Society, Think About It.
I saw this sign at the National Zoo in Washington this past Saturday, and just had to take a picture of it. It says: “Society. Think about it. Apes do.” This is more or less a slogan repeated in several other places at the zoo, so as I walked around looking at the animals – inside and outside of the cages – I did think about it.
The word ape is more or less an ambiguous term used to describe a wide assortment of critters, including orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees, which are of the biological families Pongidae.or Hominidae. All of these have 48 chromosomes, and a few hybrids among them – often in captivity - have been known to exist. However, in “normal” ape society reproductive unions between these different species of ape hominids generally do not occur. The National Zoo - evidently not caring about compliance with equal opportunity housing standards - segregates its ape residents by species.
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