A Critique of Wesley Swift

A Critique of Wesley Swift, and why we must preserve his work: so first we explain our motives and methods at Christogenea.

I want to give people the opportunity to understand some of the logic behind Christogenea and how it evolved, so I have to sort of start from the beginning. Everything we do is carefully considered, whether we succeed or we fail. I remember telling Clifton Emahiser in a phone conversation, perhaps as early as 2005 or 2006, that one day I would put all of his material on a website of his own. At that time I wanted to call it john844.org. Of course, I was still in prison. There is currently a john844.org website which I created, but I did not use it for the purposes I had originally intended and in its current state it is still not complete. Then a short time later I thought of what I thought was a better term, and, so far as I remember, I kept it to myself.

When I was released from prison in December of 2008, I had a concept for a website for my own writing that I was going to call either Christogenea or Christogenos. I eventually settled on the former because I thought it better resembled its meaning in English, but I still like Christogenos a little more. I continue to retain ownership of both domain names.

I really thought that Christogenea would just be a small blog and a place for my essays and translations, and that I would keep my promise to Clifton. I never had any idea that it would grow into a collection of websites with over 12,000 pages, not counting the forum. I never imagined there would be a forum. By the end of April of 2009, I accomplished those things which I originally set out to do.

Paul’s Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 2: Satan Revealed

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Paul’s Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 2: Satan Revealed

The writing of book of Zechariah the prophet can be dated rather accurately to begin about 520 BC, during the reign of the Persian king known as Darius the Great. On the surface, the subject of Zechariah’s prophecy appears to be the rebuilding of Jerusalem in Judaea, as it is presented at the time of the building of the second temple where there is also an actual high priest with the name of Joshua. His is the same name, in its common Medieval English form, as Joshua the son of Nun from the time of Moses. But it is also the same name as the personal name of Yahshua the Messiah, who is more commonly known as Jesus Christ. Zerubbabel is also mentioned in Zechariah’s prophecy, several times in chapter 4. His name means sown in Babel, or Babylon, and he was the governor of Jerusalem at the time of the return of the remnant and the building of the second temple.

While the immediate subject in Zechariah appears to be Jerusalem in Judaea, that is not at all the ultimate purpose of the prophecy. Such is the nature of dual prophecies, that they are given in a manner which has both an immediate application and an ultimate meaning, The ultimate purpose of these early chapters of the prophecy of Zechariah is to describe the reconciliation of the people of Israel in their dispersions, the condition of their true High Priest before their sins are removed, and the propitiation which that Priest, Yahshua Christ, makes on their behalf. Joshua, the high priest of Zechariah’s time, is only a type for Yahshua Christ. Jerusalem, the actual city, is only a type for the true Jerusalem, the City of God come down from heaven, and the rebuilt temple is a type for the restored Body of Christ found in those of His people who are willing to hearken in obedience to Him.

The Jews in Europe: The Mask of Freemasonry, Part 3

The Jews in Europe: The Mask of Freemasonry, Part 3

To begin this evening’s program, I want to repeat a paragraph which we had presented in our last segment of this series, from pages 333-335 of The Freemason’s Manual, written by one Jeremiah How and published in 1881. We are doing this first to buttress the claims of our source volume for this series, The Plot Against the Church, which asserts that Freemasonry is a product of World Jewry and has been used as a vehicle to subvert Western Civilization, and also to reiterate my assertions concerning any connections alleged between the more ancient Knight’s Templar and Freemasonry. Here Jeremiah How is writing in reference to the so-called “Royal, Exalted, Religious and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar”, which is evidently an order and a degree within Freemasonry.

There is much difference of opinion as to the origin of this degree of the Masonic Institution, and without attempting to show that the form of conferring the degree is identical with that of the gallant and devoted soldier-monks of the Crusades, it cannot be controverted that their Institution possessed some features of similarity to Freemasonry. The connexion between the Knights Templar and the Masonic Institution has been repeatedly asserted by the friends and enemies of both. Brother Lawrie says, ‘We know the Knights Templar not only possessed the mysteries, but performed the ceremonies, and inculcated the duties of Freemasons;’ and he attributes the dissolution of the Order to the discovery of their being Freemasons, and assembling in secret to practise the rites of the Order. He endeavours to show that they were initiated into the Order by the Druses, a Syrian fraternity which existed at that date, and indeed now continues.

In a French MS. ritual of about 1780, in the degree of Black and White Eagle (30°), the transmission of Free masonry by the Templars is most positively asserted. The history of the Templars and their persecution is minutely described in the closing address, and the Grand Commander adds, ‘This is, my illustrious brother, how and by whom, Masonry is derived, and has been transmitted to us. You are now a Knight Templar, and on a level with them.’

