The Widening Gulf and the Tolerance of Evil (UPDATE)
This evening I have a presentation which I was scheduled to give at the upcoming Florida League of the South State Conference, but due to circumstances beyond my control, I will not be able to attend. While I am saddened by that situation, men cannot be entirely confident what the future may bring, and for that reason we can never be certain of what we may be able to do tomorrow, even when we truly desire to keep our commitments. Because the format for this presentation has changed, I lengthened it somewhat as it was originally meant for about 45 or 50 minutes. I have not added anything to the theme, but only elaborated on some of the explanations. This subject was also the theme of a conversation which I had with Dr. Michael Hill some months ago, but of course in that circumstance I was not able to present this in its entirety. Hoping to do that in January, but having a necessity to change my plans, I will present it here and now. I pray that members of the Florida League of the South also listen to it here instead, as I believe they should hear it, and I pray that they consider what is said.
We all want to separate ourselves from the evil American empire. We all want to see the fall of what the Christian scriptures describe as Mystery Babylon. But there are righteous causes for secession, and there are unrighteous causes. We can only hope to be worthy of Christian liberty when we follow Christ and keep His commandments. So long as we continue on any other path, we are only deserving of tyranny, and we shall never secede. Then even if the American Empire crumbles, so long as our State is infested with sin, and we accept it, it will only fall subject to even worse tyranny. God will not be mocked. He will grant us deliverance from tyranny only upon our collective repentance, and even repentance is a gift from God, so we had better pray for it [Acts 5:30-31, 2 Timothy 2:24-26]. Do not be deceived: we shall never somehow bypass our God and vote our own way to freedom. These are not just words; this is truth, and you have no other choice but utter failure.
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