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December 2021
In the End, there are only Jews or Nazis
In the End, there are only Jews or Nazis
Sometimes when I do a presentation such as this, I feel as if I am just speaking to the choir, and so do many of our friends and listeners. But that is not entirely true. According to Cloudflare, these past few months Christogenea has been getting in excess of 250,000 visitors each week, with as many as 400,000 page views. This year, the main Christogenea website alone is on track to exceed 3.2 million file downloads, which is up over 10 percent from last year. The Media and Mein Kampf Project websites add another 600,000 to that number, but most of those downloads are videos and not necessarily our own content. From 2017 to 2021, our website traffic has more than tripled. But the point is that we never know who we are reaching, as that is all in the hands of Yahweh our God, but each year we have been able to reach many more people than we have in past years.
Just yesterday, a long-time friend who was also the first contact on a new Twitter account which I opened just about six weeks ago had asked me about a reference I made in a paper I wrote in prison in 2007, or perhaps even earlier, which was titled The Problem With Genesis 6:1-4. He asked about the alternate reading of the Greek text of Genesis 6:2 which I had supplied from Brenton’s Septuagint in a note citing the Codex Alexandrinus. Of course, being in prison that was my only resource for the citation at that time. But my friend did us a favor, because he himself found another publication of the Greek Septuagint from 1887 which contained the variation in Brenton’s note in his text.
The Text of Genesis 6:2-4 in the Codex Alexandrinus
This comment will serve as an addendum to our paper The Problem With Genesis 6:1-4. It was inspired by an inquiry concerning the reading of Genesis 6:2 which is found in the Codex Alexandrinus, which was made by a social media contact of ours. Our friend had obtained a copy of The Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint, by Henry Barclay Swete, published in 1887. Here we have included a link to Volume 1, Genesis to IV Kings.
Admittedly, I have never heard of that publication, but have since found that it is referenced in a preface of my copy of the Rahlfs-Hanhart edition of the text of the Septuagint, which along with Brenton’s edition are the texts to which I often refer here at Christogenea. The Rahlfs-Hanhart edition mentions Swete in its Explanation of Symbols, as Swete’s edition is evidently referenced in the critical apparatus of alternate readings along with many other old Septuagint editions going back to the 16th century.
But our friend’s interest was roused because, as we have cited Brenton in our paper The Problem With Genesis 6:1-4, according to Swete’s Septuagint the opening words of Genesis 6:2 read: ἰδόντες δὲ οἱ ἄγγελοι τοῦ θεοῦ τὰς θυγατέρας τῶν ἀνθρώπων, Which translates to say “Then the angels of God seeing the daughters of men…”
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 65: 87, What is the Church?
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 65
In our last presentation we continued our discussions of themes found in the epistles of Paul of Tarsus with the Scope of the Covenant and the Family of the Faith, as they certainly do consist of the White European nations to whom he had brought the gospel of Christ. Now we shall continue with a discussion of the word church, and what is the true church as it is described by Scripture and in the definitions of the word used which has traditionally been translated as church. A church certainly is not a collection of mere believers congregating in some building. That is actually something which is better described by the word synagogue, rather than church.
87) What is the Church?
Portions of this presentation are taken from an essay at Christogenea which is titled Misconceptions Concerning Paul and the Church.
Here we are not going to digress at length on what a Christian church is not, except to mention that priests, in the sense of an officer of a church organization, are not found in Christian writings until the 4th century AD. In the New Testament, every man is a priest of God in the sense that he serves God by loving his brethren and keeping the commandments. But once Christianity began to be accepted by Rome, a new class of Christian priests developed, and pagan temples began to be converted for use into church buildings. Once the emperor Justinian created the office of pope, eventually nuns, orders of monasteries, a college of cardinals, and a hierarchical, centralized organization which conducted or supervised the ordination of priests and bishops all developed. While many of these institutions were useful or helpful in medieval society, and did things which are useful to us today, none of them are necessarily Biblical or required by Christianity. They are actually antichristian in several ways, because they set up authorities over men which the Scriptures do not advocate or support, and in some cases even refute or condemn.
The Ordering and Chronology of the Ministry and Epistles of Paul, Part 2: The Prison Epistles
The Ordering and Chronology of the Ministry and Epistles of Paul, Part 2: The Prison Epistles
As I had explained in the opening presentation in this short series, I had hoped to gather into one place my interpretations of the time and place of the writing of each of the epistles of Paul of Tarsus, as well as a general chronology of the events recorded in the Book of Acts. I had also originally hoped to do that in a single presentation, but it was just not possible. So while we have discussed what I have called Paul’s “travelling epistles”, now we shall discuss the time and place, and also the circumstances, of the writing of the 6 epistles that were written while Paul was a prisoner. Once again, for much of this presentation I am drawing on information which I had already presented in our commentaries for each of the epistles of Paul and in our earlier commentary on the Book of Acts. There are also some new perspectives.
This is important to us for several reasons. First, it is an important reference tool, because in my opinion no other such reference exists which has a truly accurate chronology of the events of the ministry of Paul, the writing of his epistles, and the Book of Acts. As I had also said, there is much misinformation in many popular and supposedly authoritative academic sources concerning the ministry of Paul and the writing of his epistles, and it is convenient to have our own opinions of these things in one single article, or perhaps more accurately, one single source of reference.
