The Christian Institution of These United States, Part 3

This program is from The Voice of Christian Israel, October 24th, 2010, where William Finck filled in for Eli James.

Click here for the PDF copy of the entire book described below, upon which this program was based. The attachment below also contains an Open Office copy of the notes for the program.


[From the first paragraph of the Preface:]

THIS volume is the American people, in the firm assurance that the invaluable facts which it records will be grateful to every patriotic and pious heart. In it, as from the richest mines, has been brought out the pure gold of our history. Its treasures have been gathered and placed in this casket for the instruction and benefit of the present and future. We have a noble historic life; for our ancestors were the worthies of the world. We have a noble nation, full of the evidences of the moulding presence of Christian truth, and of the power and goodness of Divine wisdom in rearing up a Christian republic for all time. That this was the spirit and aim of the early founders of our institutions the facts in this volume fully testify.

Errors Inspired by Who? Part 2 - 10-23-10

Written at Westminster Abbey by the scholars of the Anglican Church at the behest of the English Parliament in 1643, The Westminster Confession of Faith was also accepted and adopted by many other denominations both in England and abroad. As we see in Chapter 1, Section 8 of the Confession, the churchmen at that time - just over thirty years after the institution of the King James Bible by the Anglicans - did not even consider the A.V. by itself to be the inspired word of God, but admit instead the authority of the original languages. The veracity of this statement as it appears in the Confession has been verified from several sources. From Chapter 1, Section 8, of The Westminster Confession of Faith:

The Old Testament in Hebrew (which was the native language of the people of God of old), and the New Testament in Greek (which at the time of the writing of it was most generally known to the nations), being immediately inspired by God, and by his singular care and providence kept pure in all ages, are therefore authentical; so as in all controversies of religion the Church is finally to appeal unto them. But because these original tongues are not known to all the people of God who have right unto, and interest in, the Scriptures, and are commanded, in the fear of God, to read and search them, therefore they are to be translated into the vulgar language of every nation unto which they come, that the Word of God dwelling plentifully in all, they may worship him in an acceptable manner, and, through patience and comfort of the Scriptures, may have hope.

Ynetnews: The BBC Says That the Jews Themselves Did Entebbe

Yeah, and they did 9-11 too. And if you really scratch the surface, you will find that the jews have been behind most of the "terrorist" attacks on both westerners and jews. And the Western nations keep sending them money. What a lucrative business terrorism is, even Stalin began as a train robber. Where you see a rabbi, there has already been a crime!

Jews telling on jews, click here for the original page was found at ynetnews. 

Ynetnews: The BBC Says That the Jews Themselves Did EntebbeClick the image for a screenshot of the entire original article

The Christian Institution of These United States, Part 2

The Christian Institution of These United States of America, Part 2

William Finck in a discussion of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, et al. and some of their documents proving that the American Constitution and other founding documents were Christian documents founded upon Christian principles and ideals.

We have spoken at length about a few men from the Revolutionary era, and we will continue this second part of this presentation with that same theme. I have not avoided the earlier colonial period, however it was simply not my intent to cover it at length, but we will do that a bit later today. Yet here before we commence with a discussion of Thomas Jefferson, I would like to back up a bit. We all know about the founding of the New England colonies for religious reasons. I would like to go back to 1682, and the founding of Pennsylvania. Here I will quote from pages 82 through 84 of the “Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States”, written by 1863 by B. F. Morris:

William Penn was singularly qualified to be the founder of a Christian commonwealth. He had been educated under the influence of the gospel. He had studied the origin of government, the nature of civil liberty, and the rights of man, in the light of the pure word of God, and formed the purpose of founding a Christian empire on the free and peaceful precepts of Christianity. He had a firm faith in the great American idea that man, educated by Christianity, was capable of self-government. Finding no place in Europe to try the experiment of a Christian government, he resolved to seek it in America.

The Christian Institution of These United States, Part 1

The Christian Institution of These United States of America, Part 1

William Finck in a discussion of John Hancock, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, George Mason, et al. and some of their documents proving that the American Constitution and other founding documents were Christian documents founded upon Christian principles and ideals. 

Hello, this is William Finck and this is the second segment of our 10-10-10 day of prayer, and part one of my presentation on the Christian Institution of these United States of America. Today, over this two-part series, we will examine some of the professions and writings of the men who were chosen by our ancestors to lead and to found this nation. We will examine a representative collection of their documents, the early and official documents of this nation, and we will end with a discussion of our Constitution and its principal writers and inspiration. We will see beyond doubt that this is a Christian nation. You cannot see how far you have fallen, until you can see where you have been. All scoffers of history are haters of their own forebears, their own ancestors, and therefore hate their own selves.