We are going to reassert, that it is our opinion that the whole story about Freemasonry getting into Europe through the Knights Templar is an absolute fabrication. It is a cover story shielding the Jews from exposure as the real force behind Freemasonry. If it were true, it would suppose that Freemasonry had a more noble origin than the Medieval scholars, Jewish interlopers and outright frauds who were promoting the use of the Kabbalah to Christians. But even the sect of the Druze is founded upon Judaism, and modern Druze today even sit in the Israeli parliament in Palestine. Furthermore, the Knight’s Templar allegedly became wealthy through a mixed system of donations and usury, a vocation rather exclusive to the Jews in 13th century France. There may have been similarities between the Templars and the Masons only because they had the same influences. Furthermore, the Kabbalah is not a part of Druze literature, but a product of Jewish literature created in Medieval Europe, and it is the basis for Freemasonry as well.

Paul’s Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 1: The Righteousness of God

2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

Many little details and much of the seemingly innocuous language which Paul of Tarsus used in his epistles actually serves to sew together the historic context of the Old Testament with the stated purpose of the Gospel. Denominational Christians remain ignorant, not even conceiving what Paul had actually meant by many of the statements which he had made. So while it may seem that we often spend an inordinate amount of time on paltry details, those details are as necessary to a firm understanding of Scripture as each of ten thousand little nails are to the structural integrity of a house.

Paul’s Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 1: The Righteousness of God

As we had demonstrated from the circumstances provided in 1 Thessalonians 3:6 when compared with Acts 18:5, where it says “And when Silas and Timotheus were come from Macedonia, Paul was pressed in the spirit, and testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ”, Paul had written the first epistle to the Thessalonians shortly after he began to preach the Gospel in Corinth. Timothy and Silas were originally sent to Thessalonika by Paul from Athens, and they were evidently reunited with Paul in Corinth, as we are informed in Acts 18:5, where they reported to him the state of the Christian assembly in Thessalonika, as we are informed in 1 Thessalonians chapter 3. It was that report, along with apparent inquiries that the Thessalonians had made of Paul, which had given him the motivation to write that first epistle to the Thessalonians.

Christogenea Podcasts Newly Available on CD

Our three-part commentary on the Book of Esther, Esther: Fraud, or Fable?, and a select collection of topical podcasts from 2015 have just been made available on CD. Christogenea now has 28 titles available on CD, 25 multiple-podcast data CDs and 3 single-podcast Audio CDs. More CDs will be available in the near future. Watch Christogenea.com for more information.

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An Interview with a Friend: 911 and the Awakening to Jewish Treachery

This program has been pre-recorded for Christogenea Saturdays and will be broadcast at Christogenea.org on May 14th, 2016. Praise Yahweh, the God of true Israel, and thank you for listening. Today is Sunday, May 8th, and we will have a conversation with a good friend who has been researching the events of 911, among other things, for several years now.

The events of 911 have done more than any other event in modern history to wake people up to Jewish treachery, or at least to the idea that something is significantly wrong with society. But Jewish treachery is nothing new. It is a problem that Whites have been struggling with for seven thousand years. Most Whites cannot see it, because they never studied history at a level detailed enough to learn the patterns. The bottom line is this: Whites will never learn anything, and Whites will never come to terms with learning, until the Jew is fully eliminated from partaking in the discussion. Once a devil is allowed to enter the discourse, the well is polluted and people are going to be steered away from the truth.

Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 5: The Rapture of the Wicked

1 Thessalonians 5:1-28

The opening comments to tonight’s program were based on a topic posted at the Christogenea Forum.

Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 5: The Rapture of the Wicked.

Presenting the end of 1 Thessalonians chapter 4, we discussed the supposed Rapture of the Saints, and discovered that Paul never really described such a Rapture at all. Rather, he was poetically depicting some of the events as he perceived that they shall take place at the Second Advent of the Christ, in relation to the resurrection of the dead and the regathering of the people of God. Many denominational Christians expecting a so-called Rapture expect to be lifted up into the heavens and into the clouds at any given moment, which is a childishly ridiculous fantasy.

We pointed out that by writing “clouds”, Paul was very likely only referring to throngs, just as he used the word for cloud in Hebrews chapter 12. We also showed that where the King James Version has the words “caught up”, the literal meaning is more properly carried off. In part, a more practical reading of 1 Thessalonians 4:17 may read “Then we, the living who are remaining, at once with them shall be carried off in throngs for a meeting...” But this is not all.

