The Second Epistle to Timothy
© 2005 William R. Finck Jr.
For a full audio and written commentary on this epistle see The Epistles of Paul to Timothy - Audio and Written Bible Commentary or for a simple index: Paul's Epistles to Timothy - Podcast Index
I1 Paul, an ambassador of Yahshua Christ by the will of Yahweh in accordance with the promise of life which is in Christ Yahshua, 2 to Timotheos, beloved child: favor, mercy, peace from Father Yahweh and Christ Yahshua our Prince. 3 I have gratitude to Yahweh whom I serve after my ancestors with a clean conscience, that incessantly I have mention concerning you in my prayers night and day, 4 yearning to see you, remembering your tears, that I would be filled with joy. 5 Receiving a reminder of that unfeigned faith which is in you, which abode first in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunika, now I am convinced that also is in you.
6 For which cause I remind you to rekindle that favor of Yahweh which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7 For Yahweh has not given to us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of discretion. 8 Therefore you should not be ashamed of the testimony of our Prince nor of me, His prisoner. Rather take a share in hardship in the good message in accordance with the power of Yahweh, 9 who preserves and calls us to a holy calling not according to our works, but according to a distinct purpose and favor, given to us among the number of Christ Yahshua, before the times of the ages, 10 and made known now through the appearance of our Savior Christ Yahshua, while having nullified death then illuminating life and incorruption through the good message, 11 for which I have been appointed a herald and an ambassador and a teacher. 12 For which cause also I suffer these things, but I am not ashamed, for I know whom I believe, and I am persuaded that He is able to keep my deposit for that day. 13 Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me in faith and love in which is in Christ Yahshua. 14 Keep that good deposit through the Holy Spirit which is dwelling within us.
15 Know this, that all those in Asia have turned away from me, of which are Phugelos and Hermogenes. 16 The Prince should give mercy to the house of Onesiphoros, because often he refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains, 17 but being in Rome eagerly sought and found me. 18 The Prince should give to him to find appropriate mercy in that day. And how much he has served in Ephesos, you would know better.
II1 Therefore you, my child, be empowered in that favor which is in Christ Yahshua, 2 and the things you have heard from me through many witnesses, these things you must commit to trustworthy men, who are competent also to teach others. 3 You must share in hardships as a good soldier of Christ Yahshua. 4 No one being a soldier, entangled in the matters of this life, in that way would please he who enrolled him as a soldier. 5 And if also a man contends for anything, he is not awarded if he does not compete lawfully. 6 The toiling farmer must be first to partake of the fruits. 7 Consider that which I say. The Prince will give to you comprehension in everything. 8 Remember Yahshua Christ, having risen from the dead, sprung from the offspring of David, in accordance with my good message 9 in which I suffer hardship even of imprisonment as a criminal, but the word of Yahweh is not bound. 10 On which account I endure all things for sake of the elect, that they then would obtain preservation of that in Christ Yahshua with eternal honor. 11 Trustworthy is this saying. For if we die together, we also will live together. 12 If we endure, we also will rule together. If we deny, then He will deny us. 13 If we are mistrusting, He remains trustworthy: for He is not able to deny Himself.
14 You should make mention of these things, affirming before Yahweh, not to argue about semantics - useful for nothing besides the subversion of those listening. 15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to Yahweh: a workman having no shame, correctly dissecting the word of truth. 16 But profane babblers you must avoid, for they further advance impiety. 17 And their speech is as a spreading cancer, of whom are Humenaios and Philatos, 18 who have failed concerning the truth, saying that the restoration has already happened, and they upset the faith of some. 19 Of course the solid foundation of Yahweh stands, having this assurance: “Yahweh knows those who are His” and “All who are calling by name the name of Yahweh must withdraw from unrighteousness.” 20 In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, and some things for honor, yet others for dishonor. 21 Therefore if a man would purge himself of the latter, he would be a vessel for honor, having sanctified himself, serviceable to the master, having prepared himself for all good works.
