Addressing Charles Weisman’s What About the Seedline Doctrine? Part 24: Nailing the Coffin
Addressing Charles Weisman’s What About the Seedline Doctrine? Part 24: Nailing the Coffin
This final portion of our address of Charles Weisman’s book, What About the Seedline Doctrine? may be anticlimactic. We have already witnessed and explained why Charles Weisman is truly not a Christian. We have already elucidated his many contradictions, and we hope to have fully exposed his many outright lies and misrepresentations of Scripture, and now that we near the conclusion of his book, we hope that he is already buried. But if not, then perhaps here we can drive the final nail in the coffin.
Up to this point in Chapter 6 of Weisman’s book, we have seen his attempt to explain psychological reasons for the existence of our Two-Seedline doctrine, and he ascribed a lot of reasons to its existence which all boil down to our needing excuses for blaming Jews for our woes, rather than blaming ourselves. But that too is a straw man argument, because we do not blame Jews for our woes. Rather, we blame sinful Whites who are caught up in all of the idolatry offered to them by Jews, and who have also accepted the antichrist teachings packaged under the umbrella of Liberalism. This is what has led us to accept not only Jews, but all of the other biological infestations of Yahweh’s Creation. So Jewish Supremacy and the imposition of Negros and all of the other races upon Christendom are a result of our problems, and not the actual cause of our problems.
But here Weisman also betrayed himself once again, where he spoke of Jews as a race and admitted that “Throughout all of history we have examples of Jewish hostility towards white Christians, and the harmful effects Jews have had on the European nations. They have clearly been as aliens in our midst destroying our way of life.”
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