We also elucidated the fact that where Paul spoke of a meeting “in air”, or “in the air”, he was not talking about the sky or the heavens, since in the Gospels wherever the sky is referred to the Greek word is οὐρανός, or heaven, and not ἀήρ, or air. We argued that everywhere the phrase “birds of the air” is mentioned in the New Testament, the word is οὐρανός, which is otherwise usually translated as heaven in the King James Version. If the οὐρανός is the abode of the birds, then by saying ἀήρ Paul could not have been referring to the sky. Here in 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 the word for air is ἀήρ, not οὐρανός, so using it Paul did not intend to refer to the abode of the birds. Rather, he was referring to the physical world, as opposed to the spiritual, using the word just as he had used it in a reference to Satan, the prince of this world, as the “prince of the power of the air” in Ephesians chapter 2.

The Jews in Europe: The Mask of Freemasonry, Part 2

The Jews in Europe: The Mask of Freemasonry, Part 2

Out of all the literature of the ancients, only one book instructs man as to the treachery of the people now known as the Jews, and that book is the Bible, of which both Old and New Testaments are equally relevant parts. To realize this truth, the Bible must be treated as the history book which it is, and studied forwards and backwards and forwards again in conjunction with all of the other ancient documents which we have available. These people now known as Jews can be traced from Genesis chapter 4 through the early periods of Joshua and the Judges and into the kingdom of David and Solomon, and the prophets describe how they infiltrated, eventually subverted, and caused the downfall of that kingdom. The first humanist revolt was in the days of Jeroboam I, and by the time of Jeremiah and Ezekiel Jerusalem was nearly completely subverted, much like all of the western nations of today. But at that time the progenitors of the modern Jews were known as Canaanites, Shelahites and Hittites and others.

Rebuilding the Kingdom during the rather egalitarian Hellenistic period Judaea was infiltrated and subverted once again. Then by the time of the birth of Christ the Edomites, who were also Canaanites, took over the nation in a Bolshevik Revolution of their own, which culminated in the reign of Herod the Edomite. Christianity was born in the face of that revolution, and it is the only world religion which explicitly and specifically identifies its agitators as the devils which they are. Later in the first century, the Edomites attempted to carry their revolution throughout the entire empire, and continued it for over 60 years. It did not end in 70 AD, but rather in 136 AD after the Kitos War and the Bar Kokhba Rebellion had also failed. In this respect, Flavius Josephus, with all of his otherwise honorable intentions, was one of their shiksas. He wrote his work Wars of the Judaeans in Aramaic at the start of the first Judaean revolt, addressing it to some of the so-called “lost tribes” which he could still identify, the “northern barbarians” such as the Alans and the Parthians, hoping that he could encourage them to join the cause against Rome. But the Jews failed, and when Christianity prevailed in Europe in spite of three centuries of Jewish and Roman persecution, the Jews were crushed. By the sixth century they were ostracized from all of European society for the first and only time in history. So the Jews made war on Europe, enlisting the arabs, turks and mongols, until working from within they could finally subvert it once again. However the Jews, being the post-Christian left-over infiltrators of ancient Judaea, thereby maintained the identity as the people of the Bible which they had pilfered back in the second and first centuries BC. In truth, they are for the most part Edomites, and not Judaeans at all (Revelation 2:9, 3:9).

Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 4: The Rapture of the Saints?

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, “Rapture”

Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 4: The Rapture of the Saints?

So far in our presentations of Paul’s first epistle to the Thessalonians we have seen Paul express to his readers that their acceptance and conduct in the Gospel of Christ was itself an assurance that they were indeed the elect of God. We took that opportunity to discuss some of the history establishing that these Thessalonians, like the other recipients of Paul’s epistles, had descended from the Israelites of the Old Testament. Then where Paul had discussed the persecutions which the Christians of both Judaea and Thessalonika as well as the other Christian assemblies had undergone, we took an opportunity to demonstrate that the historicity of the early persecutions of Christians, in the days of Claudius and Nero, was an established historical fact.

Following that, we took the opportunity to demonstrate how Paul’s advice to the Thessalonians which he gives in chapters 3 and 4 of the epistle represented the core of something which in another context we may call Positive Christianity. Doing this, we demonstrated that Paul’s exhortations in Christ had certainly represented ideas which are fully amenable to the preservation of our race and of our White Christian nations. Doing this we also hope to have demonstrated that the things which Paul had advised were things which only Jews, who are the eternal enemies of Christ, could possibly oppose. Therefore by opposing true Christianity one is actually taking sides with the devil, and by attacking true Christians one is doing the handiwork of the Jews, something which the pagans of the first centuries of the Christian era had also done.