The Night of the Long Knives, Part 1

The Night of the Long Knives, Part 1

Here I am going to present a series of articles by General Leon Degrelle which explain the strife within the National Socialist German Workers Party which culminated in the infamous Night of the Long Knives, which was a purge of prominent dissidents and loose cannons within the Party which took place from June 30th to July 2nd, 1934. There is a lot of extant misinformation and propaganda concerning this purge, because there are few take the time to understand what events had led to it, and what events transpired in its aftermath. Only weeks after the purge was completed, Hitler’s leadership of both the Party and of Germany was confirmed in a landslide election victory, on August 19th of 1934.

After the death of Paul von Hindenburg on August 2nd, a referendum was held to merge the offices of Chancellor and President, making Adolf Hitler the undisputed leader of Germany. In order to judge the scope of the victory and the perception of Hitler by the German public at this time, we should take a brief look at the German federal elections which were held just prior to 1934. In 1925, Hindenburg won the office of President with less than 49% of the vote, and in again in 1932 with 53%. That same year, opponent Adolf Hitler received nearly 37% of the vote. Hitler was soon appointed Chancellor, which was the second position in the government, by an aged and ailing von Hindenburg. He had only run for reelection in fear of a National Socialist victory, to keep Hitler out of the office of President.

Once Hitler became Chancellor, he called for new elections which were held in March of 1933, where he had hoped to gain a sound majority. He was again victorious but received only about 44% of the vote, so any legislation he sought would still require the assistance of a coalition of parties in order to succeed. Hitler remained Chancellor and Hindenburg remained as President until his death. Then on August 19th of 1934, barely seven weeks after the purge of several major figures within his own Party, Hitler finally prevailed as the vacant office of President was merged with the office of Chancellor with nearly 89% of the vote. In this election, Hitler had no actual opponent. Either the offices would be merged and Hitler would assume the new office, or the people would reject the merger, and that would have necessitated a new election for President. So while it was not truly a direct election, the people nevertheless gave Adolf Hitler a sound vote of confidence only a short time after the Night of the Long Knives.

Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 6: Exercise for Piety

1 Timothy 4:6-16

The opening remarks for this program are posted under the topic Summer Travels in the Christogenea Forum.

Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 6: Exercise for Piety

We have already discussed the first five verses of 1 Timothy chapter 4 at length in the last segment of our presentation of this epistle, in Part 5 of this series, which was subtitled Rome Pagan and Catholic. Because much time has elapsed since we made that presentation, and because as we proceed here in verse 6 we see that Paul refers back to what he had said in those first five verses, we will read those verses once again and summarize a few of the statements we had made concerning them.

In the opening verses of 1 Timothy chapter 4 Paul wrote: “1 Now the Spirit specifically states that in the latter times some will withdraw from the faith, cleaving to wandering spirits and teachings of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, their own consciences having been branded with iron, 3 forbidding to marry, to abstain from foods, things which Yahweh has established for participation with gratitude for those with faith and knowledge of the truth.”

Discussing these statements in Rome Pagan and Catholic, we cited many of the earliest surviving Christian writers to establish the fact that these heresies began to manifest themselves amongst the Christian assemblies as early as the second century of the Christian era. We also hope to have established that these heresies were brought into Christianity to one degree or another from the ancient pagan sects, and that the Roman Catholic Church had adopted these various pagan practices as the institution itself was developing. It continues to cleave to them unto this very day. So the Roman Church forbid its priests to marry, and for many generations it has attracted the basest sort of men into its numbers, and, in turn, it is these base men who have guided Church policy for many centuries.

The End of the World is Here - Again

The end of the world is here. Again. Tomorrow is the Rapture, at least according to some so-called Christians, and sadly, even some Identity Christians are caught up in the fervor over the expected alignment of certain of the planets. We have hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires in diverse places, and all of this is believed to presage the end of the world by millions of Christians who really have no idea what it was like “in the days of Noah”, because their pastors cannot teach them the truth.

The introductory comments to this program were a slightly updated version of our February 10th, 2010 article Disdaining the Culture of Fear. The closing segment was from a January 3rd, 2011 program titled Newspaper Eschatology

Relative to the content and context of this program are the articles Once-Predicted End Time Dates and Snakes in the Grass: Harold Camping and Family Radio, Niagara Falls Frozen, and the December 21st, 2012 podcast 12-21-2012 - Don't drink the sensationalist swill, because it's not the end of the world! Of course, it is still not the end of the world. Pastor Downey's website is found at Kinsman Redeemer Ministries.

Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, Part 18

  Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, Part 18

Melissa and I have spent the past week at the home of Clifton Emahiser, and with the help of many friends, packing his library and computers in order to move him to Florida, and going through all of his papers in order to determine what items of import should be preserved. We hope to leave Ohio on Tuesday morning, and it will probably take three days to drive home as we do not want to subject Clifton to too many hours on the highway at one time. Clifton has had countless correspondences and unfortunately it is not feasible to save most of them. He also has countless books and pamphlets, and we are packing the greater portion of them. If I had to guess, we will be transporting a literal ton of books, which are already packed into many dozens of large cartons. At first I thought we could move only the essential materials with a single 6'x12' trailer, and now we have also rented a 15' truck. Of course, Clifton is well and we have his help with this endeavor even if he cannot pack the boxes himself.

One night earlier this week, going through some of the cartons of old ministry-related letters and papers which we brought up from Clifton's basement, I found a letter which Clifton had written to Ted Weiland in June of 1997. I somehow doubt that it is the first letter which Clifton had written to Weiland, and there were a couple of others, but this is the earliest letter which we found. Here, because it is related to this topic of two-seedline, and because Clifton has been addressing Weiland throughout this series, we are going to read Clifton's 1997 letter:

Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, Part 17

Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, Part 17

As I wrote many years ago in a paper titled The Race of Genesis 10, We are only going to travel the history of this planet once. There are no second chances. Therefore it is our obligation to correctly identify the parties mentioned in our Scriptures, and to correctly determine the roles that the races and families which we may call men are fulfilling as history unfolds. We can only properly fulfill our Christian duty by meeting this obligation. There are Wheat and there are Tares. There are Sheep and there are Goats. There are Caterpillars, Cankerworms, Palmerworms and Locusts and we are told that they would all devour the children of Yahweh in the last days. But Christians are nevertheless warned to “come out from among them”, and “touch not the unclean”, to be a “chosen race... a holy nation, [and] a peculiar people”.

If we understand the identity of the Sheep, how can we fulfill our obligations if we do not understand the identities of the Goats, the Tares, the Caterpillars, the Cankerworms, the Palmerworms and the Locusts? And what are all of these aliens which have been brought in among us in the last fifty or sixty years, if they are not the Caterpillars, the Cankerworms, the Palmerworms and the Locusts? What are they, if they are not the flood from the mouth of the Genesis chapter 3 and Revelation chapter 12 serpent? Having visited most of the eastern United States these last three months, it certainly seems as though we have been flooded in such a manner. As we have said here in recent weeks, we are caught up in a war against our race, resulting from the enmity of Genesis 3:15, and there is no middle ground in this war.

Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, Part 16

Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, Part 16

Melissa and I leave for Ohio in the morning, hoping to see Clifton Emahiser complete his physical therapy so that we may relocate him to Florida. Clifton seems to be in good spirits and is looking forward to the move and to having our company.

Here in our Bible studies I would not normally offer a summary of things I have said in a Saturday program which mostly concerns recent political and social issues. But on this occasion, to begin with such a summary may be appropriate.

Last week, presenting our recent program In the Wake of Charlottesville, I began with a discussion of the historic basis in America for what is now called White Nationalism. Now let me state that when I use the term nationalism I am referring to a strictly ethnic nationalism and not any false so-called civic nationalism. Ethnic nationalism is the only valid form of nationalism, and civic nationalism is entirely artificial, unnatural, and can only be enforced by tyranny. It is empiricism and not nationalism at all.

So I began by explaining that the American Union was first founded for the benefit of a particular group of White and Christian men and for their posterity, meaning their descendants. That fact alone demonstrates that this Union was originally intended to benefit one particular race of people exclusive of all others. Then I explained that when that element of the Union was undermined following the War of Northern Aggression, even some of the Yankee states had refused to ratify the constitutional amendments which facilitated such a treachery. Later, speaking of more recent events, I showed that even within the last decade modern international courts and treaties recognized the rights of a people to self-determination based upon “traditions and culture, ethnicity, historical ties and heritage, and a sense of identity or kinship”, among other things.