The Protocols of Satan, Part 28: The Nazis and the Protocols, conclusion

The Protocols of Satan, Part 28: The Nazis and the Protocols, conclusion
In the last segment of these presentations of the Protocols of Satan, we began to present a translation of the introduction to the 1938 edition of the official National Socialist publication of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, translated by Calvin College Professor Randall Bytwerk. In part, we also hope that this serves as a critical review of Mr. Bytwerk’s work and his own attitude towards both the Protocols – which he believes are a forgery – and National Socialism – to which he is generally ambivalent.
That first part of this introduction, which we presented here last week, served our purposes to help illustrate the truth behind the assertion by the authors of the Protocols which we encountered in Protocol No. 3, where they boasted that “We have included in constitutions rights which for the people are fictitious and are not actual rights. All the so-called ‘rights of the people’ can exist only in the abstract and can never be realized in practice.” In future segments of these presentations we hope to discuss the illusion of constitutional rights of which the Protocols boast in greater depth.
Discussing this boast of the Protocols, from this introduction to the German publication we found that Jews were indeed heavily involved in the writing of the several constitutions of the German Reich of the 19th century, and also of the constitution of the Weimar Republic of the early 20th century. So in Germany, at least, it is certainly demonstrated that the Jews were indeed in a position that demonstrates that the boasting of the Protocols certainly does have substance. In the near future, we hope to show that this is also true in other countries as well.
However since we began to present this introduction to the 1938 edition of the official National Socialist publication of the Protocols last week, now we shall present the balance of it, even though most of the material it discusses is related to later portions of the Protocols themselves. So here we begin at the point where we had left off last week, and we will repeat one short paragraph, where the subject of discussion was Jewish press control:
The extent to which the source of the international press system was Jewdified even during the pre-war period is proven by looking at the three leading world press agencies. All three were founded by Jews and the two that survive today are still fully Jewdified. The French Agence Havas was founded by the Jew Charles Lois Havas, the English Reuters by Josaphat Beer, the son of a rabbi who later added the name “Reuter,” while the now defunct Wolff Telegraph Agency in Germany was the work of the Jew Bernhard Wolff.
We have already discussed these three news agencies and the Jews who founded them at length in Part 13 of our presentation of the Protocols of Satan. That the Reuters and Wolff news agencies were founded by Jews is absolutely certain. But while at that time we could not determine if Charles Havas was a Jew, we did determine that this former banker and merchant turned news agent was born into a banking family that made its riches as estate managers for the Norman nobility, while they themselves were not nobles nor Normans. So we would accept the National Socialist assertion that Havas was also a Jew without reservation. The news agency he founded is still a major media presence in France to this very day.
Before we present the next paragraph, we must explain that our translator has inserted exclamation points in parentheses at certain points in this text. If he did not insert them, we cannot imagine why they are there because our copy comes from the translator’s own website. But why they are there, he does not explain. There were three of these in the text we presented in the segment from last week, and we ignored two of them. The one we discussed was an obvious error in the text, from our viewpoint, where it read Europe rather than Germany. So we assume the translators believes his mark point out errors wherever they appear.
There is only one such mark in this portion of the text, in this next paragraph where a reference is made to an editorial article which is said to have appeared in the Jewish publication, Der Jude. Yet we have no real reason to dispute the reference, unless our translator has read every copy of Der Jude for over two years and could not find it, or unless – since he only seems to be doubting the timing of the remarks – he found it in a later edition. Der Jude, which means The Jew, was a Zionist monthly magazine founded by the Jews Martin Buber and Salman Schocken, and published in Germany from 1916 to 1928. Buber was the publisher, and, of course, the editors were all Jews: Max Mayer, Mayer Präger, Gustav Krojanker, Ernst Simon, and Siegmund Kaznelson. Of these, the most notable – or notorious – may have been Schocken, who moved to the United States in 1935, the same year he bought the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, where his eldest son remained publisher until 1990 and which is still under Schocken family control today. Book publishing ventures begun by Schocken are also operating today. However the other devils associated with Der Jude were also notable Zionists, and most of them involved in publishing and media until after the Second World War. So with this background we continue:
The extent to which Jewry used the power of the press to serve Jewish interests is clear from an editorial in the magazine Der Jude, which was published before (!) the end of the war. It threatened the German government with Jewish world power:
“We have a leading role in the international press, in international finance, and in economic life; we influence public opinion, we are an important factor in establishing international attitudes and — something very important — we are represented everywhere. We are truly a unique international people, spread over every land, active in every aspect of politics, and of immeasurable value to anyone who wishes to be our ally.” (v. 3, 1918/19, p. 194 and following).
The shooting war came to a halt with the armistice of November, 1918, and since the author of the introduction cited an issue from Volume 3 of the publication, dated “1918/19”, it is not necessarily wrong in its perspective since the Treaty of Versailles which officially ended the war was not until June of 1919. The armistice only ended the shooting, but not the war itself. This is a minor point, but we feel that it shows just how quickly our biased translator desires to point out supposed errors in National Socialist publications.
