The White Friday Open Forum, November, 2023
Just before 5:00 PM US Eastern time on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 I replaced the original .mp3 file as it seemed to be skipping ahead, or for at least one listener, interminably looping at around 29:05 minutes. I apologize for any inconvenience. - wmfinck
Among the topics discussed:
- The recent protests in Ireland, and the relative lack of protests in France under similar circumstances.
- Genesis chapter 6 – fallen angels, their descendants, or both?
- Marks on your forehead and arms: Phylacteries and the true meaning of the law in Deuteronomy 6:8 and 11:18.
- Did Isaiah 27:1 have a dual fulfillment?
- Differences between races in cognitive and inventive abilities, craniology, or phrenology, and brain development.
- The perceived seat of a man's emotions in Greek philosophy and Hebrew Scriptures.
- Empathy, emotions, altruism, intelligence capabilities among the races.
- Evolution vs. Adaptation. Adaptation and genetic expression.
- Racial intelligence, IQ, and the capacity for learning, intelligence and motivation, the uselessness of rote memory i.e. the advantage of knowledge vs. memorizing trivia.
- Abilities of the Nephilim, origins of technology
- Scripture should not contradict itself; an analogy comparing Scriptural interpretation to computer programming which was made here at Christogenea long ago. The point being that when a verse is interpreted, it cannot contradict any other verse in the Bible, or the interpretation will upset the whole program.
- Reading Scripture with an intent to conform. The corruption of Christian doctrine in the early church. Preterism, Futurism, and the Catholic Church.
- Newspaper eschatology: Current events and fear porn
- The words adult and adulterate are from different Latin words, and not related directly, at least.
- Our modern apostasy, of which the apostles warned. Paganism is Judaism.
- The Torah, the Talmud, and Baby Rape, along with other damnable precepts of Judaism.
- Dustin Nemos is trolling and grifting Identity Christians as he promotes and defends his own race-mixing.
- Ezekiel 37:25 in light of 2 Samuel 7:10, and also the promises that Israel would inherit the world.
- Understanding prophecy with hindsight, but not having the ability to use it to predict the future.
- Revelation 20, Satan’s having been released from the pit and the emancipation of the Jews.
- Food laws, fat, kidneys and other organs: Is the eating of organs prohibited in the Law?
- Seven-year land Sabbath: Should farmers, and even individuals, still follow the land sabbath? Jubilees.
- The laws of dowry and the rape of virgins leading to marriage, Deuteronomy chapter 22. Jacob and Laban.
- Freemasonry and Albert Pike, the supposed letter to Mazzini. The Knight's Templars.
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