Now on CD: Christogenea Essays and Commentaries on the Settlement of Europe and Origin of European Peoples
This is a single CD containing all of the podcasts in MP3 format and notes in PDF Format of William Finck's essays on the settlement of Europe, including his German Origins series, and accounts of the identities of the ancient Phoenicians, Scythians, Trojan-Romans, and Dorian and Danaan Greeks and more. See for more information.
These historical essays discussing the settlement of Europe are all available freely for download, listening or reading here at Christogenea. However all of the texts and podcasts are included on this one CD, along with other books and resources in PDF format, making this an excellent witnessing tool for exhibiting the truth of our Christian Identity message.
The retail cost of this CD is under $5, and additional copies are $4 each, plus shipping. We hope to make many more of our podcasts available in this format in the near future.
Praise Yahweh!
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