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 64: 85, The Scope of the Covenant; 86, The Family of the Faith
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 64
Once again, over our last few presentations here we have been discussing themes found in the ministry and epistles of Paul of Tarsus which help to establish that the White European nations to whom he had brought the gospel were indeed the same nations which had descended from the ancient children of Israel. So we have already discussed Paul’s commission from Christ, how Paul had applied that commission, the subjects of Biblical redemption, Israel having been estranged from the covenants, the adoption of Israel and the ministry of reconciliation. All of these things prove that Paul of Tarsus was taking the Gospel of Christ to Israelites, descendants of ancient Israel who were by that time known by many other names, as he toured Europe. Now we shall continue with Paul’s explanation of the scope of the covenants, and his references to the family of the faith, which is not a reference to mere believers joining some church.
85) The Scope of the Covenant
We discussed this subject in Proofs 35 and 36, in Part 12 of this series, in relation to both Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Now we shall speak of them again, but this time from the perspective of the ministry of Paul because his confirmations of these prophecies stand as a proof as to why he had taken the Gospel of Christ to the White nations of Europe.
The Ordering and Chronology of the Ministry and Epistles of Paul, Part 1: The Travelling Epistles
The Ordering and Chronology of the Ministry and Epistles of Paul, Part 1: The Travelling Epistles
Here I hope to gather into one place my interpretations of the time and place of the writing of each of the epistles of Paul of Tarsus. Here we shall discuss the travelling epistles, a name which I am giving to Paul’s first 8 epistles in order to distinguish them from the other 6 which were written while Paul was a prisoner. So for this endeavor, I have collected at least most of the information from what I had already presented in our commentaries for each of the epistles of Paul and in our earlier commentary on the Book of Acts, all of which spanned about a hundred and fifty-five podcast presentations from April, 2013 through December, 2017. This I believe is important as a reference guide, first because we have had a skeleton article on the Ordering and chronology of the epistles of Paul in the References section at Christogenea since August of 2015 which I have long hoped to complete. But more importantly, there is much misinformation in many popular and supposedly authoritative academic sources concerning the ministry of Paul and the writing of his epistles, and it is convenient to have our own opinions of these things in one single article.
Doing this it will seem as if we are taking it for granted that Paul had written all fourteen of the epistles which are commonly attributed to him. But the truth of that assertion should become even more evident as we proceed here, giving our reasons detailing both when and from where each of the epistles were written, and, in certain cases, also as to why they were written. Furthermore, while for different reasons the Christogenea New Testament generally presents Paul’s epistles in the traditional order found in other Bibles, we made exceptions, especially with Hebrews and placed it before the four personal epistles which were addressed to Timothy, Titus and Philemon. That we did in order to make a statement confirming our belief that Paul was indeed the author of the epistle to the Hebrews. But here we shall begin with the earliest epistle which Paul had written, and proceed in the chronological order in which we believe he had written them all.
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 63: 83, The Adoption of Israel; 84, The Ministry of Reconciliation
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 63
In our last few presentations here we have been discussing themes found in the ministry and epistles of Paul of Tarsus which help to establish that the nations to whom he had brought the gospel were indeed the same nations which had descended from the ancient children of Israel. So we have already discussed the substance of Paul’s Commission from Christ, how Paul himself had applied his commission, the subjects of Biblical redemption and what Paul had meant by the phrase strangers from the covenants. Now we shall continue with the subject of adoption, as that word, as it appears in English Bibles, is only found in Paul’s epistles, and it has a very specific application.
83) The Adoption of Israel
Just as the denominational churches try to extend the redemption which Yahweh had explictly promised to the children of Israel to other races and nations, they do that same thing with this concept of adoption. However the word only appears in Paul’s epistles, three times in Romans, and once each in Galatians and Ephesians, and Paul himself states explicitly that the adoption is for Israel, in relation to Israelites who are his own kinsmen “according to the flesh”. There is not a single statement in Scripture which suggests that the adoption of which Paul had spoken could possibly be attained by anyone who is not of his flesh, who could somehow imagine that he may magically become an Israelite.
The Charlottesville Fallout, with Dr. Michael Hill of the League of the South
The Charlottesville Fallout with Dr. Michael Hill
After the aborted Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017, teams of Jewish lawyers from New York and Washington, DC assembled to collect plaintiffs from among the antifa-connected activists and from among the supposed victims of the James Fields auto wreck in order to file a lawsuit against all groups and organizing parties attending the rally. We have been waiting for the trial and outcome of the case ever since, and now the first stage has finally come to pass.
On November 23rd a jury in Charlottesville handed down a split verdict in the Unite the Right lawsuit trial, where they could not reach a decision on the first two claims in the suit, which are the most important claims. They are related to whether or not there was a conspiracy in violation of Federal law, based on the so-called 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act. In my opinion, if there was really such a conspiracy, or if such a conspiracy was provable, there would most likely have been federal charges. However the grounds for claims 3 and 4 of the suit were based on a State of Virginia conspiracy law citing a supposed conspiracy to intimidate, harass or harm on the part of all of the defendants, and whether there was also a more specific conspiracy to commit racial, religious or ethnic harrassment or violence, on the part of some of the defendants. Once again, there were never any criminal charges related to those claims at the state level.
Athletes and other young, healthy people dying or suffering collapses and heart attacks after being VACCINATED.
Young athletes of all races are suddenly dropping dead on the fields of play, or having heart attacks or other serious problems. Both their doctors and the media usually refuse to point to the one common denominator, which is the fact that they have received Covid vaccines. This same thing is happening to many people in all walks of life, but when it happens to an athlete in a public exhibition it cannot be suppressed or ignored by the media. However they still do not want you to know, so they feed you with propaganda and distractions.
This is NOT "normal", vaccinations are not "normal" at all, and wearing masks all day for fear of a flu is not "normal". All those who do such things, or who submit to such things, are indeed worshipping the Beast. Now Austria, and soon also Germany, will make vaccinations compulsory.
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? - Revelation 13:4
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