22 Now flee those youthful desires, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those calling upon the Prince from a clean heart. 23 And you must decline foolish and ignorant inquiries, knowing that they produce fights. 24 Now a bondman of the Prince does not need to fight, but to be gentle towards all, inclined to teach, enduring evil, 25 in meekness correcting those who are in opposition; perhaps Yahweh would give to them repentance for acknowledgment of the truth, 26 and they return to sobriety from the trap of the False Accuser, being captivated by him for that of his will.
III1 Now this you must know, that in the last days grievous times will arise. 2 For men will be narcissistic, covetous, arrogant blasphemous braggarts, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unhallowed, 3 unaffectionate, implacable, slanderous, intemperate, untamed, without love of goodness, 4 reckless demented traitors, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of Yahweh. 5 Having a form of piety but denying the value of it. And these you must turn away from. 6 From among them are they who get into the houses of and captivate simple women laden with wrongdoing, being led away with various lusts. 7 Always learning yet never able to come to knowledge of the truth. 8 But in that manner which Iannes and Iambres had stood against Moses, so also these stand up against the truth, men corrupted in mind, rejected as false in respect of the faith. 9 But they shall not advance further, for their lack of understanding will be quite plain to all, even as those others’ was.
10 But you have followed me closely in the doctrine, in the training, in the purpose, in the faith, in the forbearance, in the love, in the patience, 11 in the persecutions, in the sufferings, things which happened to me in Antiocheia, in Ikonion, in Lustra, what persecutions I had endured, and from all the Prince has delivered me. 12 And yet all those wishing a pious life in Christ Yahshua will be persecuted. 13 And evil men and enchanters will advance for the worse, deceiving and being deceived themselves. 14 But you continue in those things you have learned and have been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned. 15 And because from infancy you know the divine writings, which enable you to pursue wisdom unto preservation through faith of that which is in Christ Yahshua. 16 All writing inspired of God is also beneficial for teaching, for evidence, for correction, for education which is in righteousness, 17 that the man of Yahweh would be perfect, having prepared himself for all good works.
IV1 I affirm before Yahweh, even Christ Yahshua who is going to judge living and dead, and His manifestation, and His kingdom: 2 You must proclaim the word, you must stand ready opportunely and inopportunely, you must bring convincing proof, you must censure, you must exhort with all forbearance and instruction. 3 For there will be a time when they will not maintain sound doctrine, but in accordance with their own lusts will they amass teachers for themselves, tickling the ear. 4 And indeed they will turn the ear away from the truth and they will be turned to myths. 5 But you be sober in all. You must suffer evil. You must do the work of a preacher of the good message. You must fully accomplish your ministry. 6 For I am already offered and the time of my departure approaches. 7 Having struggled the good struggle, I finished the race. I kept the faith. 8 Hereafter the crown of righteousness is reserved for me, which the Prince will render to me in that day, the Righteous Judge. And not only to me but also to all those loving His manifestation.
9 You must be eager to come to me quickly. 10 For Demas has left me behind, loving this present age he has gone to Thessalonika, Kreskes to Galatia, Titos to Dalmatia. 11 Loukas alone is with me. Taking Markos, bring him with yourself, for he is useful to me for the ministry. 12 Now I have sent Tuchikos to Ephesos. 13 Coming, bring the cloak which I left behind in the Troad with Karpos, and the books - especially the parchments.
14 Alexandros the coppersmith exhibited much evil to me; the Prince shall render to him according to his works. 15 Him you must also watch, for very much does he stand against our words. 16 At my first defense no one stood by me, rather all forsook me. You should not account it to them. 17 But the Prince stood by me and strengthened me in order that through me the proclamation would be fully assured and all the Nations should hear. I have even been delivered from the mouth of a lion. 18 The Prince will deliver me from all wicked deeds and save me for His Kingdom in the heavens, to whom is honor for the eternal ages, truly.
19 Greet Priska and Akulas and the household of Onesiphoros. 20 Erastos has stayed in Korinthos, and Trophimos I left behind in Miletos, being sick. 21 You must hurry to come before winter. Euboulos and Poudas and Linos and Klaudia and all the brethren greet you. 22 The Prince is with your Spirit. Favor be with you.
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