Here the host's microphone was somewhat over-modulated, and we could not adjust that on our end. We learned that they had a fill-in producer, and the problem was beyond the host's control as well.
Friday September 2nd, 9:42 AM: We have posted an edited version from which the commercials have been trimmed and the static reduced, courtesy of one of the members of the Christogenea Forum. That is now the version in the player above. Thank you!
The Importance of the Song of Solomon to Biblical Anthropology
Tonight’s program is going to serve two purposes. Firstly, it is a defense of the Song of Solomon, which is also sometimes called Canticles or the Song of Songs, as a Biblical book which belongs in our Scripture. Secondly, it will serve as an exposition of a paper recently published by Clifton Emahiser, which was titled It is Biblical to be Caucasian, Song. Chapters 4 to 7. Clifton’s paper was published at his website in four installments from August 2014 through February 2015.
The word anthropology is defined in Collins’ English Dictionary as “the study of humans, their origins, physical characteristics, institutions, religious beliefs, social relationships, etc.” Here we shall concern ourselves with only one aspect of the term: the physical characteristics of certain people in the Bible. Once we determine these characteristics, there is little doubt we may determine the general race of the ancient Israelites of Scripture.
ATLANTA (CBS46/AP) - A surveillance video shows a shooting at a the Texaco gas station on 1117 Lee Street leaving one woman injured. Units responded to a call regarding a woman being shot in her left shoulder while sitting in the passenger seat of a Dodge Charger. The driver of that Charger was involved in an altercation with another unidentified male.
In the video, the male suspect motioned toward his handgun. The driver then pulled out an AK pistol from the Charger. Gunfire was exchanged between the driver and the other unknown suspect. The woman was shot during that exchange and transported to the Atlanta Medical Center in stable condition. She has been released.
Police say the unknown suspect fled the scene in a black and red Mazda.
Perhaps this video should have been titled "Tweenie Twerkfest", but that name is far too "cute" for these disgusting brute beasts.
The Negro child is sexualized by its own family and neighbors from early childhood. This is Negro "culture" in its natural state.
So, do you think you may invite one of these "children" to your own child's birthday party one day soon? But perhaps they already sit at the same school cafeteria table each afternoon.
White children everywhere are now being desensitized and introduced to this animalistic behavior. Welcome to equality that never existed, diversity that can never be sustained, and a future that is destined for destruction.
We can't wait to see it all come unglued. These lives do NOT matter if we wish to maintain a civil society.
We replaced the posted podcast on Tuesday August 23rd at 9:30 AM EST. Some words were truncated in diverse places throughout the original podcast, due to technical differences in the processing. The new file repairs the problems.
The Protocols of Satan, Part 9: Rule of the Brambles
After spending eight segments of this program presenting introductory material in an endeavor to help establish the veracity of the claims of legitimacy for the so-called Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which we prefer to call the Protocols of Satan, we are finally approaching a presentation of the material in the Protocols themselves. We have chosen to do this using the translation found in the book The Protocols and World Revolution attributed to Boris Brasol, and published in Boston in 1920 by Maynard, Small & Co. [We will attach a PDF copy of the book to this program when it is posted at Christogenea.] This translation is of course somewhat different than the one which is posted at our Mein Kampf Project at Christogenea, which was made by the British journalist Victor Marsden. However when we began comparing it with the translation of Marsden, we found it preferable to read. As we proceed through the Protocols, we will make note of any significant differences in meanings between the two translations, if indeed we notice them and find them worthy of note.
But before we proceed, we would like to present just some of the material found in the Introductory Statement of The Protocols and World Revolution, which is important in order to set the historical backdrop for these publications of the Protocols. The Russian Empire had only recently been conquered from within by World Jewry, and fears in the East were that the Jews would take the rest of the world in that same manner as they had Russia. Americans, and most of the West, were kept oblivious of the real truth of the situation by their own Jewish-controlled press.
The Prophecy of Zechariah – Part 10: Prophet of the Holocaust
This will be the tenth and final segment of our presentation of the prophecy of Zechariah. We will not attempt to summarize what we have seen thus far in its entirety, but we shall mention that throughout the entire book of the prophet it is fully evident that Zechariah’s writing not only contains prophecies which allude to Christ, but rather, in every way he is a Messianic prophet. In his opening chapters his writings employ the two chief figures of the Jerusalem of his time, Zerubbabel the governor and Joshua the high priest, as types for Christ in order to make prophecies concerning both Christ and the nature of His enemies and other aspects of His earthly ministry, and many other similar prophecies concerning Christ are found throughout the subsequent chapters.