The factual truth of this boast of the Jews who published Der Jude is substantiated by another article about Jews, which was written by Jews and published in Chambers’ Encyclopedia, which we discussed in Part 12 of these Protocols of Satan. There we had cited Chambers Encyclopedia, 1901, Vol. VI., on page 332 under the article titled Jews, where it says “Another extraordinary and well authenticated fact is that the European Press, no less than European Finance, is under Jewish control,” although it goes on to say that the effect of this control has been greatly exaggerated. As we had already discussed, the statement was made in a context which was so flattering to the Jews that the Encyclopedia could not have been criticized for it, especially since the article in which it appeared was written by Jews. The actual scope of Jewish influence on society described by the full article is even far more foreboding than the statement describing media control. Continuing with our source:
Closely bound to the press was Jewish influence on Germany’s intellectual and cultural life. Jewry had no limits here during the post-war period, able to fully realize the thesis in the Protocols about subversive activity in this field:
“We have stupified, misled, and corrupted non-Jewish youth. We based their education on false principles and doctrines, whose falsity we knew well, but which we nonetheless used.” [Protocol 9]
It is incredible that so few people are aware that “free” public education, which is really public indoctrination, is a plank of the Communist Manifesto, yet it was so readily accepted by and imposed upon all of the nations of the West in little time in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. While some states had long subsidized universities, in short time compulsory public education was imposed on children of all ages through high school, unless one could afford a private academy. Returning to our source:
The reader cannot be spared the results of this, evidenced in the defense of immoral and obscene literature by writers whom the Jews consider great and important members of their race. They fought the law against immoral and obscene literature, claiming that it was necessary to the intellectual life of the nation and particularly for the education of the youth. They praised it accordingly. The Berliner Tageblatt, at the time a purely Jewish newspaper proclaimed by the Jews to be Germany’s leading international newspaper, wrote the following about the battle over the law, which ultimately passed despite Jewish influence:
“Obscenity is absolutely necessary for the youth. Maiden aunts argue the fantasy that young boys and girls are corrupted by obscene literature. In reality, however, the fantasies of young people going through puberty are rather obscene, and these fantasies need obscene literature to redirect their arousal in harmless ways. If one takes obscene literature away from the youth, the number of youthful sex crimes would increase tremendously. The outlet would be closed, the inner pressure would have destructive effects. Obscene literature means as much, even more to the youth than dirty jokes to adults. What would become of all the fine citizens gentlemen and workers who exchange dirty jokes at pubs, bowling clubs, or gentlemen’s evenings if one closed off that outlet — what filthiness would they do if they could no longer talk about filthiness!” (B.Z. of 1.12.1926).
Here the Berliner Zeitung edition of December 1st, 1926 was cited. This paper was closed during the Second World War, and the modern Berliner Zeitung was founded in 1953. The original paper, founded in 1877, was promptly purchased in 1878 by the Jew Leopold Ullstein.
We hope to have a discussion on the Jewish promotion of obscenity in America as we reach the appropriate point in our presentation of the Protocols. For now it may suffice to say that in the formative years of the Reformation, the humanists in Germany were also promoting obscenity among the youth, as we have discussed at length in our earlier series of presentations titled Martin Luther in Life and Death – which we have not yet completed – that many of those humanists were not German, had truly despised all things German, but had hid themselves behind Latin names to write their books and pamphlets. Continuing with our source:
The Jews used every means to oppose this law. The Jew Willi Haas’s Literarische Welt, which otherwise had no interest in Germandom across our borders saw Germans abroad as a way around the law. The Jew Heinrich Eduard Jakob proposed the following plan:
“The Index liborum prohibitorum this law will establish is valid only for the territory of the Reich. What is the sense of establishing censorship for sixty million German readers when there are 90 million of them? The law does not encompass the purely German population of Austria, Switzerland, or northern Bohemia. It does not encompass the Baltic Germans, those in Alsace or Luxemburg, Danzig or Upper Silesia. The law is so weak that, to give only a few examples, energetic action by three foreign German newspapers, the Neue Freie Presse in Vienna the Neue Züricher Zeitung, and the Prager Tageblatt could render it lame. Will these newspapers do anything? Be assured, they will. They will do it because of their German past, because of their liberal tradition, and for another reason.” (Die literarische Welt, Nr. 51 of 17.12.1926).
The owner and editor of the Austrian Neue Freie Presse in 1926 was a Hungarian Jew named Moritz Benedict. The Swiss Neue Zürcher Zeitung was founded in 1780 by the “Swiss” painter and poet, Salomon Gessner. We would dispute whether or not he was actually Swiss, and we could not independently determine early 20th century ownership of the paper, which is still published today. The Czech Prager Tageblatt boasts a long line of Jewish writers and editors as its important contributors during this same period, notable among whom were Max Brod, Egon Erwin Kisch, Alfred Polgar, Alexander Roda Roda, and Joseph Roth, but ownership is unclear. Continuing with our source:
Today we must grant that these German-language Jewish newspapers abroad did their duty under Jakob’s plan [the Jew Heinrich Eduard Jakob] in an exemplary way. So too did the Jewish “writer” Franz Wersel, who wrote in the Literarische Welt of 26.11.1926 that he became a member of the Academy of Literature only so that he could use its “official authority” to “fight this dreadful law against obscenity and immorality” with more force than he otherwise would have.
