Snakes in the Grass: Harold Camping and Family Radio
Hal Lindsey, Eli James [Mr. 2012], and now Harold Camping. They all think they're prophets, and they are all fools. Fools unless it is true that their purpose is actually to discredit Christianity. They all have their own personal end-of-the-world dates set in the name of Christianity, but none of these men actually speak for Christ Himself!
Jesus Christ said "no man knows the day", yet men like Lindsay, James and Camping all tell Christ that He is wrong - since they all make claims contrary to the words of Christ.
Indeed no man can know the day. God is true, and every date-setter is a liar. Don't confuse date-setters for Christians!
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." (Matthew 24:36, KJV)
Click here to see a list of other failed date-setters, including Hal Lindsay who has been found to be a liar and a false prophet on other occasions.
Think about this: Lying to Christians in the Name of God is no laughing matter!
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