CNN Caught in Blatant Lie - What Else Do They Lie About?
Here CNN is caught in a blatant lie, which they purposely broadcast. The network used creative editing to filter out the words of a rabid negress.The original rant given by Sherelle Smith urged negros not to bring violence to their own neighborhood, but rather to bring their violence to the suburbs. Sherelle Smith is the sister of the thug who was recently killed by a negro cop after pointing a gun at him. The incident was caught on tape, and there is no doubt the shooting was legally justifiable. CNN clipped out a few seconds of the video and tossed the rest, in order to portray the criminal as a peacemaker. How can CNN ever be trusted? What else do they so readily lie about? How many American lives are affected every day by CNN lies?
The only acceptable apology CNN could make in an instance such as this, is to fire everyone involved, and now - after two weeks - to fire their bosses for not firing them in the first place.
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