Clear evidence of the satanic battle opposing the protection of German youth from obscenity and trashy literature, from moral corruption and moral destruction, is clear from the behavior of the Jews in Berne and all of their racial comrades in the battle against The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. They misused the “Law on Movie Theaters and Measures against Immoral Literature” against a publication that in no way injured moral sensibilities, even if it said something “painful” for the Jews. This will make clear to any reasonable person the duplicity and dishonesty of Jewry. They used every means to morally corrupt non-Jewish youth during the post-war period by fighting the law against trashy and obscene literature. After Jewish world power had been shaken by the National Socialist revolution, however, a similar law in the canton of Berne was good enough to prevent the unmasking of Jewish world power.
In other words, the Jews disdain obscenity laws when they successfully prevent the propagation of Jewish perversions, but use them to their advantage where those laws can be used to help them sustain the spread of their perversions. To continue with our source:
We do not here need to discuss in detail the Jewdification of theatrical life, particularly the Jewdification of the Berlin stage. A report from one of the few newspapers from that time that dared to oppose the evil spirit of the almost entirely Jewish theater directors had this to say about the theater calendar at the time. It gives us a picture of the Jewish stamp on the holidays of the period, a mockery of everything German and Christian that had not been possible up to that time:
“The Lessing Theater is producing Shaw (we think highly of Shaw — but for Christmas?). The donkeys at the Künstler-Theater dug up Sardou, the “Deutsche” Theater for Christmas is giving us Beer-Hoffman’s Zionist play Jakobs Traum. [Jacob’s Dream, after a Biblical story which is not at all Jewish.] The Kammerspiele is doing Wedekind’s Fühlingswachen in the afternoon [Spring Awakening – according to Wikipedia “The play criticises the sexually oppressive culture of nineteenth century Germany and offers a vivid dramatisation of the erotic fantasies that it breeds.” It’s subject was sexuality and puberty among German schoolchildren. Wedekind was a pervert who once contracted syphillis from prostitutes. This play is said to have “contained scenes of homoeroticism, implied group male masturbation, actual male masturbation, sado-masochism between a teenage boy and girl, rape and suicide, as well as references to abortion.” We could not quickly find descriptions of all of Wedekind’s other plays listed here, but they are said to have covered similar themes, and included such things as lesbianism and even transsexuality. This is 1920’s Germany.], in the evening ‘more Strindberg.’ Das kleine Theater is doing Das unberührte Weib by the kitschy Pole Zapolska. [Gabriela Zapolska, evidently prostitution and venereal disease were among her favorite topics.] To improve the attendance the actresses are half naked. Das kleine Schauspielhaus is doing ‘Strindberg.’ [One play by August Strindberg got him tried for blasphemy, in Sweden of all places.] Das Theater an der Königgrätzstraße is performing, of all things, Wedekind’s Schloß Wetterstein. The Residenz-Theater was at least honestly unashamed: it celebrated Christmas with the bordello drama Evchen Humrecht. Long live the theater director who earns money following the principles of the bordello’s madam! The Tribüne is not only presenting Wedekind’s Franziska, but more importantly has the theatrical whore ‘Wojan’ stark naked on stage behind a thin veil. [Franziska was a transexual fantasy in which the title character sells her soul to the devil so she can live life as a man.] Is it hateful for us to say in combating this Witch’s Sabbath during the Christmas season that Jewish theater directors are responsible for these monstrosities?” (Deutsches Volkstum, 1920, Nr. 3).
In the revues, produced exclusively by Jews during the post-war period, the destruction of family life, and above all marriage, reached its epitome. We content ourselves here with an overview of the titles of some of these Jewish products: Undress, On and Off, Beautiful and Chic, Damn — A Thousand Women, A Thousand Naked Women, Strictly Forbidden, The Sins of the World, Sinful and Sweet. And we add the text of the poster for the James Klein Revue Undress:
8:15 Komische Oper 8:15
James Klein’s
Powerful New Revue Show
An Evening without Morality
in 30 Scenes
With 60 Prize-Winning Nude Models
The Hunt for Beautiful Women
Experience with a 15-Year-Old
The Huge Heavenly Bed
The Woman with a Whip
Sunshine and Naked Magic
Living Bells and Living Flowers
and 20 more Scenes.
Original Paris Revue Costumes
Parket: 4,50 Balcony 3,50
Advance Sales after 10 a.m.
