Putin a jew?
From a friend & visitor in Latvia
(12:29:10) G-343: russia is controlled by Gov security services
(12:29:24) papacat: couldn't get in earlier
(12:29:26) wmfinck: are they still jewish-run though?
(12:29:50) G-343: and KGB which is called FSB now
(12:29:56) G-343: as totally jewish
(12:30:05) G-343: so russia is led by jews now
(12:30:16) G-343: everybody are jews in Russian gowerment
(12:30:25) G-343: includian both presidents
(12:30:33) G-343: *including
(12:30:34) wmfinck: Yeah, that is what I thought
(12:30:45) G-343: even Pr. Putin is a Jew
(12:30:55) wmfinck: i was talking about Putin being a puppet for jews on the last few open forums i did
(12:31:09) wmfinck: i did not know he was one though, LOL
(12:31:42) wmfinck: Okay, NOW I am in Christogenea.net - I do not know why it would not before
(12:31:53) G-343: yea
(12:31:55) G-343: he is a jew
(12:32:29) G-343: http://vlasti.net/upload/vlasti/news012010/73895/data/0473d9d8aac2263e96...
(12:32:34) G-343: ерфе шы ршы фтыуыещк
(12:32:37) wmfinck: a lot of stupid white nationalists here see Putin as some sort of hero - the news of this past week will hopefully begin to change that
(12:32:43) G-343: this is his ansestor
(12:33:09) G-343: putin is a rare blonde mixed jew
(12:33:12) wmfinck: right, but your alphabet does not help me much, LOL
(12:33:36) wmfinck: there are some blonde jews here too, they marry our women as soon as they can
(12:34:07) icelander93: hmm nice we have some Swede now
(12:34:26) icelander93: i hope its not the kikess who wants to mamzerise the swedes
(12:34:27) G-343: btw medvedev is a jew too
(12:40:16) G-343: the jews here are about 5%
(12:40:30) G-343: and jew mixes about 15 %
(12:40:39) G-343: others are pure whites
(12:40:57) icelander93: good
(12:41:06) G-343: maby latvia is the whitest country
(12:41:10) G-343: in the world
Demonstration Against Putin the Jew