It should also be evident that, aside from the coming of the Messiah, a primary subject of Zechariah’s prophecy is the tribes of Israel in their captivity. And aside from statements here and there which may pertain to the 70-weeks Kingdom in part, the Jerusalem of Zechariah is representative of the people of Israel spread abroad in their captivity. Zechariah frequently spoke of these people as they had already been scattered, also promising that they would greatly increase in their numbers, and fully inferring that these things were indeed accomplished by his own time, as he often used the past tense in relation to those people who had been taken away by the Assyrians and the captivity of Egypt (Zechariah 10:8). None of these prophecies have anything to do with the people now called Jews, although Jews are mentioned at the very end of the book.
Here CNN is caught in a blatant lie, which they purposely broadcast. The network used creative editing to filter out the words of a rabid negress.The original rant given by Sherelle Smith urged negros not to bring violence to their own neighborhood, but rather to bring their violence to the suburbs. Sherelle Smith is the sister of the thug who was recently killed by a negro cop after pointing a gun at him. The incident was caught on tape, and there is no doubt the shooting was legally justifiable. CNN clipped out a few seconds of the video and tossed the rest, in order to portray the criminal as a peacemaker. How can CNN ever be trusted? What else do they so readily lie about? How many American lives are affected every day by CNN lies?
appears to have apologized. Their 'apology' means nothing because it did not admit the nature of their dishonest act. The original act was not merely an omission, but a deceitful lie and purposeful mischaracterization of what was said, for the purpose of distorting news in the advancement of the network's own political agenda. Their 'apology' is sort of like robbing and killing someone, and apologizing for misplacing their wallet.
The only acceptable apology CNN could make in an instance such as this, is to fire everyone involved, and now - after two weeks - to fire their bosses for not firing them in the first place.
NBC reports that "Violence and protests erupted in Milwaukee overnight after a man was fatally shot by police during a foot chase. Police said the victim, 23, was armed with a handgun and shot dead by an officer after fleeing a traffic stop on Milwaukee's north side Saturday afternoon. Hours later angry crowds took to the streets, smashing a police car and setting fire to another. One officer was injured by a flying brick; a gas station and auto-parts store were set alight. Police said gunshots were heard."
Of course, the entire "Black Lives Matter" movement is designed to leverage the beastly Negroes for the purpose of breaking down the rule of law in America, so that the current system can be replaced with an even more sinister form of tyranny. The result is the systematic destruction of White culture.
But the liberals wanted their Negroes, and now they will have to deal with them, or become their victims.
UPDATE: As it turns out, the Negro criminal was shot and killed by a Negro cop in a Negro neighborhood. So the Negros protest against Whites anyway. But the truth is that the Negroes understand that Law is a product of White Society, and they hate it. The only law for the Negro is the law of the jungle.
So the Negro rioters were dragging passing Whites from their cars and beating them, chanting "Black Power" and burning down their own 'hood. Do Whites need much more in every city before they come to their senses?
We should have added this two days ago, but this is not a news bureau anyway.
The Protocols of Satan, Part 8: The Masters of Discourse
This evening we are really just going to make an introduction to the Protocols, offer some new commentary, and recap some of the things which we have already presented in this series, because it has been so long since we left it. To date we have presented seven parts of our Protocols of Satan, which were really only designed to establish their authenticity and refute all of their refutations. Then, because we felt we needed a firm historical basis for an understanding of the Protocols, we presented eleven parts of a series titled The Jews in Medieval Europe, and we feel that it is important to understand that material before we continued with a presentation of the actual Protocols. But for now, what we have here we hope serves as our final introduction to the Protocols themselves.
The alleged scholar David Duke has labeled the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion a “literary fantasy”, along the lines of George Orwell’s 1984. Duke’s thesis as to how the Protocols came into existence merely regurgitates the long-discredited defensive Jewish claims. His comparison to 1984, however, is downright childish. George Orwell rather astutely saw what was already on the horizon, having observed the results of Bolshevism in the East and the trends of Liberalism in the West, and only then had he rather prodigiously depicted one possible result of the established political trends, some of which we now see and some of which have not yet materialized. But the Protocols are quite different, because when they were written there was nothing in the world like them that was already in place. Therefore, as the design which they described came to be plainly manifest in the world within a scant several decades of their publication, we should distinguish them as being representative of a definite plan for the undermining of society by those who would benefit from that undermining. Therefore, as crudely as they were written, the Protocols are real. It is David Duke who is a fake. He may be good at explaining Jewish power in society today, but the actual depth of his historical inquiry is severely wanting.