It must be noted that at this time, in the years immediately after the end of the First World War, the German economy was in terrible condition, rampant inflation rendered the currency worthless, and many women and children, both boys and girls, were compelled to prostitution in order to survive. So the economic climate facilitated the Jews in gratifying all of their perversities at the expense of the German people. Continuing with our source:
How much Jewry not only tried to scuttle the law against immoral literature and obscenity, but was also actively involved in pornographic films of the worse sort is shown by the titles of a selection of films of Jewish origin:
How Pure and Beautiful Women Fall [A script running since Genesis chapter 3]; The Right of Free Love [something Jews have been pushing for thousands of years, even in the pagan Baal temples of Mesopotamia and the Levant]; Lu, the Coquette; Sinful Blood; In the Clutches of Sin; The Daughter of the Prostitute; Those Who Sell Themselves (Those Who Live from Love); The Courage to Sin; Paragraph 175 — Different than the Others; Paragraph 218 — Abortion; Paragraph 182 — Under the Age of Consent; Lilli’s Path to Prostitution.
Closely bound to the propaganda for pimps and prostitution which was pressed by the Jews on Germans with a persistence that makes it clear that it was no accident — closely bound to that is Jewish propaganda for race-mixing, promoted to our people through fashion and the press. An essay by the Jew Clare Goll illustrates the ways the Jews sought to realize their slogan of the equality of all who have a human face. It concerned the Niggerification of Europe, which in a way revealed the general staff plan of the Jews, showing how they used fashion to advance their instinctual goal of corrupting their host people:
[Quoting the Jew Clare Goll:] “In New York the Negroes have their hair straightened, the Whites want curls, Negro hair. That goes well with dark colored skin, the new fashion of brown skin. When one gets to the point where the skin of Negroes can be whitened, racial differences will happily disappear. This will benefit and bless old-fashioned looking white humanity.” (Berliner Tageblatt, Nr. 489 of 16.10.1928).
Of course, we see this same Jewish plot build to a fulfilling crescendo across Europe and America today. Continuing with our source:
Furthermore, and also an explanation as to why the debasement of the host people is the prerequisite for Jewish rule, consider the opinion of the Jew Kurt Münzer, taken from his book Der Weg nach Zion [The Way to Zion]:
“We Jews are not the only ones debased and at the end of a worn out culture that has been sucked dry. All the races of Europe have corrupted their blood as we have — perhaps we infected their blood. Everything today is Jewdified. Our essence is in everything living, our spirit rules the world. We are the masters; what has power today is our intellectual child. We can no longer be driven out, we have overcome the races, corrupted them, broken their strength, everything is worn out, rotten and decayed because of our culture. Our spirit can no longer be exterminated.” (Kurt Münzer, Der Weg nach Zion, 1910)
Such Jewish subversive activity that is particularly directed toward the non-Jewish youth proves clearly that the Jews have acted consistently with the cited passage from the Protocols. Along these lines, we may not forget the propaganda for pacifism that Jews such as Kurt Tucholsky (alias Peter Panter, Theobald Tiger, Ignaz Wrobel, and Casper Hauser) used throughout history to try to break the will of the people to defend itself. The following citations from Tucholsky’s pamphlets reveal the aggressive and combative tone that he used to attempt to win over the always active and battle-ready German youth to his pacifism. Although he never was at the front, he had these clear words to say about his conduct during the World War:
“...I shirked the war for three-and-a-half years however I could — and I regret that I did not have the courage to say no and refuse military service, like the great Karl Liebknecht. I am ashamed of that. I did what many others did, using every way I could find to avoid being shot at and having to shoot.” (Mit 5 PS, p. 85).
He built his own treasonous ideology:
“What judges call treason does not bother us, and what they call high treason is for us not dishonorable. We are left cold by what they call perjury, destruction of documents, and breach of peace.” (Deutschland, Deutschland über Alles, p. 167).
If that were not enough, he calls for direct acts of treason:
“For us pacifists ... if required to preserve the peace of Europe, if demanded by our consciences, and I am fully aware of what I am saying, there is no German military secret that I would not give to a foreign power if it seemed necessary to preserve peace....”
“We are traitors. But we betray a state that we renounce in favor of a land that we love, for peace and for our real fatherland: Europe.” (Weltbühne, 27.3.1928, p. 473).
We must state that a Jew cannot really commit treason, since their only true allegiance can only be to themselves. Jews can commit espionage, but never treason. Unsuspecting and altruistic Whites may consider Jews to be treasonous, but that is only because they are naive enough to project their own values onto Jews, who are not so stupid. Continuing with our source:
Hand in hand with that go filthy insults against German soldiers who fought at the front and the constantly repeated charge that Germany was the one guilty for the World War. Tucholsky wrote in Freiheit about Hindenburg in 1922:
“We reject the head of the supreme command of the army, this German underestimation commission. We reject a completely unsuitable person who still today has not understood what happened under his orders — and we greet with regret and shame the Belgian widows and orphans whose husbands and fathers were murdered back then.” (cited by Deutsches Volkstum, 1922, Nr. 10, p. 342).
