On the Wisdom of Solomon, Part 7: The End of the Wicked

Wisdom 3:10 – Wisdom 4:6

On the Wisdom of Solomon, Part 7: The End of the Wicked

In our last presentation, In the Hand of God, which was our commentary on the first part of Wisdom chapter 3, we had already begun to speak of the end of the wicked in comparison with the fate of the righteous, where we had cited certain of the Psalms of David that address these same subjects which we see being treated at length by Solomon here. But where we allude to the end of the wicked, we do not mean to state that men of the Adamic race who lived wicked lives will cease to exist, or be destroyed in the figurative Lake of Fire. Rather, the end of a man can refer to his destiny in other ways.

In Wisdom chapter 4, for example, Solomon wrote of the wicked as being “a reproach among the dead for evermore”, and then described them as being called to account for their sins. This evokes a passage in Daniel chapter 12 which we have also already cited, where the prophet describes a resurrection to shame and everlasting contempt, which shall apparently be suffered by certain wicked men. In any event, reproach for evermore and everlasting contempt indicate an eternal existence even if it is a miserable existence when compared to what has been promised to the righteous. As we have seen, the Adamic spirit was created in the image of the eternity of Yahweh God, and God cannot fail.

Addressing Charles Weisman’s What About the Seedline Doctrine? Part 24: Nailing the Coffin

Addressing Charles Weisman’s What About the Seedline Doctrine? Part 24: Nailing the Coffin

This final portion of our address of Charles Weisman’s book, What About the Seedline Doctrine? may be anticlimactic. We have already witnessed and explained why Charles Weisman is truly not a Christian. We have already elucidated his many contradictions, and we hope to have fully exposed his many outright lies and misrepresentations of Scripture, and now that we near the conclusion of his book, we hope that he is already buried. But if not, then perhaps here we can drive the final nail in the coffin.

Up to this point in Chapter 6 of Weisman’s book, we have seen his attempt to explain psychological reasons for the existence of our Two-Seedline doctrine, and he ascribed a lot of reasons to its existence which all boil down to our needing excuses for blaming Jews for our woes, rather than blaming ourselves. But that too is a straw man argument, because we do not blame Jews for our woes. Rather, we blame sinful Whites who are caught up in all of the idolatry offered to them by Jews, and who have also accepted the antichrist teachings packaged under the umbrella of Liberalism. This is what has led us to accept not only Jews, but all of the other biological infestations of Yahweh’s Creation. So Jewish Supremacy and the imposition of Negros and all of the other races upon Christendom are a result of our problems, and not the actual cause of our problems.

But here Weisman also betrayed himself once again, where he spoke of Jews as a race and admitted that “Throughout all of history we have examples of Jewish hostility towards white Christians, and the harmful effects Jews have had on the European nations. They have clearly been as aliens in our midst destroying our way of life.”

On the Wisdom of Solomon, Part 6: In the Hand of God

Wisdom 3:1-9

On the Wisdom of Solomon, Part 6: In the Hand of God

In our last two presentations of this commentary On the Wisdom of Solomon, which discussed chapter 2 of the book, we saw a Portrait of the Wicked, and then a portrayal of a righteous man, which we also identified as a Portrait of the Messiah, since every aspect of Solomon’s portrait of the righteous man, who would be persecuted by the wicked on account of his righteousness, was fully manifest in the life and ministry of Yahshua Christ. But just as significantly, the Gospel of Christ is an announcement to the scattered and sinful children of Israel of the very same message which is found here in chapters 2 and 3 of the Wisdom of Solomon. Therefore it should be evident that there are multiple reasons why we consider this section of Wisdom to be a Messianic prophecy.

First we saw the wicked portrayed as being covetous and lustful men, who would dominate the righteous, the weak and the poor, and rule over them with their own sense of righteousness just so that they themselves can live wantonly in a quest to gratify their own desires. Then we saw a righteous man portrayed as being intractable to the wicked, as rebuking them for their sins, and ultimately as being killed by them, the only way by which they could remove him because he is an obstacle to their quest for gratification. But now we shall see that the righteous have a reward for their righteousness, which the wicked cannot even perceive, and therefore in the end, the wicked shall never succeed. This is revealed at the end of chapter 2, where Solomon had concluded that the Adamic man is indeed immortal, as Yahweh God had originally created him for that purpose, and then in the opening of chapter 3 where he announces the fate of the righteous...

But Politics IS About Race

Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, having found that politics is a lot more profitable than crack-dealing and stolen EBT cards, reveals something that we have always known, which is the fact that politics is all about race. But if this beast can understand that simple truth, why don't White Americans understand this? Most Whites do not accept it when White men say it, so will they accept it when Negroes admit it, and Latinos agree? Empathy and altruism have destroyed White America, and that will destroy America itself.