The Prophecy of Zechariah – Part 9: Prophet of the Revelation
Zechariah did not prophecy the Revelation of Yahshua Christ in the sense of revealing its publication or describing it ahead of time, so in that sense our subtitle is purposely in error. What Zechariah did, however, was provide a prophecy through which Yahweh God provided many things that would later also be provided to the apostle John in the Revelation of Yahshua Christ. So the prophecy of Zechariah supplies many parallels to oracles given in the Revelation, and in that manner it acts as a second witness to the Word of God found in the Revelation.
Through eleven chapters of Zechariah we have illustrated the near visions and the far visions of the prophet, the prophecies which seem to apply to the 70-weeks kingdom, and the prophecies which must transcend the 70-weeks Kingdom, and apply instead to the people of God found in the children of Israel who had long been scattered abroad. However the visions share a common purpose. The very existence of the 70-weeks Kingdom was for the preparation of a place for the coming of the Messiah, and it served as the venue for His coming. This made possible His ultimate reconciliation with the children of Israel scattered abroad, which was the objective of His being. As it says in the 114th Psalm, “Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion”, and thus it has been.
So in the last few chapters especially, we see that Zechariah’s prophecy has been focused upon the woman who was taken off into Chaldea for judgment, which stands for the allegorical Babylon where her house would also be built, and this includes “all the tribes of Israel” both of the house of Joseph, or the ten northern tribes, and the house of Judah, the two remaining tribes. Now here in these closing chapters, on the surface it appears as if only Judah falls within the scope of the prophecy, because names such as Joseph and Ephraim are no longer mentioned. But that is not the case….
The original recording had an annoying beep in the background, caused by a battery charger. We did not notice it during the program. After 246 downloads here, we replaced the recording with one that was filtered for us by a friend, to remove at least much of the beeping.
The Prophecy of Zechariah – Part 8: The Broken and New Covenants
Presenting Zechariah chapter 10, we saw in the reference to the House of Judah that there were apparent near vision prophecies, which can seem to have had a partial fulfillment in the 70-weeks Kingdom. But that is only because the remnant in Jerusalem was also a part of the House of Judah. The purpose of the prophecy of Zechariah is still for “all the tribes of Israel” mentioned at the beginning of chapter 9, and most of Judah was taken into captivity by the Assyrians along with the House of Joseph, which is also mentioned along with Judah in that same chapter 10 of Zechariah.
In the words of Zechariah at the beginning of chapter 10, it is clearly evident that the primary focus of the ensuing prophecy is in the far vision, for the “time of the latter rain”. In ancient Israel, the latter rain was the season which preceded the harvest. But prophetically, this is a reference not to a particular time of the year as Zechariah wrote. Rather it must be a reference to the great harvest so frequently spoken of by Yahshua Christ, and also prophesied by Joel, where the children of Israel may expect those remarkable gifts from God which are promised where Yahweh had said that “I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.”
In their natural environment, Negroes are violent beasts which destroy everything they come into contact with, quite often for no other purpose than their own entertainment. After years of observing them in the inner cities and in the jails and prisons of the Northeast United States as well as in the Deep South, this is the type of behavior which we have come to expect from Negroes.
We only wonder when the rest of White America, and our White brethren in Europe, will finally come to the same realization. How much longer shall we attempt to civilize these beasts, until we realize that they can never be civilized? Look at the behavior of Negroes wherever they are a predominant segment of the population, in Detroit, in Chicago, in Baltimore or in a hundred other American cities. When will we finally admit that the great egalitarian experiment has failed?
If you are offended by our practical assessment of the value of Negroes to society, then you should go to one of these cities and encourage the Negroes to do better. To stop killing and robbing and stealing. To stop looking for handouts, freebies, easier tests, carelessly dumbed-down colleges, and the lowering of standards everywhere in order to be accommodated for your shortcomings. To rebuild all of the once wonderful and beautiful places which they have destroyed. Prove your worth by your deeds, not by your protest slogans or your inclination to acts of violence.
But we know better. You won't do any of that, because you cannot do any of that. We have judged you by your character. Black lives matter... for nothing.
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14
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The Christogenea archive site contains older material produced at Christogenea and elsewhere that has been retired from our main website but which we certainly feel should remain available.
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