Tucholsky was not the only Jew who thought that way, as is proven by an essay by the Viennese Jew Alfred Polgar in the Berliner Tageblatt of 1922. He wrote this about the Germans of 1914:
“Cattle are cattle ... Animals about to be slaughtered have no idea what is coming. The proof of that was brought en masse when the war began. They cheered in the streets, heads high, those that would fall to the axe.” (cited by Deutsches Volkstum, 122, Nr. 3, p. 130). [These Jewish sentiments are common because they are found in their Talmud.]
For fifteen years the Jews in Germany followed The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in a striking way, working to stifle the will of German youth to fight. They did this not only in magazines and pamphlets, but also in university lecture halls. On 1 April 1933 there was a total of 1,066 Jewish professors at German universities. They spread the poison of pacifism and a contempt for German heroism of people like Gumbels, Lessings, and their comrades. The reader must realize that such treasonous statements in word and image were not prohibited because the governmental press office in Prussia was in the hands of the Jews. In Prussia in 1930, the press was under the patronage of Jewish State Secretary Dr. Weißman, with his subordinates Superior Councilor Goßlar as press secretary for the Prussian government and Senior Councilor Dr. Peifer as his deputy, Councilor Dr. Weichmann as press secretary in the Prussian Department of State, Dr. Hirschfeld as press secretary in the Prussian Interior Ministry. The same was true for the Reich Federation of the Press, headed by the Jew Georg Bernhard. The same was true in the Protective Federation for German Writers, which had the following leaders in 1928:
Chairman: Walter von Molo (non-Jew)
Vice Chair: Arnold Zweig (Jew)
First Secretary: Paul Guttmann (Jew)
Assistant Secretary: Frau Adele Schreiber-Krieger (Jew)
Treasurer: Dr. Léon Zeitlin (Jew)
Assistant Treasurer: Dr. Theodor Bohner (non-Jew)
- Board Members: Erich Baron (Jew), Johannes R. Becher (non-Jew), Robert Breuer (Jew), Dr. Max Deri (Jew), Dr. Annie Jacker (Jew), Sami Gronemann (Jew), Egon Erwin Kisch (Jew), Dr. Alfred Kuhn (non-Jew), Bruno Schönlang (Jew), Paul Westheim (Jew).
Another column in the account of Jewish deeds is the propaganda for the abolition of Paragraph 175 of the legal code, which penalized homosexuality. This, too, was demanded by the Protocols as a way of corrupting non-Jewish youth. The Jew Magnus Hirschfeld had worked in this area long before the war. He created the “Scientific Humanitarian Committee,” an organization of homosexuals that spread throughout Germany, as his papers clearly prove. Even before the turn of the century it had offices in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, and the Rhineland. These cells recruited doctors, attorneys, and even clergymen who supported the Jew Hirschfeld and gathered lists of names for petitions to relevant government offices.
During the post-war period, this organization that was founded and led by Jews had absolute freedom. There was a “press for homosexuals” and in one of their periodicals, Friendship, the following sentences could appear unhindered, without in any way being restricted by the constitution:
“The homosexuals. These people hope that over the years the government and people will finally realize that the legal paragraph should be eliminated and that all Germans should enjoy the same rights.” (Das Freundschaftsblatt, 1928, Nr. 52).
Besides that public mockery of the German people, the Jew Willi Haas’s Literarische Welt [The Literary World] printed the following propaganda for homosexuality between women on the occasion of the Max Reinhardt-Goldmann’s premiere of Gefangenen by Bourdet (which treated homosexuality):
“Two men speak in one scene about a lesbian drama that presumably takes place behind the scenes. When will we see finally see a play in which this love itself, its uniqueness, its psychology, its different language, the dialog of an eroticism foreign to men, receives serious literary treatment, above all the hopeless alienation of the man against this unapproachable, incomprehensible relationship? That would certainly be new material for our theatre, which needs new material. (Literarische Welt, 1926, Nr. 24/25).
Closely connected to the battle against Paragraph 175 [the law against sodomy] is the subversive Jewish effort against Paragraph 218, which forbids abortion. Here, too, the Jew Magnus Hirschfeld was a leader in a crime against the German people. From the countless articles by Jewish authors — not to mention the actual crimes of Jewish doctors against budding life — we mention only the following:
Abortion or Birth Control? by Dr. Martha Ruben-Wolf; Sturm gegen 218 [Storm Against 218] by Dr. Friedrich Wolf; Kindersegen, Fructhverhütung, Fruchtsabtreibung [Literally Child Welfare, Fruit prevention, Fruit abortion, some have translated it The Blessing of Children Contra-conception and Abortion] by Dr. Fritz Bruchbacher; Empfängsverhütung [Contraception] by Magnus Hirschfeld.
