The Parable of the Trees of the Forest

This audio, less than 11 minutes in length, is an excerpt from a Christogenea Euro Forum from February, 2012. It offers an explanation of the Parable of the Trees of the Forest found in Judges chapter9. The parable explains precisely why political leaders in the governments of men are and always have been the scum of the earth. Yet men have no one but themselves to blame.

Edit June 12th, 2024: Our explanation of this parable was first redacted and put into writing for the article and podcast, Bible? Or Bureaucracy? and it was published in the Saxon Messenger as the editorial for the first isue of 2015. Now we have made a version of this explanation from a transcript, also with minor editing, because the original in the recording here was extemporaneous.

Goebbels' Hope from a Christian Identity Perspective

Christogenea Saturdays, March 5th 2016: Goebbels' Hope from a Christian Identity Perspective

Last night we made a presentation titled The Kingdom of Heaven, or the Elections of Men? First, we must apologize for the bandwidth problems which we experienced, which were unforeseen and beyond our control. We pray that we do not have that problem this evening. In our last presentation here, a week ago, we discussed Hitler's War from a Christian Identity perspective. This presentation will continue some of the themes discussed in both of those prior programs.

Presenting Hitler's War from a Christian Identity Perspective, we saw that Adolf Hitler had correctly identified the war he was waging as a war for blood and race, and that the Jews wanted to destroy German racial integrity as well as desiring to control Germany and all the world economically. Hitler also correctly saw Bolshevism as a partner of Capitalism in the Jewish plan for world domination. So from a Christian Identity perspective, we must recognize that Hitler's war is also our war, and that it is still being fought even though the battle is not by the same means.

Hitler’s War from a Christian Identity Perspective

Christogenea Saturdays, February 27th, 2016: Hitler’s War from a Christian Identity Perspective

Lately we have been discussing Christian Identity vision and objectives in presentations with Mark Downey and again in a recent article posted at Christogenea, which summarized some of the things we said in those presentations. Here we are going to offer what may at first seem to be a strange mix, especially to those who have not heard us speak about Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. This subject we have not touched on now for many months. What might seem to some to be a strange mix has a definite purpose. I would implore you not to accept the Anglo-American-Jewish propaganda concerning 20th century history. It absolutely amazes me that so many fools who claim to be Identity Christians, and especially pastors, still do accept all of those Jewish lies. Tonight I want to summarize, at least in part, what has happened in Europe and throughout the West in recent history, what is happening now as a result of that history, and also offer a summary of the proper perspective which the Identity Christians should have of both the events of recent history, and most importantly, of the place which we must assume for ourselves within the context of that history. All the Jews stand for lies, and we must stand for truth.

To help us accomplish this objective, we are going to present our recent article. But first, we we are going to present what is commonly known as Adolf Hitler’s last speech. It was a radio address to the German Volk made on January 30th, 1945. While it is short, we are going to read all of it, because it describes an earlier stage in the very same battle that our White race faces once again today. Except that comparatively, Whites as a collective people today are more like the Germans of 1922 than they are of 1933 or 1945. The speech is addressed to the German Volksgenossen, which are national comrades, and National Socialists, and ostensibly both labels were used to refer to the same people. 

The European Right: What are the Chances?, March 1st, 2015

The European Right: What are the Chances?

Sven Longshanks and William Finck begin a walk through some of Britain and Europe's "right wing" and "nationalist" parties to sort out which are real and which are onbly pretending. We are not really looking for a political solution, because like all Identity Chrtistians, we know well enough that There is No Political Solution. Rather, we are only looking for the actual level of racial consciousness and awareness of the devil among the political players in Europe.

The Epistles of Paul - Romans Part 18, 08-22-2014: Government as a Punishment from God

Romans 13:1-14

The Epistles of Paul - Romans Part 18, 08-22-2014: Government as a Punishment from God

For much of Romans chapter 12, Paul of Tarsus explained how Christians should treat one another, also exhorting his Roman Christian readers to prefer one another with diligence, meaning to discriminate in favor of one another at the expense of all others, and informing them that it is honorable to do so. Beginning that discussion, Paul made two important admonitions: that Christians not conform themselves to this world, and that Christians not think proudly, instead maintaining themselves as mere members in the much larger body of Christ, doing what they can for that body and its other members. At the same time, towards the end of chapter 12, Christians were also exhorted to leave vengeance and judgment in the hands of Yahweh their God.

Here in Romans chapter 13, we see Paul explain how Yahweh executes His vengeance and His judgment: that He uses worldly powers and authorities which He appoints in order to do so. Many pastors, even within Christian Israel Identity, have struggled with Romans 13, and many noble attempts have been made to explain it. However they usually fail because once again, they neglect to consider the full Biblical context of Paul's words. This chapter cannot be properly understood in isolation.

The Racist Right with Mike Delaney - 04-26-2013

Painting: Dad snaps photo of kids watching television, perhaps circa early 1960's.. The Saxon Messenger editorial article which expresses the basis for this program is found here:

William Finck and Mike Delaney of and in a discussion of true truth and conservatism in contrast with some of the "anti-zionists" in the so-called "truth movement" who are not truly conservative at all and who actually work against White interests.