June 2023

A Christogenea commentary On the Gospel of John has recently been completed. Many passages simply do not say what the modern churches think they mean! Don't miss this important and ground-breaking work proving that Christian Identity is indeed fully supported by Scripture.

A Commentary on Genesis is now being presented. Here we endeavor to explain the very first book of the Christian Bible from a perspective which reconciles both the Old and New Testaments with archaeology and ancient history, through eyes which have been opened by the Gospel of Christ.

A Commentary on the Epistles of Paul has been completed at Christogenea.org. This lengthy and in-depth series reveals the true Paul as an apostle of God, a prophet in his own right, and the first teacher of what we call Christian Identity.

Don't miss our recently-completed series of commentaries on the Minor Prophets of the Bible, which has also been used as a vehicle to prove the historicity of the Bible as well as the Provenance of God.

Visit Clifton Emahiser's Watchman's Teaching Ministries at Christogenea.org for his many foundational Christian Identity studies.

Christogenea Books: Christian Truths in Black and White!
Visit our store at Christogenea.com.

On Genesis, Part 19: The Appearance of the Sons of Noah

A general discussion of aspects of Genesis chapter 10

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On Genesis, Part 19: The Appearance of the Sons of Noah

Now that we have completed our exhibition of the historical identity of the nations of the sons of Noah as they are described in Genesis chapter 10, we are going to take a respite in order to describe the physical appearance of at least some of the sons of Noah as it is revealed in both the history and the archaeology of those nations, or that of their neighbors. As we had asserted earlier in this commentary on Genesis, in our discussion of the tribes of The Japhethites listed in Genesis chapter 10:

Any honest man who studies archaeology and history and who reads Genesis chapter 10 from the perspective of classical antiquity, where one must consider the nations of the sons of Noah in their ancient forms rather than in their modern conditions, must ultimately face the fact that all of the descendants of Noah were originally White, or what was called in the past Caucasian or considered to be related to modern [White] Europeans. As a digression, the words of the prophets also explain the modern condition of those nations, and we may make some references in that regard as we discuss them here. In the 19th century, White Europeans were termed Caucasian because learned men who studied this aspect of history had realized that to a great extent, the early settlers of Europe had migrated from Mesopotamia and the ancient Middle and Near East by travelling through the region of the Caucasus Mountains. That view is oversimplified, but for many of our Keltic or Germanic or even Slavic ancestors it is certainly true. Others had come from the east at an even earlier time, in which most of them had migrated by sea rather than by land.

Now we hope to prove that assertion, and if we can prove that merely one nation each which had descended from Ham, Shem and Japheth were White, then it must be admitted that the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches have been lying about Genesis for centuries, and that all of the sons of Noah must have been White.

On Genesis, Part 18: The Hebrews

Genesis 10:25-32

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On Genesis, Part 18: The Hebrews

In our last presentation, The Shemites, we had asked a few questions which we had only answered in part, such as “what defines a Semite? And what is a Hamite, or a Canaanite?” Those we answered by stating, perhaps in different words, that the only proper classifications of those people are along Biblical terms, in agreement with Genesis chapter 10, since Genesis is the very source of those terms. But then we also asked another question, which is related to these because of the manner in which modern academic sources classify languages, and that is “what language is Hebrew?” This question we shall address presently, before proceeding to discuss Eber, the first Hebrew.

All throughout the Christian epoch, the history of the ancient Near East has been viewed through exclusively Jewish eyes, and this has had a profoundly damaging impact not only on Biblical studies, but on all modern historical, archaeological and linguistic inquiry into the cradle of civilization found in ancient Mesopotamia and the Levant. But as Paul of Tarsus had also explained, in 2 Corinthians chapter 3, the Old Testament cannot even be understood unless one is a Christian, and therefore no Jew can possibly understand it. But Christians, if they follow Jews, they will also fail to understand it, as Christ had said of the Pharisees of His Own time, in Luke chapter 6, “39 … Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?” Collectively, Jews have innate biases which naturally restrict their understanding, and lead them to errant identifications and faulty conclusions regarding history, language and archaeological findings, along with a tendency to pollute everything they study with their own Talmudic reasoning, which is always naturally antithetical to God.

