Clifton A. Emahiser’s Non-Universal Teaching Ministries - January-February, 2014
Clifton A. Emahiser’s Non-Universal Teaching Ministries
1012 N. Vine Street, Fostoria, OH 44830
Announcing my January and February, 2014 Watchman’s Teaching Letters #’s 189 & 190
Lesson #189 - (Greatest Love Story Ever Told, “THE DIVORCE & RECONCILIATION”)
Lesson #190 - (Greatest Love Story Ever Told, “THE DIVORCE & RECONCILIATION” continued)
Revisitng the error of a belief in "Personal Salvation" over Covenant Theology, the meaning of redemption, and more.
You will also not want to miss my latest articles:
Analytical Review of Philip Jones’ The Negro, Serpent, Beast and Devil, #3
Analytical Review of Philip Jones’ The Negro, Serpent, Beast and Devil, #4
How does the Negro fit into the Genesis account? The first two parts of this series were published in October, 2013. These are the next two parts of a critical review and commentary of Philip Jones' own research and writing on this controversial subject.
New this month, papers from our prison ministry:
I have decided that I should post some of the materials from my prison ministry. We have begun this endeavor by publishing an appeal for help for Jeffrey Crosby, and also some of the papers of a prisoner who for this purpose will call himself Forseti.
Jeffrey Crosby may be familiar to some of our readers as the author of a series we published on his behalf, The First Open Church, Followers of "The Way", in ten parts, and also the short essay Unveiling the Fears and the Denials Behind “The Passion of The Christ”. Crosby believes that he has suffered a terrible injustice at the hands of the United States' Federal Court system. Perhaps some reader will be able to help, as Jeffrey has exhausted all possible avenues on his own. Therefore we publish this outreach paper on his behalf, just in case there is someone who can help him.
Forseti is a pseudonym which belongs to a man who has assisted our ministry for several years. This Christian brother has been working within the Washington State prison system to fight for religious rights and recognition for Identity Christian prisoners. There are surely materials in his papers which have a more general interest as well.
Clifton also recommends:
The live Talkshoe podcasts with William Finck every Friday and Saturday evening at 8PM Eastern time at: which are simulcast at
Plus hundreds of past podcasts archived at:
Explore the rest of my website to discover my nearly 200 archived Watchman's Teaching Letters, plus over 200 of my essays (some by William Finck), plus many YouTubes and other exceptional items of interest! Christianity for the Thinking Man.
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