TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 50: 63, Who Destroyed Rome?; 64, The Little Horn of Daniel Chapter 7

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 50

In our last two presentations in this series, discussing Jacob’s blessings for Ephraim and Manasseh which are found in Genesis chapter 48, for Joseph in Genesis chapter 49 and the later blessing for Joseph given by Moses in Deuteronomy chapter 33, we hope to have shown how those blessings were ultimately fulfilled in European history. As we have also said, the denominational churches ignore these prophecies which with all certainty inform us of the destiny of the children of Israel in captivity, while they pretend that the ancient children of Israel cannot be identified, or perhaps no longer even exist. But it is only common sense, that previously unknown nations which arose from places to which the children of Israel were sent in captivity would have derived from the children of Israel. Now, after having discussed prophecies that make this illustration which are found in Isaiah and Micah, we hope to continue this same demonstration from prophecies found in the book of Daniel.

63) Who Destroyed Rome?

We had already discussed the prophecy of the four beasts of Daniel chapter 2 in Proof 34, which is found in part 12 of this series of podcasts. There we had identified the four kingdoms of Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of a beast made of four metals, gold, silver, bronze and iron. The four kingdoms which the beast represents would rule “wheresoever the children of men dwell”, and we see that those kingdoms ruled over the White nations of Europe, Mesopotamia, Northern Africa and the Near East.

On the Epistles of John, Part 10: The Spirit, the Water and the Blood

1 John 5:1-8

On the Epistles of John, Part 10: The Spirit, the Water and the Blood

Writing this first and most significant of his three surviving epistles, the apostle John began describing the love which is in the law in chapter 2 where, speaking of Christ, he wrote: “3 And by this we may know that we know Him, if we would keep His commandments. 4 He saying that he knows Him and not keeping His commandments, he is a liar and the truth is not in him. 5 But he whom would keep His word [God’s Word], truly the love of Yahweh is perfected in him: by this we know that we are in Him.” Following that point, throughout chapters 3 and 4 of this epistle John spoke of the love of Yahweh God which He has for His children, and upheld that love as the reason for which those same children should love one another. So in chapter 3 of the epistle, John also asserted that the love which the children of God have for one another serves as the assurance that they have eternal life, where he wrote: “14 We know that we have passed over from out of death into life, because we love the brethren.” On the surface, John seems to be using the term brother quite loosely, as a fellow man or fellow believer, but that is clearly not the case once it is understood that the Gospel of Christ is the only manner which men have to distinguish the wheat from the tares. So as he continued, he stated that “He not loving [his brother] abides in death.”

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 49: 62, The further away Israel got from Palestine the more powerful they became: Micah 4:7

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 49

In our last presentation in this series, discussing the blessings of Ephraim and Manasseh found in Genesis chapter 48, we hope to have elucidated from certain prophecies of Isaiah and a discussion of early European history how those blessings were ultimately fulfilled. The denominational churches ignore these prophecies which inform us of precisely where the children of Israel would go after escaping the Assyrians. It is only common sense, that nations which arise from places to which the children of Israel were sent in captivity, would be from of the children of Israel. Then they willfully remain ignorant of the fact that the apostles of Christ went to Europe as well as to Mesopotamia and Anatolia because they knew where the children of Israel were scattered. Yet it was his knowledge of prophecy as well as classical history that gave Paul of Tarsus the confidence to tell the Galatians that the law was their schoolmaster to bring them to Christ, and to tell the Corinthians that all their fathers were under the cloud with Moses. So now we shall discuss this same development from a prophecy found in Micah chapter 4.

On the Epistles of John, Part 9: Love is in the Law

1 John 4:14-21

On the Epistles of John, Part 9: Love is in the Law

In the last presentation of our commentary on this first epistle of John, we discussed The Discerning of Spirits in relation to the opening half of chapter 4 of this epistle. The chapter begins with the admonishment from the apostle that his readers “1… not have trust in every spirit, but scrutinize whether the spirits are from of Yahweh…” and he proceeds to inform them that those spirits, referring to embodied spirits, who are from of God would acknowledge that Yahshua, or Jesus of Nazareth, was the Christ, or Messiah, that for that reason they would be despised by the world, but that they would also love both God and one another, and in return they would be loved by God. When we read chapter 5 of the epistle, John professes that the love of God is expressed by keeping His commandments, and that is also the manner by which Christians should express their love for their brethren.