Notice that last name, Abrams, is a Jewish surname.

Addressing Charles Weisman’s What About the Seedline Doctrine? Part 23: Trees Good and Evil

Addressing Charles Weisman’s What About the Seedline Doctrine? Part 23: Trees Good and Evil

We had started to address the portion of this final chapter of Weisman’s book under the subtitle “Elements of the Seedline Doctrine”, where we had left off with a discussion of the explanation of the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares provided by Christ Himself in Matthew chapter 23, as Weisman had mentioned the tares without elaboration. Evidently, Weisman took for granted the acceptance of his notion that tares were only tares because they were followers of the devil – as he had argued in another context on page 30 of his book – rather than being tares because they actually had been planted by the devil. Yet it must be the case, that the actual origin of the tares is with the devil, because as the apostle explained, Christ had come to reveal things kept secret from the foundation of the world. So if these things were kept secret for that long, since that very time which the Genesis account describes, then that is when the events must have actually occurred. The planting of tares among the wheat must be speaking in reference to the events described in a parable in Genesis chapter 3, and the subsequent scattering throughout the Adamic world of the children of Cain, the Rephaim – who are Nephilim – and other groups which may be associated with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Actually, it is a wonder to us that Weisman did not even mention the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares until this very point in his book, where he only made a passing reference to tares and said “The tares are apparently a satanic group of people.” But notice that he said group, and not race, however in that same paragraph Weisman had already spoken of “God’s people” and said that “Jesus spoke of ‘the tares’ or ‘children of the wicked,’ who were contrasted with the ‘good seed.’” So in that case Christ is telling us that their parents were wicked, and we see that He is speaking of a race of wicked people, not merely wicked individuals. In both cases in Matthew 13:38 the word for children is υἱός, which is a son, and the word for seed is σπέρμα, which is offspring. If the people of God are physical offspring of a particular individual, then the seed of the devil also must be physical offspring of a particular individual. Weisman could not offer an exegesis of the parable because doing so he would not have been able to conceal his blatant dishonesty.

On the Wisdom of Solomon, Part 5: Portrait of the Messiah

Wisdom 2:13 – Wisdom 3:1

On the Wisdom of Solomon, Part 5: Portrait of the Messiah

In the first part of this second chapter of the Wisdom of Solomon, we saw a Portrait of the Wicked, which is actually a timeless description of some of the natural tendencies of wicked men. Now we shall see more of those tendencies described in relation to the attitude of the wicked towards the righteous. They are portrayed as declaring their own concept of righteousness and seeking to uphold it forcibly by the might of their own strength, which is a manifestation of the pagan and humanist phenomenon of “might makes right”, and which in turn is really only the law of the jungle and justifies tyranny. With this attitude, the wicked are portrayed as justifying the oppression of the weak, the elderly, and the righteous in their pursuit to gratify their own fleshly desires.

Yet the truly righteous man is an obstacle to the wicked, because he declares to them their sin and stands firmly in opposition to them on account of their sin. So they are depicted as saying, as we would translate verse 12 of the chapter: “Therefore let us lie in wait for the righteous; because he is intractable to us, and he is opposed to our works: he reproaches us for our transgressions of the law, and imprecates the transgressions of our education.” There we also see that in spite of the fact that they seek to implement their own law, the wicked nevertheless are forced to acknowledge that there is a greater law by which the righteous condemn them, and for that alone they hate the righteous and seek to destroy them.

Addressing Charles Weisman’s What About the Seedline Doctrine? Part 22: The Devil as a Psychobabbler

Addressing Charles Weisman’s What About the Seedline Doctrine? Part 22: The Devil as a Psychobabbler

In Chapter 5 of his book, Weisman had attempted to smear our Christian Identity profession with claims that it came from Witchcraft, Gnosticism, Freemasonry, the Talmud, and the Kabbalah. But of course, all of these were actually Jewish, or heavily influenced by Jews, so he could have simply claimed that we got it from Jews. However we have proven throughout this series that our profession does indeed come from Scripture, and we have cited many Christian and non-Jewish sources to support it which are far older than the sources cited in Weisman’s allegations. Therefore all of these Jewish or Jewish-influenced philosophies actually began with basic truths and perverted them into lies, and as we also saw, their resulting lies are not at all similar to what we believe and demonstrate that the Bible teaches.

Now Weisman attempts to discredit us with another plainly Jewish tactic, which is a so-called “psychological study”. Since he denies the truth of Scripture, and even goes so far as to state that Christ was merely following along with Persian and Babylonian dualism, as well as reducing God Incarnate to the level of a common slanderer, he must imagine other and wicked reasons for the existence of our doctrine just like he claimed that there were other and wicked sources from which it originated. Here, Charles Weisman certainly is playing the role of a devil, which is a false accuser.

