Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, Part 3
There are a lot of people who are rather new to Christian Identity, who have just learned of Christogenea or other related or associated websites and ministries within the past couple of years. Often these people wonder why we have divisions with other supposed Christian Identity teachers or pastors. Some of them call these divisions “teacher wars”, and that is patently unfair. Christogenea itself is not merely a website, it is also a publishing and information technology project in its own right. I host the writings of Clifton Emahiser, Bertrand Comparet, Wesley Swift and other writers on the Christogenea domain, and I myself do not necessarily agree with everything that each of these teachers of Scripture have written. I also host and I have even developed websites for dozens of other Christian Identity pastors and writers on other domains, as well as for several European and American Nationalists who publish information on exclusively historical topics. Although some of the people we host sites for often reimburse us in one way or another, we always host and develop these sites at entirely our own expense, free and without charge to many other Christian Identity ministries. I do not say these things to brag about what we do for others. But I have to say this, if I were interested in “teacher wars”, I would do no such thing, I would not spend time helping to enable other teachers, and this alone should prove that I am not interested in any so-called “teacher wars”. I have much more productive things to do.
But sometimes I am compelled to elucidate problems in the words of others, and especially when I fell they are damaging to our Christian Identity cause. Christ comes first, and we must always be cognizant of the fact that we should be contending for the Faith. So when I do speak poorly of other Christian Identity pastors or teachers, it is not for my own ego, and it is not because I desire to uplift myself. Pity us if we choose to exalt ourselves at the expense of others. Rather, it is only on account of truth. These are not “teacher wars”, but rather, they are truth wars. As Paul of Tarsus wrote to the Ephesians: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). Some of those high places are infiltrated into Christian Identity.
I am going to read part of a paragraph from a book. This book is promoted by its author within Christian Identity circles to this very day. I will read from the paragraph before revealing its source, and it is in reference to the encounter of Christ with the Canaanite woman as it was described in the Gospel of Matthew. The writer says:
Jesus was not preaching truth, justice, love, and mercy for one group of people only, namely, the tribal in-crowd. He was preaching these things for all people. Yet, there is a special role to be played by the Israelites: that of leadership by example. This is what the crumbs represent in the story. Non-Israelites are to learn from us by our example of justice, obedience and charity - and all of the blessings that proceed therefrom. And it can be truly said that the descendants of Israel have civilized the world and have done their best – despite all their faults – to spread this gospel around the world. It is not the Jews who have provided the world with the Magna Carta, the U.S. Constitution, freedom of religion, cross-cultural charity and other acts of nobility on a mass scale….
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