The Alt-Right, Jews and Sodomites, with Dasho

The Alt-Right, Jews and Sodomites

This evening Dasho joins us to discuss the degree of influence which Jews and Sodomites have in the so-called Alt-Right, or “Alternative Right”. He would have titled the program: The Gay Mafia is Real.

The ultimate conclusion was offered by Dasho, but made by others elsewhere before him, that the leaders of the so-called Alt-Right are only a gang of racist Liberals. They are godless secularists who embrace the entire Liberal agenda, except on the issue of race.

At Christogenea, we have been disparaging the Alt-Right for a long time. We feel it is our obligation, whenever we get an opportunity, to warn our fellow Identity Christians and Christian Nationalists that dissident right-wing political or social voices are not always what they seem to be, and that quite often, they are even traps.

They entice people into following them through appealing books and articles on subjects of common interest, such as the popular American Renaissance books, The Color of Crime by Edwin Rubenstein or Why Race Matters by Michael Levin. Both of those books were actually written by Jews, and Jared Taylor has defended Jews consistently throughout the entire history of his tenure at American Renaissance, or AmRen, as it is called. But a 2005 PDF copy of The Color of Crime did not bear the name of its Jewish author, whereas an updated 2016 edition boldly displays his name on its front cover. Perhaps over the course of those 11 years, Taylor has become more open about the fact that his organization supports, and is evidently supported by Jews.

The Wrong Stuff, Inside Edition, with Dasho

The Wrong Stuff, Inside Edition

At Christogenea, we have always denigrated the Alt-Right and its leaders and for various legitimate reasons. We have spoken about Mike Enoch and other Alt-Right figures in the past, such as Andrew Anglin and the character known as Weev. But except for Mike Delaney’s long-ago and former friendship with Anglin, we never had an insider’s perspective on any of these individuals. But now we have Dasho, who has recently come to Christian Identity, and perhaps he can introduce himself by explaining his transition. Dasho is a former member at the forum of The Right Stuff, and a former moderator of the break-away Forum called The Purity Spiral, who was an Alt-Right insider for several years. We first met him when he joined the Christogenea forum several months ago. Perhaps this is timely, as Mike Enoch once again aspires to be an Alt-Right leader, having announced just weeks ago the formation of his own political party, calling it the National Justice Party, of which he is now chairman.

All of the sound clips used for this presentation, as well as many of the full-length sources, are found on the page for Mike Enoch at the Christogenea Media Sharing website.