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 48: 60, A Great Nation and a Company of Nations, continued; 61, The further away Israel got from Palestine the more powerful they became: Isaiah 66:19

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 48, The Fulfillment of the blessings for Ephraim and Manasseh in the context of Isaiah 66:19

In our last presentation in this series, we discussed the blessings of Ephraim and Manasseh found in Genesis chapter 48, where Jacob had prophesied that they would become a great nation and a company of nations. While we explained that each of the twelve tribes were nations in their own right, Ephraim and Manasseh were the only two tribes explicitly blessed in this manner. Therefore we may justly expect those tribes to be manifest as nations in history beyond the other tribes. So while it is not necessary or even plausible to believe that the United States and Great Britain wholly represent these two tribes in the modern world, it is plausible that the development of these nations from certain of the Germanic peoples represents the fulfillment of this prophecy. But as these nations developed, it is evident that they were eventually joined by elements of the other tribes, while portions of them certainly also stayed behind in their previous European settlements.

The Real Domestic Terrorists, and Other Topics, with Dr. Michael Hill of the League of the South

Dr. Michael Hill of the League of the South

Here we discussed with Dr. Hill the upcoming League of the South National Conference to be held in Alabama next month, as well as subjects presented in several recently published, or republished articles at the League of the South website, including Charlottesville, four years after, Support rises for secession and The Real Domestic Terrorists (2012). Additionally, we discussed the current inflation of the currency, some subjects presented at the recent Florida State League of the South Conference in Lake City, Florida.

Below is the text of Section 1299F of H.R. 6395 116th: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. The section is titled “Countering white identity terrorism globally.” This bill was enacted after a congressional override of then-President Trump's veto on January 1, 2021. Now Public Law 116-283. We have not investigated why Trump vetoed this bill.

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 47: 60, A Great Nation and a Company of Nations

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 47

In our last presentation in this series, we discussed the apparent fulfillment of the blessings upon the tribes of Dan, Asher, Zebulun, Naphtali in relation to the blessings which the tribes had received from Jacob and Moses. We had already discussed Judah and Levi. Now we shall discuss the sons of Joseph, Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin. We cannot illustrate the fulfillment of all of the blessings for every one of the twelve tribes, and if we tried we would be forced into much conjecture. Some of the blessings have interpretations which may be considered subjective, and their fulfillment may be difficult to notice. But we can make the assertion that if we see plain fulfillments for some aspects of the blessings for at least many of the tribes, then we can be certain that all of the blessings have been realized, and shall continue to be realized as our history progresses.

Before we proceed, we must warn against trying to identify all of the tribes of ancient Israel with modern tribes or nations of Europe today solely by the nature of certain features of their blessings. For that reason, we will not discuss every tribe in relation to these blessings. In our last podcast, we mentioned the blessings of Asher, Zebulun and Naphtali in relation to the history of the Phoenicians, but other tribes may well have been blessed through that same history. For example, Moses had blessed Zebulun and Issachar together and said “they shall suck of the abundance of the seas, and of treasures hid in the sand.” So even though there is little evidence convincing us to connect Issachar to the Phoenicians in history or in Scripture, it is apparent that arguments can be made for such a connection in Scripture.

Adamic Eternity: The Greatest Discovery

Adamic Eternity: The Greatest Discovery

Here I am going to make a solitary presentation on a subject which I have discussed quite often in many of our longer series of Biblical commentaries. There is nothing more disappointing than seeing an Identity Christian, or at least, someone who professes to understand Christian Identity truths, who still carries the baggage of the denominational churches and their false doctrines, doctrines which were constructed centuries ago by a priesthood which sought little else but to maintain its own control over the minds of the people, usually in concert with various governments. This is especially true where those doctrines are persistently maintained by such Christians, but are clearly contrary to the plain word of Scripture.

So one result of false Church doctrine is that we have White men who seek to condemn one another to the fires of eternal destruction for some sin which they themselves think is too horrible to forgive, or which is far more grievous than their own sins. Yet only Yahweh God can judge men, because only God knows the hearts of men, which is to say that only He can know why men did certain things at certain times, rather than merely just what they did, and all the factors which drove them to do such things. To understand that, He must know everything that a particular man had learned throughout his own life, which led him to make such choices.