The Arab Question, Part 1
The Arab Question, Part 1
Here I am going to present what I think is a very important concept for all Identity Christians to understand, but sadly it is still something which many Identity Christians do not yet comprehend. But even with that, there are several other and unrelated reasons why I am presenting this topic at this particular time.
Most importantly, there are still many Identity Christians who show undue sympathy for Arabs. This has long been a problem, and often because the nature of Arabs and Arab history and origins are grossly misunderstood and there have been a lot of false claims concerning Arabs. The most outstanding example of such false claims in Christian Identity literature which I can recall is in a series of papers titled Star Wars, by Nord Davis. Davis died in 1997. Some of Davis’ papers, including this one, can still be found at the Israel Elect website and elsewhere.
While I now own and manage Israel Elect, I do not agree with everything posted there. However the original intent of the website was to catalog everything Christian Identity, and when I took over ownership of the site I promised to keep it intact, which I have done, and I have not added anything new, except a few notices and referrals to Christogenea. I have also redirected some article links to corresponding material at Christogenea, but only because Christogenea websites use much newer technology that offer readers options that are not found at Israel Elect. This was done in order to increase reader retention and encourage them to examine our Christian Identity literature and beliefs more closely.
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