The Course Ahead with Dr. Michael Hill and Ike Baker of the League of the South:

I must apologize in advance for some technical problems. After having to switch from a cell tower to a satellite connection, the typical lag of the satellite connection caused me to interfere with my guests. Below are my introductory notes:

The Course Ahead

The recent and now recurring coronavirus lockdowns began with progressive corporations such as Google, Apple and Microsoft, and practically all of the Liberal city and State governments had immediately followed along. Soon after, the politicians in the more Conservative States were also pressured to follow along, mostly by the media, as no politician wants to be the one who did nothing just in case the pandemic was real.

Now after yet another black criminal dies while in the hands of local police, the Antifa/BLM riots and all of the capitulations to the Communist agenda seem to be following on the same exact path, as if it were all engineered by those same progressives to force all of us to yield to their agenda. Perhaps the lockdowns helped agitate otherwise marginal people to join the protests.

So as the CHAZ is broken up weeks after it should have been, the enemies of Christendom have been made to look much bigger and more powerful than they actually are, and the resulting fear, when it is not outright collusion, has pushed many State and local governments to capitulate even more. As they make more and more concessions, the Antifa/BLM rhetoric and their accompanying demands get more and more outrageous. All of it is engineered to push us further down the road to communism.

So just what is a Southern man, or any White man, to do?

Addressing Charles Weisman’s What About the Seedline Doctrine? Part 21: Weisman’s Smear Tactics

Addressing Charles Weisman’s What About the Seedline Doctrine? Part 21: Weisman’s Smear Tactics

Earlier in our review of his book, discussing his comments on page 23, we showed how statements by Weisman revealed that he himself did not believe that either Christ or His apostles had represented truth, as well as some of the later prophets, such as Zechariah. That was where he said that “The concept of a second god which caused evil in the world was primarily formed during the Exile (585-515 B.C.), being the result of Babylonian and Zoroastrian influence.” His statements in support of that claim ignored references to Satan, demons and devils which are found throughout the Old Testament, and then claimed that such passages in the New Testament are mistranslated or misinterpreted. Then further claiming that the serpent was “nullified by Christ”, he denied many statements of the apostles and of Christ Himself in His Revelation. So it became apparent that Weisman is not even a Christian.

Now here in this chapter, Weisman corroborated that conclusion once again, where he compared the labeling of certain people as serpents, devils and vipers in the New Testament to examples of the often unrighteous demonization of men throughout history, and said that “Since the Jews have long been the self-sworn enemy of Christendom, they have been portrayed by many Christians throughout history as being of a devilish origin. It is a small step, then, to make them out to be the literal descendants of the devil or satan.” Doing that, Weisman unabashedly demoted Yahshua Christ to the level of a common slanderer, rather than recognizing that God Incarnate was bringing the light of Truth to men. So once again, Weisman proved to us that he is no Christian.

The Unforgivable Sin

The Unforgivable Sin

See also a companion program, The Unpardonable Sin

We know from the New Testament as well as the Old that the sin of fornication, which describes several sorts of sexual indecency, such as prostitution, also includes race-mixing. One place where this is clearly evident is at Jude 7, where we read that fornication is the pursuit of strange, or different, flesh. Then in 1 Corinthians chapter 10, Paul of Tarsus had used the same word and warned the Christians at Corinth not to commit fornication, referring them to a race-mixing event for which the ancient children of Israel were severely punished, which is found in Numbers chapters 24 and 25. In the words of Christ Himself, He proclaims that He will kill the children of those who commit fornication, as He punishes the sinners themselves, in Revelation chapter 2. Fornication is one of the acts expressly prohibited by the apostles in Acts chapter 15, and Paul admonished different sorts of fornicators in his epistles.

Why have the churches abandoned these teachings? Until the 1970’s the Southern Baptist Convention opposed such fornication. But eventually, and primarily because the government had ultimately forced the issue, in part by threatening to revoke tax-exempt status, the Baptist churches all relented, and so had all other churches. This was facilitated by a 1967 SCOTUS decision named, rather ironically, Loving vs. Virginia. In the history of the early American colonies, laws barring miscegenation were generally not needed since most Christians would never do such a thing. But there were always exceptions, and in diverse places such laws became necessary in order to maintain a Christian society. After the so-called “Civil War”, many States did find such laws to be necessary, and they stood for a hundred years. By devout Christians, it was considered natural, normal and godly to maintain one’s own race and not to mingle with others. Those laws were not made because of some sort of unfair “racism”, but rather they were made because men loved God and sought to keep His Commandments, as Christ insisted that they do.