Altar 13, Belize
Altar 13, Belize, Caracol, Maya, A.D. 830, Limestone
This monument was discovered in 1951 during the University of Pennsylvania Museum's excavations at Caracol. The two standing figures portrayed represent the two main individuals mentioned in the text. The more elaborate costuming and posture of the figure on the right identify him as Caracol Ruler X. The 4th glyph in the vertical strip of text in back of the figure on the left, although somewhat eroded, is clearly the name, Papamalil. Between them is the kneeling figure identified in the text as Makal Te, who was to be beheaded. They are framed by the main text, which is shaped like a symbolic portal (way) connecting this world with the other world. Much of the eroded text can be read. (Text is from the UPenn exhibit display.
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