This overview of the culturally and morally subversive influence of the Jews is only a brief summary of the available material on several important points. It is enough to show that each point of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion about the corruption of non-Jewish youth has been more than fulfilled. The best way to measure the practical effects of this attack on the existence of a healthy German nation is to consider the Jewdification of the medical and legal professions, the latter of which is always ready to defend its racial comrades of other professions in court. In Berlin the percentage of non-Aryan physicians on 1 October 1933 was 52.2%, this at a time when some Jews had already left Germany. The percentage for attorneys as of 1 April 1933 was 50.9%. On 30 January 1933, 28.4% of Berlin’s judges and 15.1% of its states attorney were of Jewish descent.
All of the things said here concerning Jewish theatre, literature, and the medical and legal professions is corroborated in greater depth in Kurt Weibe’s pamphlet, Germany and the Jewish Problem, which we presented in 5 podcasts back in November of 2009. Continuing with our source:
Each point of the Protocols could be handled in the same way. In Germany alone, there is enough material from the post-war period to prove the accuracy of the statements collected in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. We will not cover further points simply because it would take far more space than is available in this introduction. To examine some statements in the Protocols would require lengthy historical research; other statements would require specialized scientific methods.
In closing, however, we want to give just one more example of the Jewish hope for absolute world domination that always surfaces in Jewish literature and essays. The old Jewish hatred of the Goyim, familiar from the Talmud and Schulchan aruch and in Jewish history from ancient times, is brought up to the modern era in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion where it receives a political discussion of opportunities and prospects. [The so-called “Schulchan aruch” is a Jewish book of laws written by a rabbi of the 16th century, but it is not recognized by all sects of Jewry. In spite of its lack of universal acceptance among Jews, Wikipedia claims that it is “the most widely consulted of the various legal codes in Judaism…. Together with its commentaries, it is the most widely accepted compilation of Jewish law ever written.”] This Jewish hatred is manifested anew each day in the private lives of individual Jews. This form of Jewish hatred was especially expressed in novels during the post-war period, such as Der Weg nach Zion [The Way to Zion] by Kurt Münzer and Arthur Landsberger’s novel Asiaten [Asians]. The American Jew Samuel Roth gives a classic example of the private expression of Jahwe’s [referring to Yahweh, the God of Israel, who is actually the eternal enemy of the Jews] revenge on non-Jews in his book Now and Forever. It takes the form of a dialogue between him and Israel Zangwill. Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg discussed it in his major speech at the Reich Party Rally in 1937. The following is a long quotation from this major Jewish pamphlet:
“They envy our intellectual leadership of Europe whose thought is Jew-born and Jew-bred. Europe not only thinks in Jewish terms, but all her enterprises are motivated by the personalities of Jews. Only once, for one trembling moment, did the mind of Europe raise itself above the turmoil of its mental slavery, in the rhythmic, sentimental meditations of Descartes. But not till the rise of Spinoza did Europe achieve a philosophy. Spinoza is at the heart of European thought: he prevented Descartes who came before him from becoming a prophet, as he prevented Emanuel Kant who came after him from becoming a lawgiver. As it was in the beginning so it still is now. There is not a program, a sentiment or a conviction a European can choose to follow but he must follow a Jew— whether it be Bergson, Marx or Freud.”
Reading this invokes thoughts of the philosemite and Judaically concordant nihilist Friedrich Nietzsche, as well as Erasmus, Calvin, Luther for most of his early life, and nearly all, if not all, of the medieval alchemists, the humanists of the Reformation, and many others that had been friendly to Jews or had obtained Kaballistic educations from Jews. Continuing with our source, and Roth’s part of the published dialogue:
“Why should not the intelligentsia of Europe hate us? Time and again we have humiliated them. We began by giving them Christianity, and for two thousand years they have been trying to live up to it. A continent-full of savages loving plunder and thieving, exulting in rape and incest, were saddled with a religion enjoining them to love their neighbors as themselves. Those mountain chieftains with hidden daggers kept in readiness to strike, those bands of idlers accustomed to hiring out their soldierly services at so much per day were advised to turn the other cheek. If they had only had the presence of mind, how they would have answered their Christian teachers! But the poor European has from time immemorial suffered certain periodic lapses of shyness in which it is difficult for him to deny any one anything. In such a moment it is easy to make him believe that he is good and noble and nothing else. In such a moment Christianity was imposed on Europe. And even though Europeans have not permitted themselves to be swung entirely out of their natural preference for pillage and brigandry, this religion we foisted on them has confused their speech and freighted their treaties with vows they do not mean and cannot understand.”
In Part 23 of these Protocols of Satan we discussed Jewish Lies and Motivations, which was really an expose of supposed Jewish truth-tellers, and how they use this technique as a gimmick – admitting to obvious truths that are already well-known in order to help them promote even greater lies which are far more damaging once they are accepted. Usually these lies depend on the absolute ignorance of those who read or hear them, and in this case, the Jews have plenty of willing dupes. Christianity did not come from Jews, or from Judaism.
