The New Weimar Republic
This is a presentation of William Finck's 2011 article The New Weimar Republic (and a Very Brief and Partial History of Modern Christendom)
This is a presentation of William Finck's 2011 article The New Weimar Republic (and a Very Brief and Partial History of Modern Christendom)
Originally written for the blog at Christogenea on November 14th, 2009, here is a revised version of the article, along with a podcast presented on October 8th, 2011.
The New Weimar Republic (and a Very Brief and Partial History of Modern Christendom)
Before the dawn of the 20th century, Jewish bankers and merchants had long been using their pocketbook influence to work their way into a position where they began marrying into the aristocratic families of Germany. This situation is inevitable where you have a minority that works its way into a host population, and where that minority also happens to have the ability to create its own paper money – therefore having practically unlimited funds with which to corrupt the host society. The average Christian at one time had no use at all for money, and especially paper money. Trade was conducted in barter and taxes were paid in kind. For many centuries in Medieval Europe usury was an abomination, since it is antithetical to Christianity, and so the Jews – who have always been usurers – naturally became the bankers to European nobility, profiting immensely in those circumstances by pandering to the desires of the weak. This same situation long existed in Britain too, since in that nation Jewish families had controlled the economy from the founding of the so-called Bank of England in the 17th century. Before the First World War, much of the British aristocracy was actually Jewish, or as a result of intermarriage had Jewish cousins or in-laws. In fact, a Jew had become the Prime Minister of Great Britain even long before the First World War. To the honest inquirer of history, it is quite clear that by the dawn of the 20th century Europe was ruled by an aristocracy permeated by and beholden to the Jews, and increasingly hostile to Christianity, because Jews are naturally hostile to Christianity. Jews are also hostile to anyone else who is not a Jew – as their Talmud plainly and directly states in many places. It is quite clear that once they acquire control of a nation’s ruling classes, having no allegiance to or kinship with the population of the nation itself, they only use that control in order to further increase their own advantage. Even to the extent of intermarrying with them. To the Jew, like to all aliens, a White wife is a trophy – a mark of conquest – and not a partner. (Such was also the situation in first century Judaea where the Edomites – today’s Jews – had infiltrated and taken over that government and society by 40 B.C.)
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