On Genesis, Part 17: The Shemites

Genesis 10:21-24

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On Genesis, Part 17: The Shemites

In our recent discussion of the Hamites and the description of Nimrod and the first Adamic empire, of which ancient Akkad was a part, we had discussed the first Akkadian empire and the presence of a historical Cush in Mesopotamia in the 3rd millennium BC. Then in our separate discussion of the accursed tribes of the Canaanites, we had described the rise of several Canaanite empires in the early 2nd millennium BC, namely the Babylonian Empire of the Amorites, the Hittite Empire, and the Mittani Kingdom of the Hurrians. These Canaanite empires were relatively short-lived, as compared to those of Egypt and Assyria, but it is quite possible that they were not the only Canaanite empires which existed in ancient history.

For example, there is ancient Ebla, the importance of which was not even discovered until the site of the city was excavated after its discovery in 1964. Evidently, Ebla had dominated what is now northwestern Syria from the mid-to-late 3rd millennium through most of the 2nd millennium BC. Ebla was about 34 miles southwest of Ḥalab, or Aleppo, which is said to have been the seat of another kingdom, Yamhad, although it is apparent that the empires of Yamhad and Ebla had each covered the same general territory at the heights of each of their power, along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in modern northwestern Syria. As a digression, in this sense an empire is only a city-state which subjects to itself other city-states within a particular region, whose inhabitants were not necessarily of the same tribe, and these empires were quite small compared to the empires of later history.

In an example of this, Yamhad is mentioned in an inscription which recorded a letter by an unnamed king of Assyria which is addressed to Zimri-Lim, a king of Mari in the 18th century BC where we read in part that “Moreover, with regard to what my lord wrote here to the kings, saying, ‘Come to the sacrifice in honor of Ishtar,’ I gathered the kings to Sharmaneh and conveyed this message to them: ‘There is no king who is strong just by himself. Ten (to) fifteen kings are following Hammurabi the man of Babylon; so, too, Rim-Sin the man of Larsa; so, too, Ibal-pi-el the man of Eshnunna; so, too, Amut-pi-el the man of Qatanum; (and) twenty kings are following Yarim-Lim the man of Yamhad.’” [1]

Topical Discussions, June 2nd, 2023

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Topical Discussions, June 2nd, 2023

Including Who's “Out-Jewing the Jew?”, Black Hebrew “Israelites” and Which is it, Lord or Yahweh?

Lately I have been considering and saving some of the short topics discussed at various venues at Christogenea which would serve as ten or fifteen or even thirty minute recordings for videos or for our radio streams. So while I have done a few of these topical discussion presentations in the past, hopefully we can do even more in the future.

But first I want to speak of some of the challenges I have operating Christogenea, so that listeners may better understand certain things, especially things like why it takes me so long to ship book orders. Lately I have missed shipping books on time for certain holidays, such as Christmas, a holiday which we don’t even really care much about. But at the same time, while I hate to disappoint our brethren, I don’t even pay much attention to the calendar. Right now all I know is that it is already June, and a couple of days ago I really thought May had only just begun.

Some readers or listeners seem to have the impression that we should operate as efficiently as Amazon or some other huge internet retailer. But Christogenea is a one person entity, which receives some help in some areas from my wife Melissa, or in some aspects, from certain close friends who believe in our cause. Until 2018 we used a third party to print and retail our books, and they probably made more money from the venture than we did, but I did not mind, so long as the books were available. Being a one-person entity, that is why I would rather just publish everything I write freely, as I feel that is an obligation, and electronically, because that is the easiest method for me, and provides the widest possible audience.