Aside from Roth’s having taken many New Testament statements out of context, something in which all of the denominational churches have followed the Jews, in truth ancient Judaea was a multi-national province of the Roman Empire, consisting of Israelites, Edomites and others (Strabo, Geography, book 16) and the Jews are only now called Jews because they had subverted ancient Judaea, assisting the Romans when they conquered the province from the true people of Judah in Jerusalem. So to say that Jews gave Europe Christianity is tantamount to saying that the mixed races in modern Egypt built the Pyramids, or that Turks in Athens built the Parthenon.
The Old Testament depicts the ancient Israelites as an agrarian society which built a powerful kingdom based upon work and moral law. Then it describes how that kingdom was subverted by immoral characters and fell into decadence before it was destroyed. So the history in the Bible is the diagram for the same pattern we have seen in western society these past few centuries, and the modern Jews under different names were the culprits then, just as they are the culprits now.
The writings of the New Testament, the histories of Josephus, and the statements by Strabo and other ancient writers all prove that the Jews are not Israelites or Hebrews. For three hundred years, according to the testimonies of Christian writers from the first century through the third century (Paul of Tarsus, Tertullian, Minucius Felix, and others), the Jews had persecuted Christianity, instigated the Romans to persecute Christianity, and they did everything they could to completely eradicate it from the face of the earth. When they failed and Europe ultimately turned to Christianity, the Jews sought out the Arabs and Turks and Mongols to try to destroy it from the outside.
The original author of this introduction did not necessarily accept the boast of Samuel Roth, as we had seen his statement earlier that in the theater of the Weimar era, the Jews made “a mockery of everything German and Christian that had not been possible up to that time.” Continuing with our source and the lies of Samuel Roth:
“But Christianity was only the first of a long series of Jewish enterprises of which Socialism is the culminating imposition. Instinctively Europe is as much against Socialism as she has always been against Christianity. [The artificial dichotomy forcing people to accept Jewish Capitalism.] Why are they gradually accepting Socialism? Europe is simply living through another one of her periods of shyness. But don't worry. Europe will soon recover. Only see what has just happened here in England. Why did the railway workers and the longshoremen allow the Government to starve the coal miners into submission? ‘You held better and steadier jobs than we did during the war, so you can afford to strike.’ Was that not the substance of the reply of the railroad workers and the longshoremen to the appeal of the coal miners? I tell you that just as Christianity has failed to make Christians of them Socialism will fail to make men of them.”

Aside from the continued lies concerning Christianty, here another great lie is promoted concerning socialism. Originally, socialism was not confiscatory of a man’s produce, and the State did not have rights to the property of its people. What Roth means is Marxism. Just as the Jews perverted Christianity and the religion of the ancient Hebrews into Judaism, they have perverted socialism into Marxism. They have spread these lies successfully only because they have had the power of the press behind them for over 200 years, and even before that. Continuing once more with our source and the lies of Samuel Roth:
“In the meantime Socialism and Christianity are abiding, irritating symbols of Europe's mental enslavement to Israel. When the Chestertons and the Bellocs talk of race purity and patriotism they lie in their throats. They know that we are racially purer than they are. They know that we are better patriots than they are. It is their intellectual slavery which rankles in them, and once this is understood we can afford to ignore them completely.”
And the idea that Jews are racially pure is another big lie. We have already seen the Jew Kurt Münzer, in his book The Way to Zion, admit that the blood of the Jews is corrupt in a lie of his own where he said “all the races of Europe have corrupted their blood as we have...” But the Jews have never been racially pure. They were a collection of Edomite and Arab bastards whom the true people of Judah had subjected in the 2nd century BC, but who sided with the Romans against the Judaeans when Rome exerted herself to conquer the region towards the middle of the 1st century BC. After that, the Edomites were made the local rulers of the kingdom under their new Roman overlords, and the true Judaeans became the generally disenchanted, poor and oppressed people depicted in the New Testament. Now to continue with our source and Israel Zangwill is briefly involved in the dialogue:
Suppose I grant you our intellectual leadership— I do not think it is possible to deny it— have not the Europeans leadership in everything else, in the conduct of great cities, in the arts, in military science? That is having so much more than we have that I still do not see why they should be angry or envious.”
Now the dialogue switches back to Roth, who describes what seems like a script from some sick Jewish horror film:
“There will be Jews in Russia, in Germany, in Austria and in Italy. But the greater number of the Jews will be massed in India, Persia, China and all the neighboring countries. Jews will be spread plentifully throughout the entire East, which will float strange colored banners fresh with triumph. The whole East will be alive with planning and with building. But in the midst of all this a strange, a terrible man will arise the like of whom has never before been seen on earth, and he will go through the market places of the East, and he will speak only a loathing of Europe.
He will wander from man to man and from city to city, and his speech will be very scant and quiet, but something in his eyes will open up in their beholders great sluices of wrath, so that slowly, silently, desperately, his following will increase, and all with little clamor, all with little wagging of the boneless tongue.
In time this man will become leader of an enterprise of vengeance which will start out modestly from Calcutta, but by the time it reaches Constantinople will number several millions of men carrying secreted in their clothes little yellow phials. Sweeping up the Steppes, their numbers will increase as by a miracle, and their great hordes will seem to darken the face of the earth.
