebrow.
When will Whites ever awaken to the hypocrisy of the jewish media?
An Israeli citizen was arrested in an Atlanta airport today on his way to Tel Aviv. He is a suspect in at least 20 stabbings of American negros as he allegedly flew between various American cities quite freely. Since the average person simply cannot afford to venture a sudden multi-city stabbing spree in a foreign country, we dare to say that this is no "lone nut", and that it must have been orchestrated by people with ulterior motives. Those same people who are truly responsible for bringing us 9-11. And it sure as hell isn't arabs. These stabbings have for some time been blamed on a "White guy". The jew is hardly White!
So what does this have to do with the ADL? While they trumpet the news every time a jew gets a hangnail and a White man appears to be the suspected culprit, they are absolutely silent on this incident. Their website today (August 12th) tells us about anti-Semitic incidents in Chile being a "concern", about the "dangerous anti-Government movement flourishing", it whines about Iran (go figure), and there is not a word about any real criminals.
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