The Saxon Messenger - Edition No. 42
Get your copy of the latest issue of The Saxon Messenger, an online PDF magazine and a project of Christogenea.
This issue of the Saxon Messenger features The Christian Identity Objective, Christian Expectations, Refugees? No! Rape-fugees, Addressing Feminism Part 1, and Lobster Lives Matter To Blind & Hypocritical Swedes, all by William Finck; White Genocide: The Mass Rape & Murder of the European People and The Hidden Slitherers of Mind Manipulation, both edited from other sources with comments by Lasha Darkmoon; 20M Invaders Waiting: Macedonia and Will South African Farmers Move to Georgia en masse? both from The New Observer Online; The Riddle of Rotherham: “Mad Ash,” White Trash and the Hostile Elite by Tobias Langdon and Britain’s Jewish Traitors by Francis Carr Begbie, both from The Occidental Observer; Moslem Police and Politicians were Complicit in the Sex Abuse in Rotherham from the blog Diversity Macht Frei; Top German Journalist Admits Live On Air that the National News Agenda is Set By Government; Extracts from What World Famous Men said about Jews by Dr E R Fields Statins Red Alert by Mike Adams and Another Nail in the Coffin for Statins by Tony Isaacs both from Natural News, and more...