For six days and six nights the world will remain in the grip of these dark forces, for it took six days for God to create the world. The yellow cloud will slowly descend in their midst and breathing will become as painful as pulling nails from living fingers. A strange confusion will spread throughout the world during those dreadful six days. Having gone out for a stroll, a man will find on having reached the front door of his dwelling that he is legless. Sitting opposite a beautiful woman he will find himself gone blind. The water in his cup will taste like foul blood. His bones will snap like dry twigs.
The lives of the peoples of Europe will flow out of them through the mouth, through the eyes, and through the dense, undented skin, in streams of foul blood wherever the strange man and his silent army will have passed through.
In Russia only sucklings and illiterates will be spared— the rest will make huge graveyards of Moscow and Petrograd. Of Poland and the Ukraine he will make a howling wilderness, all the women in those countries will be put to shame before being killed as a reminder of what once happened to a defenseless people in their midst. [A reference to the medieval pogroms for which the Jews have an endless desire for revenge.] The docks will spout foul blood where Danzig receives the sea.
Of Belgium and Germany he will make such a slaughter-house that it will be necessary to build new and taller dykes around Holland that the smell of the carnage might not befoul a country for which his outraged memory will have no terrors. Through France he will sweep as a conflagration sweeps through a cornfield ....” (Samuel Roth, Now and Forever (New York, 1925, p. 55 and following).
Except for the yellow vials, which may in fact be replaced with the Korans of Islam, this of course seems like a macabre description of what is happening today, where Europeans cannot breathe and escape the smell of rotten kabobs and disgustingly pungent prayer oil. Back to our source and the author’s assessment of this part of the dialogue from Now and Forever:
This bloodthirsty desire for murder and revenge against non-perishable peoples is constantly repeated in Jewish literature and novels, and in the most varied ways. It is frightening and revolting, but nonetheless a genuine and accurate picture of the eternal enmity Jews have against non-Jews. The statements and demands in the Protocols are consistent with this well-nourished racial instinct, which as we have seen from the effects of the Jews in Germany unscrupulously and steadily works to oppose and destroy all existing values of the community, culture, justice, and morality.
If we review once again these comments on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, we must conclude that the theses and facts proclaimed in the Protocols and evidenced by the activities of the Jews in Germany have been fully proved. The Jews in post-war Germany have behaved consistently with what is written in the Protocols.
This conclusion has a large and pressing significance for all the cultured peoples of the world: they, too, must thoroughly study the Jewish question in their countries. At the moment [1938] Germany is Enemy #1 of the Jews. It has freed itself from this poison in its racial body through the Nuremberg Laws. Each people and each country, however, must sooner or later defend itself against subversive Jewish activity. For us Germans, the memory of this time of subversion is only a warning. We have freed ourselves from the nightmare of Jewish dominance. In all other states and peoples, however, there is daily evidence of similar or identical Jewish subversion to be found. As long as they do not recognize and solve the Jewish question and the Jews continue to determine the fate of peoples — just recently the Blum’s French cabinet was 37.5% Jewdified — so long will it be impossible to speak of peace between the peoples. For the future, therefore, and for every country, there is but one warning call to reason, which also includes a call to knowledge and defense:
Peoples of the world, defend your holiest possessions!
Those holiest possessions are, of course, blood, kindred and soil. This concludes our presentation of Professor Bytwerk’s translation of the introduction to the 1938 edition of the official National Socialist publication of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. But before we close this evening, it must be stated that no presentation of The Nazis and the Protocols would be complete without the words of Adolf Hitler, who discussed the Protocols briefly in Mein Kampf.
In Volume 1, Chapter 11 of Mein Kampf, subtitled Race and People, Adolf Hitler said the following about the Protocols:
How much the whole existence of this people is based on a permanent falsehood is proved in a unique way by 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion', which are so violently repudiated by the Jews. With groans and moans, the Frankfurter Zeitung repeats again and again that these are forgeries. This alone is evidence in favour of their authenticity. What many Jews unconsciously wish to do is here clearly set forth. It is not necessary to ask out of what Jewish brain these revelations sprang; but what is of vital interest is that they disclose, with an almost terrifying precision, the mentality and methods of action characteristic of the Jewish people and these writings expound in all their various directions the final aims towards which the Jews are striving. The study of real happenings, however, is the best way of judging the authenticity of those documents. If the historical developments which have taken place within the last few centuries be studied in the light of this book we shall understand why the Jewish Press incessantly repudiates and denounces it. For the Jewish peril will be stamped out the moment the general public come into possession of that book and understand it.
This is exactly what we have endeavored to do in this ongoing presentation of the Protocols of Satan, to compare what we know of our own history with the Protocols themselves, and we are convinced that Hitler was right, just like Henry Ford was right, and just like Sergei Nilus was right: the Protocols are real, and the anti-Christ has already been ruling over Christianity, the collective devil disguised as an angel of light.