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Israel Controls U.S. Government and Media
When we say this, we are slandered as "White Supremacists" and "Racists", most often by those same Jews who are trying to conceal their usurpation of our Christian nation! In truth, they are the supremacists, and they are the racists!
WTC Building 7: The Smoking Gun
Is there not ONE prosecutor willing to risk his career for truth and justice?
911 Solved in Two Minutes
See for the rest of the story.
Courtesy of
Flight 93, Where Are You?
Big, comparatively soft jetliners do not simply bury themselves entirely into 20' holes in the hard Pennsylvania ground. Flight 93 never crashed in Pennsylvania, at least not where they say it did. Where did it go? And what did cause this 10'x20' crater, if not a rocket?
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