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January 2017
The Prophecy of Malachi – Part 1: The Prophet of Christian Zionism
The Prophecy of Malachi – Part 1, The Prophet of Christian Zionism
The name Malachi [מלאכי] means my angel, or my messenger. The name is from the same exact form of the Hebrew words for the phrase my messenger [מלאכי] which we see in Malachi 3:1, where it says “Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me”, and Malachi himself is certainly the prophet and messenger of the angel, or messenger, which would later precede the Christ, and that messenger was John the Baptist. But the prophet Malachi does not tell us who his father was, nor does he inform us of his whereabouts, and does not tell us the name of the high priest or governor or ruler of the time that he wrote. Therefore his prophecy can only be very loosely dated from the circumstances which it describes.
For example, in chapter 3 where the prophet addresses the men of Jerusalem in his own time, we read “7 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts.” Furthermore, in the opening chapter of the prophecy, in chapter 1 of Malachi, a reference is made to the laying waste of the heritage of Esau, from the viewpoint that it had already happened. During the greater portion of the time of the old kingdom of Judah, Edom was a vassal state, and therefore it was under the protection of Judah. It broke free for a time in the days of Jehoram, and was subjected anew by Amaziah (2 Chronicles 26). Then Edom revolted again in the time of Ahaz (2 Chronicles 28), just before Hezekiah became king. So the kingdom of Edom was fully intact until this time. In the Assyrian inscriptions, it is listed as a vassal state in the times of Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal, which approaches the Babylonian period. The punishment of Edom is prophesied in Jeremiah chapters 25 and 49 and in Ezekiel chapters 25 and 32, which were written as the children of Judah were about to be taken into Babylonian captivity. It was in the period between the fall of Assyria and the time of Malachi that the mountains and heritage of Edom were laid waste, and the passage concerning “the days of your fathers” found in Malachi chapter 3 is a reference to the period before Jerusalem was destroyed.
Gatekeepers of the alt-right. Or is it alt-wrong?
The opening notes to this program are published at the Christoegena Forum: Gatekeepers of the alt-right. Or is it alt-wrong?
Gatekeepers give people a little bit of truth, and steer them the wrong way on critical issues. The most glaring and blatantly deceptive example was Alex Jones’ claim that the arabs control Hollywood. To us, David Duke is a gatekeeper, because he pretends to teach about Jewish treachery, but he upholds their biggest and most dangerous lies. All of these so-called White Nationalists who embrace Jews and Sodomites, or refuse to condemn them, are even worse – which includes Jared Taylor and the whole Amren crowd. Kevin MacDonald also accepts Jewish lies, and is tolerant of sodomites. So he too is a gatekeeper. The alt-right figure Richard Spencer networks with MacDonald, the Amren crowd and the sodomite Greg Johnson. So Spencer is a gatekeeper too. Some of these clowns certainly must be gatekeeping consciously, and others are simply not as red-pilled as they think they are.
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 18: The Walk of the Faith
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 18: The Walk of the Faith
Throughout the early chapters of this epistle to the Hebrews Paul sought to convince his readers that Yahshua Christ is indeed the ultimate prophet and messenger of God, citing many of the Messianic Psalms and attesting that they are prophecies of Christ as the promised Son of Scripture, the Messiah or Anointed Son through whom Israel would ultimately attain salvation. Doing this he illustrated the profession of David that this Son would belong to a priesthood other than that of Levi, and from the Genesis account he showed that this priesthood, after the order of Melchizedek, transcended the priesthood of Levi. In relation to all of these things, Paul had also cited accounts from the books of Numbers and Deuteronomy, and held up aspects of the lives of Moses, Joshua, David and Solomon all as types for Christ. And while doing this he sought to show that the entire history and purpose of the Old Testament interaction between Yahweh and Israel was to bring the children of Israel to the New Covenant in Christ, for which reason He is called in other scriptures the “lamb slain from the foundation of the world”. Then in his discourse on the faith of the Old Testament saints, Paul asserted that their actions were all in anticipation of this assurance of the faith which these Hebrews had now possessed, for which reason they must not reject their Messiah, who is the confirmation of the promises to the fathers.
Convincing the Hebrews that all of these things were so, if indeed they continued to read his epistle to this point, Paul then sought to convince them to depart from their earthly trappings under the Old Covenant and grasp the eternal inheritance assured by the New Covenant, through the perpetual propitiation offered by the transcendent Christ, which is the true substance of the Faith found in the promises to the patriarchs. But, as he illustrates by his explanation, this faith is the faith of history, and the recipients of the promises have not changed with the change in covenants. So we see in Hebrews chapter 11 that Paul extolled the ancient Israelites for turning to flight the armies of the aliens through their faith. Then in Hebrews chapter 12 he warned that those who do not stand correction fail because they are bastards, and not sons. With this illustration he upheld Esau as an example for those who lose their birthright on account of their fornication, or race-mixing, and finally he made an analogy which showed that any beast – ostensibly anyone who is not of the race of the children of Israel – who touches the mountain of God shall be destroyed.
