TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 42: 54, The Blessings and Curses of Deuteronomy Only Apply to European People

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 42

In our last few presentations in this series, we discussed many aspects of Jacob and Esau in prophecy, all of which also show that the modern day Jews are Edomites, and not Israelites, that they are a people accursed by God, and that the position which they have attained today in world economics and politics was also a subject of Biblical prophecy, Esau having been foretold that he would one day break the yoke of Jacob and gain dominion. The fact that Jews were the chattel property of Christian kings throughout Medieval European history underscores the truth of our interpretation of these prophecies. Now we shall turn the page completely, and discuss the blessings and curses which were prophesied to come upon the children of Israel for their obedience or disobedience to their God These also help to establish that White Europeans are indeed the true Israelites of Scripture.

On the Epistles of John, Part 5: The Authors of Sin

1 John 3:8

On the Epistles of John, Part 5: The Authors of Sin

In our last presentation in this commentary, titled The Children of Yahweh, we presented some of the Biblical evidence that those who were declared to be the children of God in the Old Testament are the exclusive beneficiaries of the Old Testament promises of forgiveness, reconciliation, mercy, salvation and redemption for Israel which are fulfilled in Christ, that Christ Himself and His apostles had declared that He had come to fulfill those same promises to those same people, and therefore also that it is those very same people who are exclusively considered to be the children of God in the New Testament. As Paul of Tarsus had attested in Romans chapter 11, “29… the gifts and calling of God are without repentance”, meaning that the promises of God did not change, and he also said in Galatians chapter 3 that no man may disannul or add to the promises of God. The New Covenant having been made exclusively with the ancient children of Israel, with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, as Paul also cited the words of Jeremiah in Hebrews chapter 8, under no circumstances may any other man from outside of the children of Israel ever legitimately claim to be a party to that covenant.

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 41: 53, The Nature of Esau in the New Testament

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 41

In our last few presentations in this series, we have already discussed many aspects of Jacob and Esau in prophecy. There and earlier in this series we had also discussed how it was that many of the Judaeans of the time of Christ were actually Edomites, and not Israelites. We also discussed the first two chapters of the prophecy of Malachi at length, and how Malachi begins with a comparison of Jacob and Esau before spending the rest of those two chapters admonishing the priests for their corruption of the priesthood. Without a doubt, Malachi helps to put into a proper Biblical perspective both the history of the period and the composition of the people of Judaea as it was recorded by Flavius Josephus and mentioned by Strabo of Cappadocia, and also the contention between Christ and His adversaries as it was recorded in John chapter 8. This in turn is all supported by the explanation of the divisions among the Judaeans by Paul of Tarsus in Romans chapter 9, where he compared Jacob and Esau and cited the opening verses of Malachi. Now we shall see the nature and characteristics of Esau which are evident in the New Testament. All of this background history is seen to fulfill the words of Isaac in the blessings which he granted to both Jacob and Esau, and the related circumstances which we see in the accounts of the lives of those patriarchs in the Book of Genesis. The background history, as well as the prophecy, is also the only valid way with which to view the cause of the divisions among first-century Judaeans in respect to Christ, as that is also the explanation of the apostles themselves.

On the Epistles of John, Part 4: The Children of Yahweh

1 John 3:1-7, 3:9

On the Epistles of John, Part 4: The Children of Yahweh

In our last presentation in this commentary, which discussed the final verses of John chapter 2 and which was titled Christ and Antichrist, we sought to describe what it was that the apostles and others had believed the Christ to be from their own professions as they are recorded in the Gospel accounts, and which they themselves must have attained through their understanding of the words of the prophets. So by understanding what the apostles had believed the Christ to be, only then can we properly understand what John could have meant where he wrote in that chapter and asked: “22 Who is a liar, if not he denying that Yahshua is the Christ? He is the Antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son!”

Jim Rizoli Interviews William Finck

We have been familiar with Jim Rizoli from our Social Media  circles for many years, but I have never before spoken with him. This week he wrote asking if I would like to do an interview, so I got together with him this Wednesday afternoon. While I cannot explain all of the details supporting everything which I believe in one hour, it was nevertheless an enjoyable conversation.

See Jim Rizoli's channel on Bitchute, especially for the parade of clowns he had on after this interview, and his virtue signaling ever since speaking to me. Jim is essentially a social justice warrior disguised as a holocaust denier. Jim claims to be opposed to World Jewry, yet he has accepted the entire Jewish agenda of egalitarianism and race-mixing.

