TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 50: 63, Who Destroyed Rome?; 64, The Little Horn of Daniel Chapter 7
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 50
In our last two presentations in this series, discussing Jacob’s blessings for Ephraim and Manasseh which are found in Genesis chapter 48, for Joseph in Genesis chapter 49 and the later blessing for Joseph given by Moses in Deuteronomy chapter 33, we hope to have shown how those blessings were ultimately fulfilled in European history. As we have also said, the denominational churches ignore these prophecies which with all certainty inform us of the destiny of the children of Israel in captivity, while they pretend that the ancient children of Israel cannot be identified, or perhaps no longer even exist. But it is only common sense, that previously unknown nations which arose from places to which the children of Israel were sent in captivity would have derived from the children of Israel. Now, after having discussed prophecies that make this illustration which are found in Isaiah and Micah, we hope to continue this same demonstration from prophecies found in the book of Daniel.
63) Who Destroyed Rome?
We had already discussed the prophecy of the four beasts of Daniel chapter 2 in Proof 34, which is found in part 12 of this series of podcasts. There we had identified the four kingdoms of Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of a beast made of four metals, gold, silver, bronze and iron. The four kingdoms which the beast represents would rule “wheresoever the children of men dwell”, and we see that those kingdoms ruled over the White nations of Europe, Mesopotamia, Northern Africa and the Near East.
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