The Justice in Mercy with Pastor Mark Downey
One of the biggest challenges we have in our ministry is getting even Identity Christians to accerpt that the Scripture is true, that "all Israel" means all Israel, and they all shall indeed be saved. We have explained this in many places, for example in Unity and Divisions, Scatterers and Gatherers, and our commentary on Romans chapter 5: Salvation is a Racial Phenomenon. Those who do not understand this vital point of Scripture are missing the larger picture of the purpose of God. We cannot begin to love our brethren, heal our race, or please our God without this understanding.
Here Pastor Mark Downey of Kinsman Redeemer Ministries joins William Finck for a presentation and discussion of his latest sermon, The Justice in Mercy, where he begins to explore the subject of the mercy of God in the overall plan for the children of Israel.
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 17: The Mountain of God
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 17: The Mountain of God
In the last several segments of this presentation of Paul’s epistle to the Hebrews, we spoke at great length concerning the racial exclusivity of the covenants which Yahweh had made with Abraham and with Israel. This is because this important and most basic doctrine of Christianity is disregarded entirely by the denominational churches of today, who are all worshipping at the Baal altars of Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah.
In Hebrews chapter 11, Paul of Tarsus had extolled the Old Testament saints for their ability to turn “to flight the armies of the aliens” through their faith. Then in Hebrews chapter 12, and in relation to his own time, he warned his readers that if they were without discipline then they are bastards, and not sons. The King James Version has chastisement in Hebrews 12:8, where we have discipline. The Greek word is παιδεία, a word which basically refers to the training or education of children. It is derived from παῖς, a word for son. While any or all creatures may suffer trials in this world, only the children of Israel are being schooled through those trials for the Kingdom of Heaven which is to come. As Paul told the Galatians, who were descended from the long-scattered Israelites of the Assyrian deportations, “the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ”, thusly he wrote here to the Hebrews, the Israelites of the remnant in Judaea, in a very similar way.
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 16: The Sins of Esau: No Birthrights for Bastards
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 16: The Sins of Esau, No Birthrights for Bastards
Finishing his description of the faith of the Old Testament saints, Paul of Tarsus had referred to them as a “great a cloud of witnesses lying around us”, a reference to either the well-known past history of his Hebrew readers, or perhaps allegorically to the parchments upon which the accounts were written, lying around him as he wrote this epistle. In any event, Paul’s explanations were meant to describe how these Old Testament saints had acted upon their faith, and were therefore accredited for their actions.
Christians, even Identity Christians, sometimes see faith as some mystical substance which can rather magically save them regardless of what they may do in this world. They have it all wrong. While none of us are perfect, we must at least endeavor to keep the commandments of Yahweh our God and the expectations of Christ if we expect the favor of God. We can go back to our description of the Roman jailer in Acts chapter 16, which we had also discussed when we presented Hebrews chapter 4 here a couple of months ago. There we said, in part, that:
… as it is described in the Book of Acts, once the warden of the jail where Paul and Silas were kept realized the power of Yahweh, the God of Paul and Silas, when the earthquake had opened the doors of his jail, he went to Paul and inquired what it was that he must do to be “saved”. The jailer, who was about to slay himself fearing what would happen if any of the prisoners escaped, was a Roman pagan. Therefore he had no consciousness of the possibility of eternal life in Jesus. He only sought earthly salvation from the punishment he expected for which he nearly killed himself…. [But when he was about to do so Paul intervened and we read:] “28 But with a great voice Paul cried out saying ‘Do nothing evil to yourself! For we are all here!’ 29 And requesting a light he burst in and coming trembling fell before Paul and Silas, 30 and leading them outside he said ‘Masters, what is necessary for me to do that I be saved?’ 31 And they said ‘Believe in the Prince Yahshua and you and your house shall be saved.’”
The Saxon Messenger - Edition No. 45
Get your copy of the latest issue of The Saxon Messenger, an online PDF magazine and a project of Christogenea.
This issue of the Saxon Messenger features
Universalism by the Back Door, Scatterers and Gatherers, The Protocols of Satan - Part One and The Protocols of Satan - Part Two, all by William Finck; Don’t Look Back by Arthur Lee; The Big Chill on Free Speech Hits Britain by Francis Carr Begbie and The Myth of the Right-Wing Extremist by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D., both from The Occidental Observer; London: The Battle of the Pink Beret by Jez Turner, and more...
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