EDIT 2023-3-12: Jim now denies being a race-mixer, but he is too stupid to even see how he advocates egalitarianism and race-mixing. The truth is that once a man thinks "people" of other races can be Christian, he is advocating race mixing. If he won't marry a gook, how does he think God would marry a gook? (Romans 7:1-4, Revelation 19:7-9) And once a man gets his information about Christianity or anything else based on the opinions of a woman, he is also advocating feminism! Jim, stop being a bitch.

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 40: 52, Jacob and Esau in Prophecy, continued

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 40

Here we will continue our discussion of the bigger picture of Jacob and Esau in prophecy. To us, it is fully apparent in history, as the history of the White world has been recorded, that ever since Abraham placed Isaac on the altar dedicating him to Yahweh, world history has revolved around the blessings which Isaac had given to Jacob and Esau, and the resulting struggle between them and their respective descendants. Once the parties of Scripture are correctly identified, that struggle is manifest throughout history down to this very day. This is fully relevant to the circumstances under which we live in the modern world.

As we have explained, Malachi, the last prophet of the Old Testament, had begun his discussion of the corrupted priesthood with a portrayal of the mistaken concern which Jacob would have for Esau. This served as the basis upon which Malachi then condemned the priests, and it explains the division among the people of Judaea in the time of Christ, of which Malachi had also prophesied. This understanding of Biblical prophecy helps to explain very precisely the circumstances under which we live today, as world Jewry is the center of global politics and international attention, and as Christians – especially those in America – support Jewry without question, going so far as to worship Jews rather than Jesus. At the same time, World Jewry is at the vanguard of every policy favoring people of other races and nations to the detriment, and even to the destruction of White nations. This is not a coincidence, as we have seen that Esau had wanted to kill Jacob as soon as he realized that Jacob received his father’s blessing.

On the Epistles of John, Part 3: Christ and Antichrist

1 John 2:18-29

On the Epistles of John, Part 3: Christ and Antichrist

In our last presentation in this commentary on the epistles of John, which we had titled The Propitiation for Sin, we sought to explain how the law stood in the way of any reconciliation between Yahweh God and the divorced children of Israel. Among other things, we cited the law where it says that every man (which includes every woman) must die for his own sin. When a man sins a sin for which he is liable to death, then he himself must die, and there is no other option under the law. But the ways in which the law obstructed the reconciliation of Yahweh and Israel is evident in even more ways than we had explained. For example, once the divorce of Israel was announced in the words of the prophet Hosea, Yahweh instructed the prophet, in Hosea chapter 3 where we read “1 Then said the LORD unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the LORD toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine.” In Hosea chapter 2 Yahweh had already spoken of Israel and said: “7 And she shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now.” In spite of that, Yahweh had also sworn later in that same chapter that He would betroth Israel once again, and betroth Israel forever. This is a paradox, as we must know that Yahweh would not transgress His Own law.

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 39: 52, Jacob and Esau in Prophecy

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 39

Having completed our discussion of the corrupted priesthood and our interpretation of the words of the prophet Malachi in that regard, which in turn illuminate the reasons for the divisions between Christ and His adversaries as they are described in John chapter 8, it is now appropriate to discuss the bigger picture of Jacob and Esau in prophecy. These things certainly are related, as that is how even Malachi had begun his discussion of the corrupted priesthood, with a portrayal of the mistaken concern which Jacob would have for Esau. This portrayal serves as the very basis upon which Malachi condemns the priests. However the relationship between Jacob and Esau goes far beyond the priesthood, and Biblical prophecy helps to explain the very circumstances under which we live today, as world Jewry is the center of global politics and international attention, as Christians – especially those in America – support Jewry without question, going so far as to worship Jews more than Jesus. So that concern which Malachi portrayed is prophetic, and that also fits into the proper explanation of those same circumstances.

On the Epistles of John, Part 2: The Propitiation for Sin

1 John 2:1-17

On the Epistles of John, Part 2: The Propitiation for Sin

In our opening presentation in this commentary, discussing 1 John chapter 1, we saw the apostle repeat particular themes from his Gospel in relation to the nature of Christ, that, among other things, He is the Word of Life, and He is the true Light come into the World. Doing that, we used an accompanying illustration which seeks to describe the various ways in which Yahweh, the Invisible God, chose to manifest Himself in the world. Among these are the burning in the bush which appeared to Moses, the pillars of cloud and fire which led the Israelites out of Egypt, the Rock in the desert, and finally, as the man Yahshua Christ, who is also the Son. Sadly, there are trinitarians who also call themselves Christian Identity, but who do not realize that the concept of the trinity is contrary to the truth of God.